The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 216 What a coincidence, did you also go out for a walk after dinner?

Chapter 216 What a coincidence, did you also go out for a walk after dinner?
At this time, with a click, the door of the vault opened!
Seeing this, the big leader and the middle-aged man were excited, and the goal was finally achieved.

As the door of the vault was pulled aside, everyone could not help but be taken aback when they saw what was inside clearly.

I saw that the vault was not as deserted as imagined, there were actually three people in the sealed vault! ! !
Various things were scattered on the metal floor. Looking at the safes that were opened, they should all be stored in the safes.

In the middle of the ground, there is a melted hole, how the three of them got in naturally needless to say.

And the three people in the vault obviously didn't expect that the vault would be opened from the outside, because the sound insulation effect of the vault is very good, so they didn't hear the movement outside at all, and looked at the clothes of the big boss and others. , They are obviously not bank staff.

The two groups of uninvited people looked at each other, looking at each other speechlessly... so embarrassing.

"Hey, did you guys come out for a walk after eating too?" A man in the trio in the vault said with a smile.

"That's right, but you probably haven't eaten enough." The chief said with a smile, as if he was an old friend of the trio.

The man touched his stomach, "It's okay."

"You're welcome." The chief's smile became ferocious, "I invite you to take a gun now! Shoot!"

With the order of the big leader, the muzzle of the trio that had been aimed at the trio long ago spewed out flames.


Another man in the trio let out a low drink, and the three of them dodged to the back of the safe.

"Senior, what should we do now?" Xia Ri asked.

That's right, the trio of these two men and one woman are Ling Miao, Yin Ya and Xia Ri.

It was Xia Ri who had just talked to the big boss.

" seems that they are not good people, let's solve it." A cold light flashed in Ling Miao's eyes. Now that he saw their appearance, this group of people must not stay!
Recently, for some unknown reason, the three of them were targeted by the FBI. Fortunately, the three of them did nothing, and they have been safe until now. If the matter of the vault was leaked, they would definitely be rounded up by the FBI.

Although the strength of the three is not weak, they have not expanded to the point where they think they can defeat a big country.

After hearing Ling Miao's words, Yin Ya and Xia Ri nodded. They had experienced a lot and knew the importance of this operation. Although they had never killed anyone, they had already made psychological preparations and wanted to To achieve the goal, it is very likely that there will be conflicts with other forces. When the time comes, killing people is inevitable, and these people who don't look like good people will become their first prey.

Xia Ri took a deep breath, and took out the ledger that was never on her waist.

"Everyone, please help me." Xia Ri snorted, "Shadow Ghost, I'll leave it to you!"

The ledger trembled for a while, and then one of the pages stood up, with strange words written on it. The words on the paper seemed to come to life, broke free from the paper, fell to the ground, and turned into a black shadow, as if something same as the shadow.

"Thanks a lot!"

The black shadow turned, turned out of the safe along the ground, and rushed towards the people who were shooting at the door of the safe.

"What is this?"

Everyone also noticed the shadow rushing over, and hurriedly shot at the shadow on the ground.

However, when the bullet hit the black shadow, it bounced off as if it hit the ground, but the black shadow was not affected in any way.

In the blink of an eye, the black shadow rushed to a person's feet and merged into that person's shadow.

Everyone stopped shooting and stared nervously at the man, only to find that he seemed to be fine.

"Hmph, it turned out to be a bluff...ah, my body is out of control!"

The person who was melted into the shadow by the shadow ghost shouted in horror, his body twisted uncontrollably, and he turned around and pointed his gun at the big boss.

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the strong man called the third child. Before the man could shoot, he rushed to the opponent's body, swiped, and quickly swung the dagger in his hand twice.

The first time cut off the hands of the person being controlled, and the second time directly wiped his throat.

The possessed person's eyes widened and he opened his mouth. Blood continued to flow out of his mouth. Finally, he fell to the ground and lost his vitality.

Seeing that the other party was so cruel, the expressions of Ling Miao and the other three became a little serious.

"That person just now..." Yin Ya said in disbelief.

"Fourth order!" Ling Miao said. He didn't pay attention to it before, but they sensed the man's strength by virtue of the power fluctuations when the strong man made a move just now.

Ling Miao used special means to sense carefully, and found that the strength of other people is not weak. The strength of the black man, that is, the big boss, is the fifth level, and the ugly fat man is the fourth level. The Asian man wearing gold-rimmed glasses is actually It is also the fifth level, but most of the people around are ordinary people, only a few have the strength of the first level.

Unexpectedly, the other party is not an ordinary person.

Of the three of them, only Ling Miao himself is at the fifth level, Yin Ya is at the fourth level, and Xia Ri is at the third level. If there is a war, it may not be too easy tonight. As for losing, Ling Miao said, I am above the fifth level. They've all fought each other, let's hurt each other!
Xia Ri recalled the shadow ghost, and the shadow ghost returned to the ledger.

The strength of the partners in the ledger is affected by Xia Ri's strength, and the strength they can display is limited. If Xia Ri is also at the fourth level, Xia Ri said, just like a strong man, he can fight ten!After all, he can only summon one shadow ghost, and now he...hehe.

"I didn't expect these little mice to be so simple." The strong man's eyes showed a bloodthirsty light, and he looked in the direction where Ling Miao and the others were hiding.

"It's impossible to continue searching one by one. Xia Ri, is there anyone among your partners who can take away all the safes here?" Ling Miao said.

"Yes, Shadow Ghost can pull all the things here into the shadow world, but due to the limitation of my strength, it will take some time to pull all the things here into the shadow world." Xia Ri was a little embarrassed Said.

"Okay, Yin Ya and I will delay the time later, you are responsible for cooperating with the shadow ghost to pull all the things into the shadow world, first pull from a distance, and finally pull a few here. Retreat in the tunnel." Ling Miao said quickly, the reason why he pulled the distant ones first was because the enemy is now focusing all their attention on their direction, if they find out their intentions, they will definitely stop them .

"Understood." Xia Ri nodded, "I'll ask other partners to help you deal with those ordinary people."


The three of Ling Miao looked at each other, Ling Miao and Yin Ya turned around and rushed out, a dragon-shaped imprint appeared on Ling Miao's forehead, and a lotus imprint appeared on Yin Ya's forehead.

Xia Tian spread out the accounts.

"Get up and move, everyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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