The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 204 The Universe Under the Girl's Skirt

Chapter 204 The Universe Under the Girl's Skirt
The room next to Ling Huohuo's bedroom.

The room had changed drastically by this time.

On one side is a big pink princess bed filled with dolls, a milky white, beautifully carved small round table and chairs are placed beside the bed, and pastries and black tea are placed on the round table.

Leah sat on a chair, elegantly eating dessert and drinking black tea.

And on the other side.

Yiljes sat alone on the ground, using a small wooden stick to pull the fire and roasting sweet potatoes. He looked a little haggard.

"Il Jess, don't you really want to come and enjoy black tea with me?" Liya asked with a smile. Since the appearance of daily necessities and other food in the magic circle, Liya has used them, and the quality of life has been straight Ascending, on the other hand, Il Jess was still sitting there roasting sweet potatoes.

"No, everything here is unknown, and we need to be vigilant," Yiljes said.

"Don't worry, will it be all right until now? Besides, do you think these things can make me lost?" Liya patted her chest.

At this moment, the magic circle flickered, and a generation of potato chips appeared on the magic circle.

"Potato Chips!" Liya cried out happily, pounced on Potato Chips.

Iljes shook his head, "Don't worry, I will protect you and won't let my companion get hurt."

While eating potato chips, Liya said vaguely: "Woo, Il Jess, you are always like this, do you want some potato chips, this is a rare commodity."

Iljes shook his head.

"Boring guy." Leah complained, then quickly wiped out all the potato chips in her hand, tidied up her clothes, regained her elegance, and sat back on the chair.

Suddenly, the entire room trembled.

Iljes stood up in an instant, drew out the long sword pinned to his waist, and looked around vigilantly.

"Leah, come to me." Iljes yelled at Leah.

Liya was taken aback for a moment, then realized, and hurriedly got up.

However, before Lia lifted her foot, the whole room shattered.

Fortunately, Liya has a lot of experience, so she released several protective magic spells on herself in an instant, bursting out her strongest output, and finally broke free from the distortion of space, rushed out of the room, and flew into the air.

Seeing that Lia was out of trouble, Iljes felt relieved, and stood in front of him holding the sword in both hands.

"Elves of the Demon Forest, protect me!"

A thin oval-shaped purple energy shield protected Iljess inside, but the distorted space did not have much impact on the shield.

The space where the entire room was located exploded in an instant, and the enchantment that trapped the room also turned into pieces. All the runes shattered in an instant, and even the entire room exploded. Fortunately, this room is a corner room on the sixth floor. It didn't have any impact on the whole apartment, but the whole apartment still shook.

With the fragmentation of the space, the space in the room turned into darkness for an instant, but was repaired in an instant.

When the space was repaired, the whole apartment was missing a corner, but no gravel fell, as if the whole apartment had been cut off by a corner.

However, as the space was repaired, Il Jess reappeared in the energy shield, as if he hadn't been affected.

After seeing the person in front of them clearly, both sides smiled.

Iljess dispelled the energy shield and knelt down on one knee.

"Il Jess, thank you Lord for your help."

"It should." Ling Tian nodded, "By the way, where is Liya?"

"The moment the space exploded before, she broke free from the space and flew into the sky..." While speaking, Iljes and the others looked up at the sky, only to see a black dot rising into the sky, and then seemed to lose its strength, and began to accelerate whereabouts.

"Oh, it fell." Ling Tian smiled, this set of movements is really embarrassing enough, I can't learn it, I can't learn it.

The man was already dumbfounded at this time.

What level of powerhouse is this?In the middle of the space explosion, not only was he not caught in the space turbulence or torn apart, but it was like nothing happened!
The explosions from the apartment building also attracted the attention of those around them.

It was the weekend, and most of the students who didn't go home stayed in the dormitory, and rushed out the moment the dormitory shook.

"What? Is there an earthquake?"

"It's thundering and it's raining, so hurry up and collect your clothes."

"The wind is tight, scream!"


A group of men wearing only underwear and slippers were rushing out.

Seeing that so many people were attracted, Ling Tian smiled.

Then set a force on the ground.

"Let's go."

"Where is Leah? Don't wait for her to come down?" Esfelt said.

"The location where she fell is not ours, and..." Ling Tian pointed in one direction, only to see Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun running towards here with a dog.

"Leave the rest to Ling Huohuo. We don't need the things here for the time being. Let's go."


After talking about Ling Tian, ​​Esfelt, and Il Jess disappeared without a trace.

"Finally...gone..." The man knelt on the ground, gasping for breath, "I'm finally out of the clutches of the devil!"

Suddenly, Eisfeldt reappeared and picked up the man.

"Almost forgot about you."

"MMP!" man.

Then Eisfeldt dodged, and the two disappeared.


Leah felt that today was a big embarrassment.

Because of the excessive force, she shot straight into the sky like a rocket, and even broke through her own seal. Lori's reminder became the shape of a young girl, and the flat chest instantly turned into two small hills.

Leah's physical strength in this state will be terribly improved, and this state is not without price, that is, she cannot use magic!
For Leah, who considers herself a mage, hand-to-hand combat is the most annoying thing, so she doesn't like this state very much, so she sealed this state.

Leah, who was powerless, fell directly to the ground in free fall.

Leah pinched the flesh on her belly.

"Sure enough, have you eaten too much recently? Il Jess must be laughing at me now."

Because Lia was falling with her head down, she raised her neck and looked towards the ground, but she didn't see Iljes' figure.

Where did he go?Killed?That's more embarrassing than me.

"By the way... isn't the direction of my whereabouts a bit crooked?"

Liya looked at Ling Huohuo who was directly below her and thought.

At this moment, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun were running forward.

"Ling Huohuo, be careful!" Babai suddenly exclaimed.

"What?" Before Ling Huohuo could react, he felt as if something was about to fall from his head, and the wind pressure was pressing on him.

Ling Huohuo instantly leaned back and lay on the ground.

The earth cracked.

Happy hugged the dog's head and lay on the ground shivering.

Xiao Yunyun opened his mouth wide.

Wait until the smoke clears.

Ling Huohuo felt a little parched.

"It turns out that there really is a universe under the girl's skirt."

(End of this chapter)

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