The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 197 There...I can't...I can't there

Chapter 197 There...I can't...I can't there
At the foot of the mountain, not long after Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun went up the mountain, a black commercial vehicle slowly drove over.

The car window slid down slowly, leaving a gap, and a pair of binoculars protruded from the gap, looking at the top of the mountain.

"Call the dragon head, here are cockroaches."

"I am the leader."

"The target has gone up the mountain."

"Which mountain?"

"Erlong Mountain."

"Buy it!"

"Wait!" a third voice cut in.

"I'm Tiger Head."

"Tiger head, what's wrong?"

"Don't be so excited. If this is the case, the purpose of targeting Ling Huohuo is too obvious. First figure out what they want to do. If this mountain is really important to them, buy this mountain. What will you do then? It’s not what we say!”

"It makes sense, then the cockroach will continue to observe."

"But the forest on the mountain is lush, it is difficult to observe what they are going to do from such a distance, and if you get closer, you may be spotted by the other party."

"That's not easy. I'll send an engineering team over later, pretending to go up the mountain for survey, but I will naturally be able to approach them when the time comes." Hutou said.

"As expected of a tiger head."

"Low-key! Everything is for love and justice!"

"Love and justice!" Dragon head.

"Love and Justice!" Cockroaches.

The cockroach put down the phone and looked at the partner beside him.

"Is this really good?"

"Whatever, the general manager and the others have plenty of money, so they can do whatever they want." The cockroach's partner held the steering wheel and shrugged.

"But this slogan is really..."

"What a shame."


Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun came to the abandoned open space.

"Just here." Ling Huohuo nodded.

"I'll clean it up first." Xiao Yunyun stretched out a hand.

"Let me come, you go to set up the magic circle and get ready." Ling Huohuo said.

Xiao Yunyun nodded, and walked to the distance, and countless small magic circles were assembled by her commander.

Ling Huohuo waved his hand, and a ball of flame appeared out of thin air and rushed to the ground. The orange-red flame flowed around like a stream of water, covering the entire open space, and began to burn the dead wood, fallen leaves and weeds on the ground.

Since the flame did not add the power of Yuyi this time, the flame only had the power of pure incineration, and it was orange-red.

The two came out this time mainly to solve Ling Huohuo's problem.

It's not that Ling Huohuo's practice has any problems, but that he is going to forcibly lift the seal on Yuyi's inner summoning ability!

After Xiao Yunyun and Babai's inspection, the seal on Yuyi is extremely complicated, there are many layers, and there are many powerful seals. If you want to solve layer by layer, I don't know when it will take to solve it. Absolute force impacting the seal, although it will cause damage to Ling Huohuo, but with Ling Huohuo's current strength, it is still within the acceptable range.

Ling Huohuo has obtained Yuyi for a long time, but because the ability of summoning has been sealed, he never knew what this so-called summoning can summon, so the two decided to find an open place away from the crowd. What if something terrible is summoned at that time, such as a tentacle monster... What's the matter with the déjà vu of the horse monkey shochu and the tentacle monster?

But what is certain is that the summoned thing must be very unusual, who can seal a slime with so many seals in leisure?

Just in case, Xiao Yunyun built several large magic circles outside to hide the aura. Although they couldn't compare with Hua Lifu's, it was impossible for those with lower strength than Xiao Yunyun to find them.

Then Xiao Yunyun built a bunch of enchantments and magic circles such as crowd dispelling barrier, defense barrier, isolation barrier, warning magic circle, etc. Finally, he built a recovery healing magic circle and several capture trap magics in the circle. Array.

The purpose of restoring the healing magic circle is to enable Ling Huohuo to recover as quickly as possible without leaving sequelae, and to be able to deal with accidents.

The purpose of capturing the trap magic circle is to prevent the summoned creatures from being disobedient, and to be able to restrain the opponent even if they do.

In the end, the materials for arranging the magic circle came out on top of Ling Huohuo.

Seeing Xiao Yunyun's arrangement of dozens of magic circles and barriers for whatever purpose with a resentful face, Ling Huohuo seemed to hear the scream of his own wallet being killed in battle.

"Then what am I doing? I don't care if you ask for labor fees." Xiao Yunyun rolled her eyes and wiped the sweat from her forehead. With her strength, it was a bit tiring to set up so many magic circles at once, but luckily they all succeeded. up.

Since the materials for arranging the magic array were reimbursed by Ling Huohuo, Xiao Yunyun "accidentally" arranged some more "very useful" magic arrays, which completely refreshed her.

"A big man, why do you care about money so much? Isn't it easy for you to earn money?" Xiao Yunyun's eyes flashed a hint of envy, she was very envious of Ling Huohuo's "turning stone into gold" power.

Although her family is well-off and she has a lot of pocket money, there is a limit to how much she can have, and it is still paid by the family, so the economic lifeline is in the hands of the family.

As a child of a big family, Xiao Yunyun's consumption level is very high, and the expenses are naturally high. In addition, since he started practicing magic, the resources consumed also need money to buy. There is no food left."

How can Ling Huohuo be as good as Ling Huohuo, who lifts a stone brick and turns it into a gold brick, as many as you want, this is not a human being, this is clearly a humanoid money printing machine!
And there is no need to worry about inflation, you must know that gold is a hard currency at any time!

It's a pity that Xiao Yunyun couldn't practice this spell.

But it doesn't matter, no matter how much Ling Huohuo moves, the money in the future will be mine!
Xiao Yunyun secretly encouraged himself.

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth. It wasn't about the money, but the feeling of being taken advantage of made him feel a little stuffy. Although he hadn't practiced magic for a long time, he could still see that there was a lot of magic here. Array does not seem to be of any use.

Recently, I always feel that Xiao Yunyun is paying more and more attention to money. Is this a sequela of integration?
"Okay, let's start." Yabai said.

Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun nodded, their expressions became serious.

Ling Huohuo sat cross-legged in the middle of the recovery healing magic circle, and began to adjust his state. After adjusting himself to the best, Ling Huohuo mobilized the power in his body at the fastest speed, using himself as a sword, communicating Yuyi's summoning channel, accompanied by sword intent and sword energy, Ling Huohuo launched a fierce blow.



Behind Sakurai Shrine.

Kazama Kawatani was sitting there drinking tea, enjoying the tranquility of the morning.

At this time, the sealed Shimen suddenly appeared.

"At this time!" Kazama Kawatani widened his eyes,

A "thick" force appeared out of thin air.

"Ah,...don't,'s...not's not allowed there,'s's's...ah..."

(End of this chapter)

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