The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 215 I don't read much, don't lie to me

Chapter 215 I don't read much, don't lie to me
Ling Huohuo was called to the office again.

"Not only will you be demerited this time, but it is very likely that this matter will be put in the file." Liu Chuan said.

"Why should I be demerited for entering the female dormitory based on my ability? I won't reflect on it!" Ling Huohuo replied.


Capital University, archeology major, postgraduate classroom.

"Professor Ling and his wife are missing again." A female student said helplessly.

"Missing? Did you contact me?" another boy asked.

"I contacted, but I didn't get through the phone, and I didn't reply to the information on the Internet."

"It's normal, young man, don't worry." At this moment, an older student came over.

"Senior brother, why are you not in a hurry? You will be graduating soon, and the professor won't come back. What will we do with our graduation thesis?" the girl said anxiously.

"What's the use of being anxious, just get used to it." The brother made himself a cup of coffee.

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you think I haven't graduated after studying for six years?" The brother said looking out the window.

"No..." The boy and the girl still looked at each other the same way.

"I expected it a long time ago, so... I didn't write my graduation thesis this year." The brother said triumphantly.

again?Why do you always feel that something is wrong?

"Don't your professors always disappear at this time?" asked the new boys and girls, if it was true, then it would be troublesome.

The senior supported his chin, "That's not true, they all came back last year, the year before and the year before last, but I thought they didn't write papers if they didn't come back."

The boy and the girl looked at each other.

"We have a three-year system."

"In that case..."

"You have never written a graduation thesis???" The boys and girls looked at their seniors in shock.

The senior brother showed a big smile to the two, and gave a thumbs up, "Bingo!"

You do not graduate is your own problem!This definitely has nothing to do with Professor Ling and the others!They won't take this blame!


America, night.

US National Bank.

As one of the largest banks in the United States, the National Bank of the United States has a high status in the United States. It stores a huge amount of banknotes and gold in the bank all the year round, and stores various treasures in the vault, because the National Bank of the United States is also extremely guarded. , From the National Bank of the United States to the present, no organization has been able to steal or snatch anything from the National Bank of the United States' vault.

However, the myth of Bank of America may be about to be busted today.

At this time, there were several layers of special police around the Bank of America, and more than a dozen helicopters were patrolling back and forth in the sky, and the searchlights did not let go of any corner.

In the distance, countless snipers aimed at every window of the bank.

The special police and the people in the bank were in a stalemate, without taking a step forward, only the report of the reporter came, breaking the tranquility at this moment, the corpses and traces of artillery fire all over the ground told how tragic the battle just happened.

Soon, several tanks and armored vehicles came, and soldiers surrounded the bank, making the encirclement even thicker.

An old American man in military uniform stepped out of the armored vehicle, and the logo on his shoulder showed his identity—four-star general!
"General!" Several officers saluted the old man.

The old man returned a military salute and nodded to several people.

"Do you know the identity of the people inside?" the general asked.

"The specific identity is unknown, and the other party does not have any signs." An officer shook his head.

The general frowned, "What is the other party's purpose?"

"According to the insider, the other party's target is probably inside the safe."

"What about the status of the hostages?"

"The hostages were rounded up and guarded and were not harmed."

"How are the negotiations going?"

"The other party refused to negotiate and could not be contacted at all."

The general's face became serious. The other party's refusal to negotiate is not a good sign. What does this represent?This means that the other party has nothing to fear at all. Simply put, they just don't want to kill them. This makes it difficult for them to deduce the real purpose and specific identity of the other party based on the content of the negotiation!

And the reason why he, a four-star general came here, is to represent the government and negotiate with the other party!
The organization that attacked the bank this time was very strong. Not only did they quickly occupy the bank, but they also had enough firepower to counterattack. Up to now, they couldn't get in at all. The opponent's ammunition seemed to be unlimited, and the government also secretly dispatched a team to attack the bank. A unit with special abilities sneaked in secretly, but the other party quickly lost contact, which made the government have to take this attack seriously.

"Continue to try to contact," the general said.


Inside the National Bank of America.

The hostages gathered together, squatting on the ground, shivering.

They don't know if this group of people will attack themselves, but this is what makes them feel desperate. Death is not terrible, what is terrible is waiting for death.

Some heavily armed people were wandering in the hall with weapons in their hands, and more people were defending at the door with weapons in their hands.

Before the vault.

A group of people dressed like leaders stood here, and there were a few people on the ground who were cracking the password of the vault.

"Cut, a group of little mice is not enough to kill." A hardcover American man wiped the blood-stained knife in his hand.

"Third brother, don't worry, there will definitely be more little mice coming for you to kill after today." A fat and ugly man said.

"Okay, how long is it?" A simple-looking black man asked.

"Back to the big boss, there are still 3 minutes." A staff member said.

The big leader nodded, looking very satisfied.

"Everyone, work hard, and when you go back, the benefits will be indispensable to you." The big leader said.

Everyone was overjoyed, smiled, and began to thank the big leader.

After everyone resumed work, the chief looked at an Asian man in a white coat and gold-rimmed glasses beside him.

The man's hair was well-groomed, the clothes on his body were spotless, and he was smiling. He looked like a scholar. He was not in the same style as the group of people around him.

"Brother, are you sure that thing can give us stronger power?" asked the big leader.

"Of course, respected chief." The Asian man said with a smile, "This is the clue I found after searching a lot of documents. Haven't you already confirmed it? The things are in this vault."

"That's good. I don't read much, so don't lie to me."

"..." The Asian man had black lines on his hair.

"Hmm... do you think you will let others get there first?" The chief touched his chin.

"No, big boss, almost no one knows this secret, even if someone knows, not everyone has the strength to enter the vault like the big boss." The Asian man flattered.

"Haha, then I can rest assured." The big leader laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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