The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 211 Newton's ashes are not cold yet

Chapter 211 Newton's ashes are not cold yet

"This... this power!!"

Watching Ling Huohuo instantly kill all the Cyclops with one move, the onlookers swallowed, unable to recover for a long time.

The strength of Cyclops is at the third level. They are strong and strong, with rough skin and thick flesh. Their attack methods are limited and their attack power is not strong. If they want to kill them, they have to use some means. They are good meat shields.

And when these Cyclops face the flames released by the fifth-level Ling Huohuo, it is obviously not enough to watch, and it is not surprising that they can be killed in one move.

But other people don't know Ling Huohuo's true strength, they can only judge by Ling Huohuo's appearance, Ling Huohuo is very young and doesn't look very strong, but Ling Huohuo's attack effect and the momentum created are It had a big impact on them.

"It's him!" Li Hao looked at Ling Huohuo and exclaimed.

"What?" The others looked at Li Hao suspiciously.

"He is Ling Huohuo."

After listening to Li Hao's words, the pupils of the people around shrank a little, and they looked at each other, a palpitation flashed in their eyes, and then there was a burst of gloating.

They knew about Ling Huohuo, but they had never seen Ling Huohuo make a move. Most of them were not very convinced and considered coming to trouble Ling Huohuo, but they were stopped by Li Hao.

However, although they didn't make a move, someone did!
The people who made the move were their parents.

The reason why Ling Huohuo couldn't rent a house during this period is because they slept outside. They have also sent people to monitor Ling Huohuo secretly. Can't sleep, if Ling Huohuo finds out about this, with Ling Huohuo's strength... a group of people laughed very unkindly.

With the light of the fire, many people in the distance could see Ling Huohuo clearly.

"Who is this?"

"very young."


"This kind of strength..."

A man and a woman are wearing night clothes and carrying bags behind their backs. In a remote place in Capital University, there is a dark tunnel in front of them. At this time, they are standing in front of the tunnel entrance, looking at the surrounding soil. , it can be seen that the tunnel entrance has just been dug, exposing the tunnel below, and there are many potholes that have just been dug around. At this time, the two are looking at Ling Huo standing on the sealed door Huo was in a daze.

"Husband, why does that person look familiar?" The woman touched the man beside her with her arm.

"Well... If I'm not mistaken, they look like this. We have two in our family." The man touched his chin.

These two people are Ling's father and Ling's mother. They are professors at Capital University, so there is nothing wrong with being here.

"No... it's one of our family." Mother Ling said suddenly.

"I'll call and ask later, won't I find out?" Father Ling said.

"That's right, let's talk about this matter later, it's important to do business." Mother Ling nodded.

"Yes." Father Ling said.

"I didn't expect that there is really a passage leading to the underground here. The instruments and compass can't be swept out at all." Mother Ling installed the compass and instruments on the ground, and sighed a little while looking at the dark tunnel.

"If we hadn't found clues about this place from the ancient books, it would be impossible to find the tunnel here. It's very weird here, so be careful after going down." Father Ling said.

Ling's mother nodded. The two found some interesting information in ancient books ten years ago, and then launched an investigation. Countless manpower and material resources were wasted, and I don't know how many people were cheated. It was easy to determine the range around here, but neither of them could determine the specific location of the tunnel whether they used scientific or metaphysical methods.

But today's chaos made the two of them see an opportunity, since they couldn't find it, let's dig it out.

So the two dug for more than half an hour, and luckily they dug a tunnel.

Just when the two were about to try it out, a faint golden light appeared from the tunnel, and then a staircase appeared in the tunnel, extending to their feet.

Ling's father and Ling's mother's eyes were fixed.

As an archaeologist, I have visited countless tombs, seen many strange things, and know some things that ordinary people don't know. The situation in front of me is obviously something terrible. Whether it is good or bad, it must be taken seriously.

However, the two were not too worried, and they had their own means of coping, otherwise they would not have survived at all. After all, many of the tombs were visited by the two of them in private, and there was no protection at all. As for the things brought out of the tomb What's wrong, only the two of them know, and they didn't hand it over to the state anyway.

The two looked at each other, nodded, took a deep breath, then stepped up the stairs and walked into the tunnel.

When the two disappeared, the stairs disappeared one by one.

The golden light flashed, the ground returned to its original state, and the tunnels and potholes all returned to their original state, as if nothing had happened.


After Ling Huohuo wiped out all the Cyclops, a new Cyclops appeared in the tunnel.

However, when the newly-appeared Cyclops saw Ling Huohuo and Chimera who were confronting each other, and found that all his fellow clansmen had disappeared, leaving only the steaming skull on the ground, he didn't know what to do for a while.

Touching their iron heads, the Cyclops decisively chose to retreat temporarily.

Chimera said twice to Ling Huohuo.

It is not a creature that is easy to talk about. Although it felt threatened by Ling Huohuo, it did not act rashly, but when it saw that Ling Huohuo had not acted for a long time, its manic nature defeated its reason.

With a wave of wings, Chimera jumped off the roof of the apartment building. After a brief gliding, he flew into the air with a wave of wings, then aimed at Ling Huohuo, and swooped down.

Ling Huohuo took off his glasses and put them into the small world together with his mobile phone and wallet. He didn't want to exchange things once in a battle.

"This beast is interesting." Eight hundred said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"Let's deal with it first, let's talk about it later."

"Okay, by the way, can you beat it?"

"Beat it." Babai said, even if he couldn't beat it, he couldn't say it. After a while, Ling Huo Huoxiong got up and was hit by himself again. He didn't know when he would be in this state next time.

"Okay." Hearing Babai's words, Ling Huohuo smiled and looked at the Chimera who rushed down.

Ling Huohuo jumped off the sealed door and fell from behind the sealed door.

Although he was not worried that he would not be able to beat the Chimera after he got the affirmation of [-], but the Chimera is so big, rushing down from such a high place, the power generated is absolutely terrifying, and he absolutely cannot stop it. Live, he is not an iron boy.

Although Newton was cremated, his ashes were not yet cold!
(End of this chapter)

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