The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 203 In fact, we are very safe here... It wasn't my dormitory that exploded just now...

Chapter 203 In fact, we are very safe here... It wasn't my dormitory that exploded just now...

After Ling Huohuo and Happy signed the contract, the three of Ling Huohuo took Happy out of the small world, and then Ling Huohuo closed the small world.

The monsters in the small world are all in a sealed state, there is no need to worry, they can be slowly unsealed one by one in the future.

The obedient ones stayed and signed the contract of sale, and the disobedient ones were slaughtered directly, and handed over to Xiao Yunyun for study, she was very interested in monsters.

If it weren't for the contract, Happy might have been placed on the dissecting table by her.

Now Ling Huohuo is in a weak state, and he doesn't feel too good. It's better to go back first and talk about it when he recovers.

After closing the sealed door, the sealed door disappeared again, but Ling Huohuo could feel the existence of the sealed door through Yuyi.

After refining the small world, Ling Huohuo can enter and exit freely.

Under Babai's guidance, Ling Huohuo gave Xiao Yunyun and Babai the right to come and go freely. From then on, as long as they are by Ling Huohuo's side, each person and sword can freely enter and leave Ling Huohuo's small world at any time, and Babai Bai can also hide in the small world, so he doesn't need to get angry about the storage problem anymore.

As for Happy, Ling Huohuo will never give it the right to come and go freely.

It must have Ling Huohuo's permission to enter the small world.

Because even though Harpy has become a demon, it still cannot change the fact that it is a husky. Who knows when it will twitch its head and start committing crimes again?

You know, huskies are very good at tearing down houses!
The small world is not afraid of its destruction, but is afraid that it will destroy two seals one day. If some powerful monsters are released, it will be difficult to deal with at that time.

Even killing Happy and eating meat may not make up for it.

Xiao Yunyun withdrew all the magic circles, trying to recycle magic materials as much as possible.

These are all money!

Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun carried their schoolbags on their backs, tidied them up, and went down the mountain with a dog. On the way, they met a construction team.

The two didn't think much about it, they just thought that the other party was here to inspect the terrain, passed by each other, went down the mountain, got in the car, and went back to school.

After Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun left, a pair of binoculars stretched out from a commercial vehicle again.

"Leader, leader, here are cockroaches."

"The leader received it, what happened to the cockroach?"

"The target has gone down the mountain, and there is no change, but there is an extra dog. The breed should be a husky."

"Husky? Good! I see, you continue to monitor."


Ling Huohuo left, but the construction team on the mountain could not leave. Although Ling Huohuo and the others had left, the construction team had to continue searching to see if they could find traces of Ling Huohuo's activities, and then deduce that Ling Huohuo what they came for.

At this time, a group of people in strange clothes came from the opposite side.

It is the team of agents.

"Excuse me, have you seen a man and a woman?" the agent asked first.

"A man and a woman?" The captain of the construction team narrowed his eyes.

"What are you doing with them?"

"Oh, they are our companions who came out to play together, but the two of them got lost."

"Oh, then we didn't see it."

"Alright then, thank you."



"Walk slowly."

After the agent and the others left, the captain of the construction team winked at the two people behind him. They nodded knowingly and followed quietly.

The agents did not go far after they left, but lurked secretly.

No matter how you look at this construction team, they are suspicious. Do you really think they are here to play?

On the way back to school, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun also talked about modern things to Happy bit by bit, and told a lot of precautions.

The change of the times made Happy exclaimed and kept shouting.

After Xiao Yunyun listened to the car, the two walked into the school together.

Although the school regulations do not allow animals to be kept in the school, it is still no problem to take the dog for a walk on campus.

In fact, many schools have cats and dogs in the dormitory, as long as they are not caught, it is not a problem.

"How do you arrange it?" Xiao Yunyun looked at Happy, a strange light flashed in his eyes, "Or I'll raise it for you."

Happy shuddered, "No, no, I think it's good to be with Master, I'm absolutely obedient, Master, you have to trust me."

Ling Huohuo smiled, if he really gave Happy to Xiao Yunyun, then maybe Happy after he came back would be version 2.0.

"It's okay, let it move freely in the campus. With its strength, nothing will happen. I'll put it in the small world at night." Ling Huohuo said.

"Really?" Happy asked with some uncertainty. Humans and monsters have always been incompatible since ancient times. Who knows if someone will see that he is a monster and attack him.

I heard what Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun said before, not to mention this world, there are many people in this capital who can deal with it. You know, it only has the strength of the third level, but it has been sealed for a long time , there is no one in ten strengths, not to mention that he is still being targeted by Xiao Yunyun.

Happy looked at Ling Huohuo pitifully, the meaning in his eyes was obvious - are you sure it's really safe outside?
"Don't worry." Ling Huohuo rubbed Ha Pi's dog's head, "Actually, we are very safe here. Look over there, that's my bedroom."

Happy followed the direction of Ling Huohuo's finger, looked towards the sixth floor of an apartment, and then...

"Ling Huohuo, your dormitory exploded!!!!" Happy hugged his dog's face, his face turned pale with horror.

Ling Huohuo maintained a stiff smile: "How is it possible, it wasn't my dormitory that exploded, it was the next door to my dormitory... the next door???!!!"

Ling Huohuo also hugged his face, his face turned pale with horror.

Xiao Yunyun's expression became serious, something happened in that room.

Eight hundred appeared in an instant.

"Go and see the situation first."


half an hour ago.

Ling Tian sat in Ling Huohuo's bedroom, drinking coffee.

Esfelt was rummaging through the things in the dormitory, found a pair of underwear, stretched it, nodded, the elasticity was good, and then he looked at the man who was constantly busy there.

The busy man over there had a bruised nose and a swollen face, trembling.

"Master." Esfelt said.

"what happened?"

"This room should belong to His Royal Highness Ling Huohuo, but it seems that he doesn't live here often."

"Oh?" Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, "He has already gone out to live with someone, is it Xiao Yunyun? I don't know if he has taken safety measures, young people nowadays."

"..." Eisfeldt felt that the topic was jumping a little too much, so he decided not to answer it, "His Highness Ling Huohuo should have discovered these runes, and he might be worried about problems, so he moved out."

"So that's the case." Ling Tian nodded, but his expression looked a little disappointed.

What are you disappointed about?Eisfeldt has a black line.

"How long will it take to unlock the enchantment?" Eisfeldt asked the man with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

The two of them found this man downstairs, and it seemed that he had something to do with the room next door, so Ling Tian and the others decided to ask him for news first.

After Ling Tian's negotiation failed, Eisfeldt stood up. After some indescribable philosophical exchanges, the man said everything he knew. he.

Then the man started to remove the enchantment, but it has been several hours, and it seems that there is no progress at all.

The man trembled, and hurriedly said: "This enchantment is extremely complicated, but the space is connected together, no matter who it is, it must be dispelled bit by bit. Based on the current progress, it will probably take... three... three... two days many."

Ling Tian frowned, the time was too long, what if Ling Huohuo bumped into him?
"Is there a faster way?" Eisfeldt asked.

"Yes...but it's dangerous." The man said cautiously.

"Tell me." Ling Tian said.

"It's to detonate the space and use the power generated by the space explosion to destroy the barrier, but ordinary people can't bear the power of the space explosion, and the people trapped in it..." The man said cautiously, but he knew that the man was trapped inside. Two men.

Ling Tian's eyes lit up, and he clapped his hands, "That's the way, let's start."

"Um..." The man wanted to ask, are you sure that the person trapped inside is really yours?They must be traitors!But the man saw Eisfeldt looking at him again, and finally nodded.

"Give me half an hour..."

(End of this chapter)

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