The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 200 8: Friction is the best

Chapter 200 Eight Hundred: Friction is the best
Ling Huohuo fell into Xiao Yunyun's arms, with fresh blood on the corner of his mouth, but Ling Huohuo didn't care.

At this moment, the two looked nervous at the one-person tall Shimen that suddenly appeared in the open space in front of them.

"Is this what you summoned?" Xiao Yunyun asked.

The stone gate in front of him was very ordinary, it looked like it was pieced together by extremely fast boulders, and it was covered with cracks and moss.

"This should be the portal. The real summoned object is in the space connected by the gate." Babai explained.


Suddenly, Shimen trembled, and the ten pieces kept falling off.

"Be careful, we are about to be opened."

With a bang, the stones on the surface of the stone gate shot to the surroundings, Xiao Yunyun hurriedly propped up his magic shield to block the flying stones.

When the smoke and dust fell, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun finally saw what Shimen looked like at this time.

The Shimen, which was originally a person's height, has now grown to three meters high and more than one meter wide.

The dilapidated stone gate turned into a black iron gate covered with dark red lines, as if blood had dried up there.

The iron door is open in the middle, and in the middle is carved the face of a red evil spirit. The evil spirit has its eyes closed and looks extremely ferocious.

Looking at the changed door, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun swallowed.


Babai rushed out of the box and floated to the two of them. Ling Huohuo also took out the sword box from his backpack and stood up on guard.

"Why didn't it move?" Ling Huohuo asked.

After waiting for a long time, the door stood here with nothing, and it was tiring to pose.

"I'll go over and have a look first, you need to recover first." Eight hundred said.

Ling Huohuo nodded, and sat down cross-legged. Now he can barely move. In fact, he has no strength at all. Fortunately, his recovery ability is still good, and his physical condition is improving rapidly.

"This door..." Babai turned around the door, "It's really a good thing."

"Is this door very high-end?" Xiao Yunyun asked curiously.

"of course."

"An artifact?" Ling Huohuo's eyes lit up.

"How is it possible, I am not a divine weapon. It is difficult to produce a real divine weapon in a world like yours, but although it is not a divine weapon, it is more precious than a divine weapon to you now." Babai sighed.

Ling Huohuo grinned, and I feel relieved with these words.

"Then what's the situation with this door?" Xiao Yunyun asked curiously.

"This door is forged with refined space iron. It is very strong and its quality can be adjusted. I just don't know the upper limit of the quality. And most importantly, there is an independent small world behind this door."

small world?
Ling Huohuo almost screamed from laughter.

Small world, it sounds very tall, this is the rhythm of going to the pinnacle of life.

"What is Small World?" Xiao Yunyun asked.

"If the storage space is a package, the small world can be understood as a house. Based on something, a space is built. The laws of this world are affected by the materials used to build the world, and different worlds will be produced, but If the founder is strong enough, he can directly write the laws of the world, and even build a world like the earth, but this world has no roots and no grass, no world consciousness and world core of its own."

"Isn't that equivalent to a large storage space?" Xiao Yunyun said.

"It's different. Most small worlds can store living things, create their own laws, and even be used to kill enemies. Different small worlds have different magical functions. Generally speaking, small worlds are very rare in the universe. On the one hand, The strength of the creator must be very strong, on the other hand is the limitation of materials, such a large piece of space refined iron can be regarded as a treasure no matter it is placed in the universe of that world."

"Then what's the situation with this door now?" Xiao Yunyun asked.

"It seems that Ling Huohuo needs to be opened to enter. After all, this door was summoned by him." Babai said.

"Okay, then I'll rest for a while before opening the door." Ling Huohuo nodded.

"Okay, but I suggest you refine this door first, so that you can completely control the world behind this door. In that world, you can absolutely control the rules of that world. You are invincible. Even in danger.”

Ling Huohuo nodded, and first began to recover the aura in his body. After half an hour, Ling Huohuo's aura recovered most of it, but his body was still very weak.

Restoring the aura is mainly to refine the small world.

Through Yuyi, Ling Huohuo quickly communicated with the small world behind the door, and a cold and dead breath made Ling Huohuo shiver.

"It seems that this world is not a very good world." Ling Huohuo thought secretly.

The aura cultivated in "Sword Code" is extremely domineering. At that time, Yuyi was refined in just an instant, but Ling Huohuo took half an hour to refine the small world behind the door.

After Ling Huohuo had completely refined the small world, a cold, dead breath suddenly entered Ling Huohuo's body, but it did not cause any harm to Ling Huohuo, instead it combined with the aura in Ling Huohuo's body. Together, they quickly repaired Ling Huohuo's body.

"This is..." Ling Huohuo looked at his hands in surprise. After a while, he felt that his body and spirit had recovered a lot, and his weak body became strong again. With this Speed, the injury that originally took a day to recover can be recovered in three to four hours.

"This is the feedback of the small world, and it can be regarded as one of the benefits brought by the small world. It seems that you can use the power of the small world behind the door, so that you don't have to worry about consuming power in the future." Babai explained.

"Then am I invincible?" Ling Huohuo asked, the power of a world is for his own use, this is the rhythm of infinite blue.

"How is it possible? Wake up, you don't think about your injuries, no matter how much water there is in the sea, isn't the speed at which the water can be sprayed out by the pipe still the same?" Babai sneered mercilessly.

"I'm not a water pipe!" Ling Huohuo shouted.

"Toothpick, that's fine." Eight hundred continued.

"..." Xiao Yunyun's face turned red.

"Babai, you have changed, your driving skills are getting more and more proficient." Ling Huohuo held back for a long time.

"Don't worry, I'm still me, I still like Miss Dabaojian, I won't compete with you for Xiao Yunyun."

"Okay!" Xiao Yunyun interrupted the two of them with a blushing face, and walked to the door, "Let's open the door first, and see the world behind the door."

"Cough cough." Ling Huohuo coughed twice in embarrassment, and glanced at Xiao Yunyun without leaving a trace.

"Human beings are really strange. Like our swords, we rub each other's blades when we see each other, and then enter each other's scabbard. The friction is the most loving, hehehe..." Babai laughed with unknown meaning, matching it That immature voice made Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun shudder.

"Enough, let's open the door quickly." Xiao Yunyun rubbed the center of her brows, she didn't want to know how the swords did such shameful things, their ears would be ruined.

"Oh, good." Ling Huohuo also nodded hastily, and then said to Xiao Yunyun: "Stay back."

(End of this chapter)

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