The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 212 Magic Formation, Traps, Beast Trapped Foot

Chapter 212 Magic Formation Traps Trapped Beasts
As it turns out, the Chimera's head doesn't have the iron of the Cyclops.

Seeing Ling Huohuo jumping off the sealed gate, Chimera waved its wings again and flew into the sky, flew over the sealed gate, a red light appeared in its mouth, aimed at Ling Huohuo, and a fireball shot at Ling Huohuo again .

Ling Huohuo waved his hand, and the sealed door disappeared.

Looking at the fireball rushing towards him, Ling Huohuo's eyes narrowed, and a red dragon-shaped imprint with a silver border appeared on his forehead.

A ball of fire appeared under Ling Huohuo's feet, and then exploded with a bang. Relying on the thrust of the explosion, Ling Huohuo changed the direction of his fall and flew to the other side, avoiding the incoming fireball.

The fireball fell to the ground, blasting a crater with charred marks all around.

Ling Huohuo raised his head and spotted the position of Chimera, and a ball of fire appeared under his feet again.

This is an application of power developed by Ling Huohuo.

Relying on the thrust generated by the flame explosion, he can move forward in the air for a short time, but this method can only be used by Ling Huohuo himself, because only he himself will not be injured by the fire he created.

After several ups and downs, with a line of fire, Ling Huohuo rushed straight to the Chimera.

Seeing Ling Huohuo rushing towards him, Chimera also rushed towards Ling Huohuo without showing any weakness.

At the moment when the two were about to collide, a ball of fire exploded under Ling Huohuo's feet again, and Ling Huohuo flew above the Chimera.

Seizing the opportunity, Ling Huohuo let out a low drink, raised the sword box in his hand and smashed it at Chimera's lion head.

The three lion heads of the Chimera are the largest, so if you don’t hit it, hit the other one?

Chimera couldn't dodge in time, and was directly hit by Ling Huohuo on the lion's head.

With Ling Huohuo's strength, Chimera was smashed and swayed in the air, almost falling into the air.

Fortunately, the sword box was strengthened by Ling Huohuo, so it was very hard, and it was not smashed in half by Ling Huohuo.

Just when Ling Huohuo was about to continue attacking, Chimera's sheep's head suddenly looked at Ling Huohuo, and the eyes of the sheep's head glowed purple, and then Ling Huohuo felt weak and empty in his body.

"It's a curse!" Xiao Yunyun, who came back at some point, shouted at Ling Huohuo.

After hearing Xiao Yunyun's words, Ling Huohuo hurriedly communicated the purification power of Yuyi in his body, a white light flashed, Ling Huohuo returned to normal, and he felt the power in his body again.

However, because of the meal just now, Ling Huohuo's upward trend was cut off, and his body began to fall.

Several flame explosions slowed down the falling speed, Ling Huohuo safely landed on the ground, Xiao Yunyun hurried over.

"That was just now..." Ling Huohuo frowned and looked at Chimera with a serious face. If he hadn't caused damage to Chimera first, so that it had no strength to fight back, it would probably be weakened by itself. At that moment, Ling Huohuo found that he had no chance to react at all. If Xiao Yunyun hadn't reminded him, he would never have thought that this was a curse, and he couldn't break it at all, and the spiritual power in his body There was no reaction at all!This is just too weird.

"It's a powerful weak curse, and it's very difficult to deal with." Xiao Yunyun looked at Chimera who fell to the other side with a serious face. She practiced demon magic, so she was familiar with curses. Small curses were fine, but strong Curses generally require a medium. If you want to directly use this kind of curse that is hard to guard against and is not small, you must have extremely strong strength!

Eight hundred suddenly appeared beside the two of them, and said: "The curse just now has the aura of law, without special props, without breaking through to the sixth level, breaking the shackles of mortals, it will be difficult for you alone to guard against it!" , not to mention unraveling the curse, the master of your Yuyi should not be weak, so the purification power of Yuyi can undo the curse of the Chimera, but fortunately, the Chimera itself is only at the fifth level , using such power itself will not feel good, and it is impossible to use such power in a short time."

After listening to Babai's words, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun looked at the Chimera carefully. At this time, the lion head of the Chimera was still shaking dizzily, while the sheep's head closed its eyes and looked at the Chimera. It looks a little sluggish.

Now in Chimera, there are only the two snakeheads who have been vigilantly guarding against Ling Huohuo, and they keep spitting out snake letters.

"The lion's head breathes fire, and the sheep's head is a curse. I don't know what the snake head is capable of?" Xiao Yunyun said.

"The Chimera's weak point should be on the top of the head. Otherwise, when Ling Huohuo attacked the top of the lion's head just now, the sheep's head would not directly use this kind of power that hurts both sides, and the attack on the top of the head should cause serious damage." Babai continued to analyze road.

"No matter what other methods are available, if one of its heads is abolished now, wouldn't it be enough to abolish the other two?" Ling Huohuo said confidently.

Although he suffered a little loss just now, Ling Huohuo also knew that he was on guard against the Chimera's snakehead, but he couldn't tell anything from looking at it like this. It's better to go up and fight directly. Let's talk about danger if nothing happens. It would be better to solve the Chimera.

Ling Huohuo touched the sword box, and the sword box was cut to one side, and a red fire flashed inside.

Ling Huohuo pinched his sword fingers, and all the swords flew out in a line, lining up behind Ling Huohuo.

Under the moonlight, the sword reflected cold light, which made the bystanders shiver.

"Let me help you restrict its movements." Xiao Yunyun said.

She is at the fourth level, and she also feels threatened by Chimera. Although she is not reconciled, she knows that it will be difficult for her to face Chimera in this battle, but fortunately, apart from fighting Chimera, she There is also the option to harass on the sidelines.

Ling Huohuo nodded, "Thank you for your hard work."

Then Ling Huohuo waved his hand, all the swords behind him were covered with a layer of red light, and shot at Chimera.

Long-distance attack is a good way to test the enemy, and Ling Huohuo's long-distance attack means, apart from using the fire control ability brought by blood, is only a means of flying sword.

Ling Huohuo didn't use any sword skill to control the sword to attack with the flying sword, but directly used the spiritual power in his body to control it. Using this method to control hundreds of swords at a time for attacking consumes a lot, but there is a small Ling Huohuo, backed by the world, can say bluntly that such consumption is trivial.

Because these swords have been warmed by Ling Huohuo in the sword box, the spirituality in these swords has improved rapidly. The sword spirits of the three swords that have been born with spirituality have begun to transform into fire-attributed sword spirits. .

However, these swords are made of ordinary iron after all, and their hardness is not high. In order not to damage these swords that were finally born with spirituality, Ling Huohuo put sword intent and sword energy on the outside of the swords.

A torrent of swords rushed towards Chimera, and the first ones were the three swords that gave birth to spirituality. Just as Chimera was about to avoid it, four small magic circles emerged from the ground, and they happened to be set on the ground of Chimera. On Myra's limbs, Chimera was pulled and left on the ground.

On the other side, Xiao Yunyun was squatting on the ground with one hand on the ground, and many small magic circles appeared around him.

Xiao Yunyun smiled as he looked at the restrained Chimera.

"Magic Formation, Traps, Hundred Beasts Trapped Foot!"

(End of this chapter)

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