The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 199 Another update will be posted later

Chapter 199 Another update will be posted later

True and false, false and true, people in the world are more or less deceiving, making it difficult to judge, so I covered my eyes and sealed my ears, but I can see and hear more clearly than anyone else. More real than anyone else.

"What are you doing here?" I said to her, although I couldn't see her, but I knew it was her.

"Hee hee, of course I came to see how my judge is recovering from his injury." A mischievous voice sounded, and there was a hint of heat on his cheeks.

"No problem."

"I said, you really can't speak, people care about you to come and see, but your tone is still so blunt, and you still have a paralyzed face all the time, give me an expression."

She distanced herself.

I opened my mouth. Usually, apart from scolding ghosts, I judge the sins of the dead. I really haven’t said anything good. Although she has discussed this issue with me before, I may really not have the talent in this area. As for the expression, Without emotion, how to make an expression?
So, I fell into silence.

"Hey, my lovely judge, would you like to show me the half of your face that you cover?" She asked curiously.

"Nothing to see."

"But people just want to see it."

I didn't say a word, just put my hands behind my head and untied the white cloth that crossed over my eyes.

As the white cloth slipped down, I felt the light for a long time, even the gloomy light of Yin Cao. I felt that my eyes, which had not seen the light for a long time, had adapted to the faint light, so I gradually opened my eyes, and what came into view was the bedroom. The simple decoration inside, and... a long-lost face with a round mouth in surprise.

I looked at the person in front of me in a trance, but I didn't know where my thoughts were going, my brain seemed to be in chaos.

"No... no... no way, you actually agreed to show it to me? You're not like this usually, shouldn't it be... shouldn't it be a decisive refusal? This... this, shouldn't your head be let Has the monkey been knocked out?" The person in front of me was obviously frightened by my sudden action, and seemed a little overwhelmed. Looking at her bewildered expression, my heart, which had long been dry, seemed to be touched. .

"It's okay, just take it off, it still needs to be covered."

"Oh? Why? You are handsome, and you are not blind, so why do you cover your eyes? What a pity."

"...Because in this way I can better examine the sins of the world, the eyes sometimes deceive me."

"Then you say, am I guilty too?"

she asked curiously.

"No." I said.

"Hee hee." She laughed, looking a little happy.

"Do you... want to listen to the piano?" I was touched, and I couldn't help asking tentatively.

"Qin? Can you play the piano?" She looked surprised.

I nodded, "I used to be a luthier."

"Then I really want to hear it, but your injury hasn't healed yet..."

"No hindrance, it does not affect the action."

"Oh," she still seemed a little worried, "but," she looked around the bedroom, "do you have a piano?"

"follow me."

I got up and straightened my monk's robe, left the bedroom, and walked slowly without making a sound, while she followed me, and no one spoke.

"You really don't have the aura of Hades at all." I broke the silence.

"What can I do if I have momentum? Do it for the pillars of the palace? Usually I just stay in the palace of the king of hell by myself. I let you do everything. There are no ghosts who can go to the palace of the king of hell. The monkey who came up also let you stop the door."


"Here we are," I said.

"This is... Oh, I didn't expect you to have such a place here." She looked a little surprised, and when I opened my mouth, she stepped into the courtyard alone.

This is my courtyard, which is different from others. My courtyard is behind the judge's mansion. I like to be clean, so there is no little ghost in the whole judge's mansion. Only I live in the judge's mansion. Because of neglect, other places are overgrown. The withered and yellow weeds are probably five feet high.

This courtyard is different from other places, with green grass, flowers and trees, a gentle breeze, a crescent-shaped lake in the middle of the courtyard, and a pavilion standing beside the lake. Here, the light is brighter than other places. A rare beauty.

"This Qin..." She stood by the court, looking curiously at the Guqin sitting in the pavilion.

The emerald green body of the piano is emitting a faint light, and the bright silver strings emit a biting cold light.

"He is a ghost, a ghost that becomes after a piano dies." I said.

"This is really rare. The spirit shattered into a ghost. What happened?"

"He was already like this when I saw him. No matter how I communicated, he never replied, and it is because of him that this courtyard can keep its beauty." I touched the body of the piano, as a person who loves the piano, It is inevitable to be a little sad to see what happened to Qin.

"Let's start playing the piano." She didn't know when she sat on the stone bench. There was no food in the vagina, and no one needed food. Otherwise, with a pot of fine wine and a few dishes of side dishes, she would look even more chic.

I didn't know what expression to make, so I sat down in front of the guqin, put my hands on the strings, and began to stroke gently, and the piano sounded.

The Sri Lankan said that he was lazy and wasted his wine.

Come to find a fruit, fearing that the world will be cowardly.

Lanqing's body is on fire, and it is fierce and scorching when it is on.

Since then, he has converted to Buddha and wears green qi in his monk's clothes.

The guqin was there quietly, the strings seemed to be trembling slightly.

She closed her eyes, as if thinking about it, I stretched my hand towards her face, and just when I was about to touch her, a red flame ignited at my fingertips, the sparks scattered, turned into small fire lotus, and then dissipated.

I withdrew my hand, my fingertips were scorched.

As soon as the mana was activated, the necrotic flesh fell off quickly, and new flesh grew, as if it was the same as before.

Wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, the monkey monster hit really hard, but he only used his mana a little bit, but unexpectedly caused injuries.

"Come on." I said to her.

"Oh?...Oh!" She smiled shyly, "It's really good."

"Let's leave." I got up, pressed the strings again, then turned and walked out of the pavilion.


As we left, the courtyard returned to its original state of silence.

The courtyard is quiet, the crescent-shaped lake has no ripples, the emerald green guqin sits quietly on the stone platform, and the flowers, plants and trees in the courtyard seem to be swaying slowly in the wind.


The piano sounded, and the courtyard suddenly became foggy, and the fog became thicker and thicker. There seemed to be two shadows in the fog, one playing the piano and the other dancing a sword.

The fog was getting thicker and thicker, and finally I couldn't see anything clearly, only the sound of the piano echoed, as if weeping, but no one listened.

(End of this chapter)

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