The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 205 The couples have already fallen asleep, only the single dog is still awake

Chapter 205 The couples have already fallen asleep, only the single dog is still awake
Next door to Ling Huohuo's bedroom.

Since the entire apartment has been blocked, it is quiet here at this time.

Two figures in black robes suddenly appeared here.

"Is the portal here?" said one of the men in black.

The other man in black robe didn't answer directly, but looked at the phone in his hand, "It should be right, the phone navigation is here."

The first man in black nodded and looked around, "It seems that something happened here."

"It should have happened today. I didn't receive any news before, but it just so happened that the barrier here has been broken, which just saved us some effort."

"Well, and the portal hasn't been destroyed, it's a good thing for us. Things have been going wrong in Zhonghai City, and it seems that this time it's about to turn around."

"At that time I said not to cooperate with those undead, they are unreliable, you still don't believe it."

"Okay, it's my fault. It's important to open the portal first, enter the lost land, find the scepter of the gods, and finally we will rule the world!"

"Oh? Aren't we called Shitian?"

"What do you know? In order for others to find out about our organization and wipe us out like before, I decided to change my name frequently in the future. This is all to confuse the enemy!"

"Well, it sounds reasonable, but why do you feel something is wrong?"

"Ahem, call it Tianqi first this month, and change it next month. Okay, don't waste time, let's get started."


Then the two men in black robes each took out a golden key.

"Certificate of Taurus! Portal, open!"

"Certificate of Pisces! Portal, open!"

The two gave a low drink, and as the words fell, two keys floated in the air, and an exquisite and gorgeous golden door rose from the ground.

The whole door seems to be carved out of gold, and the door is covered with reliefs of birds and animals.

The golden light from the door can be clearly seen even from a distance.

There is a disc in the middle of the door, on which a circle of twelve constellation symbols are engraved, and there is a keyhole under each symbol.

The two men in black looked at each other, and at the same time inserted the key in their hands into the keyholes under the Taurus and Pisces.

After the two keys were inserted into the keyholes, they turned around automatically, and then there was a burst of buzzing sound from inside the golden door, and then the golden door slowly opened.

Through the golden gate, you can't see the opposite side, only a golden vortex, slowly rotating.

The two men in black looked at each other, walked into the golden vortex inside the door, and disappeared.

After the two of them entered the vortex, the door was closed again, but it didn't disappear. Instead, it hid the light and stood there quietly.


The wind blew, and the dust on the ground was rolled up.

Happy lay on the ground, yawned boredly, turned his neck, and looked in the direction of Xiao Yunyun's bedroom.

The couples are already asleep, only the singles are still awake.

Suddenly, Happy's ears moved, and he hurriedly pretended to be asleep and lay down on the ground.

After a while, footsteps sounded, and several people walked towards Happy.

"A dog?" said a man's voice.

"Husky." Another man's voice sounded a little cold.

"Maybe it was raised by the students of the school, and it was placed outside at night." A third person's voice sounded.

"Okay, don't worry about this husky, let's go and see what happened to the golden light that just appeared over there."

"it is good."

Afterwards, a group of five people turned and left.

When the five people left, Happy raised his head again, looked in the direction of Xiao Yunyun's bedroom, and then looked in the direction of the five people's departure, which was Ling Huohuo's apartment building.

"These five people actually have some strength." Happy squinted his eyes. One of the five people is a third-level person, and the other four are second-level people.

"Well, it's boring anyway, so let's go and have a look."

After finishing speaking, Happy got up and followed in the past.


Ling Huohuo was awakened by a noise.

Frowning, Ling Huohuo opened his eyes, and it was dark.

"Am I blind? My eyes!" Ling Huohuo screamed.

"Stop kidding, it's just that the lights aren't on." Babai's voice came in front of him.

"Oh? Ah, so that's the case, hahahaha." Ling Huohuo smiled, "By the way, where am I?"

"You are in Xiao Yunyun's dormitory." Babai said, "Before you were unconscious and had nowhere to go, Xiao Yunyun brought you back to her dormitory."

Ling Huohuo was taken aback for a moment, and then began to perceive the surrounding situation.

A scent came into Ling Huohuo's nose, and he touched his surroundings, the quilt, pillow, and curtain, and a girl's laughter came from outside the curtain.

"I shouldn't be..."

"That's right, you are lying on Xiao Yunyun's bed."

Ling Huohuo covered his mouth and suddenly became cautious.

"Don't worry, they won't be able to find you. Xiao Yunyun's bed is covered by a curtain, and they can't see you. Moreover, Xiao Yunyun's curtain is engraved with a magic circle of noise reduction. If you don't open the curtain, people outside will not be able to hear those inside. voice."

"So that's the case." Ling Huohuo heaved a sigh of relief.

"By the way, Xiao Yunyun asked me to tell you, don't use her things to do strange things after waking up."

Ling Huohuo's expression froze, and he forced a smile and said, "How could it be? Stop joking."

"What's the situation now?" Ling Huohuo changed the subject.

"You kicked the girl who fell from the sky and knocked her out, and then she was brought back by Xiao Yunyun. As for Happy, she was thrown outside by Xiao Yunyun."

"Where's that girl?"


"Revenge, if you don't take revenge, you are not a gentleman!"

"Oh, if I'm not mistaken, that girl should be at the sixth level."

"Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!" Ling Huohuo said seriously.

"..." Babai was speechless for a while, and at the same time sighed in his heart.

This is too embarrassing, I don't have the mentality of a strong person at all, the strength of the fifth level is already considered a high-end combat power in this world, Ling Huohuo is still timid and has no assertiveness in doing things, with such a mentality, [-]% of the time in battle To be able to display [-]% of his strength is a very good state. To be honest, Babai is very disappointed with Ling Huohuo's current situation. With Ling Huohuo's current state, it will be difficult to break through to a higher level in the future. Sooner or later, you will be trapped in a certain state.

Ling Huohuo's personality is not suitable for being a swordsman at all, let alone his understanding of the way of swords in the future.

A real swordsman should go forward bravely, uphold his own beliefs, dare to draw his sword at any time no matter how strong the enemy is, and have the spirit of "as long as it is alive, even if it is a god, I will show you." The sword can be sharper.

And Ling Huohuo... Can he beat it?If you can't beat it, then give it a try.

Eight hundred sighed.

Lord Sword God sent it here to help Ling Huohuo solve the crisis and guide him to practice, but depending on Ling Huohuo's seems that there is still a long way to go.

(End of this chapter)

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