The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 221 There used to be such a family...

Chapter 221 There used to be such a family...

The eldest sister who was listening to the conversation here flashed a wave of indifference in her eyes, but no one saw it.

As a national metropolis, Zhonghai City, the top economic city in China, how could it be possible that there is no one in control?
The eldest sister's status is not low, and she knows things that many families don't know.

There is indeed a family in power in Zhonghai City, but it was in the past. Later... Thinking of this, the corner of the elder sister's mouth twitched. If it wasn't for the facts written in the file, she couldn't believe the family in power The reason for the disappearance - the collective crossed!

The gods have traveled collectively, have you invented the time machine?
However, the fact is that this is indeed the case. The whole family disappeared overnight, and it became an unsolved case.

Later, I found the correspondence written by the patriarch of that family to his friends at that time, and then I found out what happened to them.

The patriarch of that family said in the letter that his family had found a way to time travel, and it was 100% safe. The patriarch felt that time travel was the first step to reach the pinnacle of life, and he also kindly invited his friends to travel with his family and walk together. On the pinnacle of life.

At that time, his friend thought that the patriarch's secondary illness had occurred again, so he played a wave with him, expressing that he was very satisfied with his current life and didn't want to reach the pinnacle of life. As a result, the whole family crossed collectively the next day Yes, his friend was shocked when he heard the news!

You are fucking serious this time! ?
Then, there was no more news about that family, and no one knew how they crossed over.

Because this incident was too unimaginable, it was the national organization that discovered it first, so it was blocked by the country, and the friend of the patriarch also brought this incident into the coffin. It is said that he passed away peacefully back then.Therefore, many forces now do not know about this matter.

And when that family disappeared, someone naturally focused on the big cake in Zhonghai City, and then...they played GG collectively.

It seems that some strong man was offended, and they were thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

In the end, Zhonghai City seemed to be cursed, and there was no real powerful force born there, and no real ruler appeared again.

"Ling Huohuo, is your surname Ling?" The eldest sister murmured, because the family in power in Zhonghai City back then was the Ling family!
It is said that the Ling family back then was a family with abnormal collective brain circuits, but managed to make a fortune and reached the pinnacle of life!

Although everyone was somewhat interested in the backgrounds of Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun, they didn't know these secrets, so they didn't think much about them.

"What are you doing here?" Xiao Yunyun said in a bad tone, she glared fiercely at Diao Lingyun, especially her breasts, if it wasn't for someone, she would have wanted to go up to him.

Why are you so big?Why?
Is this the rhythm of everyone in the world D and me alone A?

Seeing Xiao Yunyun's hostility towards her, Diao Lingyun looked puzzled, as if she hadn't offended her?

The others also looked puzzled, and then their feelings towards Xiao Yunyun dropped a notch. No one would like a person who is hostile to others for no reason.

Some people looked lively.

Ling Huohuo seemed to have thought of something, patted Xiao Yunyun on the shoulder, and comforted him: "Don't worry, you are the smartest."

Why?Because she has big breasts and no brains, and Xiao Yunyun...haha.


Ling Huohuo flew out.

Xiao Yunyun knew that he had lost his composure, took a deep breath, and showed a sweet smile, "Excuse me, what's the matter?"

Everyone's eyes widened, what the fuck, who are you, beauty?
Xiao Yunyun didn't look bad at first, but after merging with the donkey devil, his skin became extremely fair and tender, and his temperament became very characteristic. Now that he smiled, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"This is not much different from Diao Lingyun." Bing Wuyan thought secretly.

A trace of surprise flashed in Diao Lingyun's eyes.

And Long Hai's eyes lit up and then turned dark, and soon returned to their original state, gentlemen, I like beautiful women, but I'm sorry, my heart is Diao Lingyun.

"Ah, you guys are very unfamiliar. We want to come over and get to know you. It's a pleasure to meet you." Bing Wuyan said.

"We are also very happy to meet you." Xiao Yunyun said with a smile.

"I don't know where the two are high school?"

"We are students of Zhonghai University, but we are currently studying at Beijing University."

Zhonghai University... Many people were taken aback for a moment. Although the news reported that Zhonghai University was burnt down, anyone with connections knew what happened to Zhonghai University. portion.

They do have a share in the battle, but they are definitely not the ones who ruined the school. Go find Ling Miao!

"Really?" Bing Wuyan continued to smile.

At this time, a group of people came over.

"All, line up!"

"It's the instructor." Qiao Feifei whispered.

"Then let's go first, and you can come to me again." Bing Wuyan said.

"Definitely." Ling Huohuo said politely.

Bing Wuyan and the three of them turned around and left with their little brother, trying to drag their feet.

Everyone knew where they came from, so they didn't say much.

Soon, under the command of several instructors, everyone stood in line.

More than 500 people stood in a square formation of twenty by 25, and the few extra people stood at the end.

Facing the instructor was the side of twenty, whether it was intentional or not, Big Sister Tou, Bing Wuyan, Diao Lingyun, Long Hai, Ling Huohuo, Xiao Yunyun, the most powerful stood in the first row.

There were five instructors in total, and the one standing at the front was a muscular man. Ling Huohuo felt that his philosophy must be very good.

This strong man is of the fifth rank!General rank!
Behind our strong man stood a row of four people.

Two men and two women, both looked young, but their strengths were both at the fourth level, and their aura was fierce, with the rank of lieutenant general.

"These are all people from the country, and they are all veteran fourth-tier powerhouses. They are only one step away from fifth-tier. The leader is Qingshan, who is ranked No. 17 in China's domestic fifth-tier rankings. Don't look at how young they are. , in fact, the youngest ones are all in their 30s, and Qingshan is almost [-]." Standing beside Ling Huohuo, Bing Wuyan looked at Ling Huohuo curiously, and explained.

Although they are all Tier [-], Bing Wuyan doesn't think he can defeat any of the instructors here. The span of each Tier is also very large. The younger generation is like this, with the support of many family resources and the guidance of the strong family, it is normal for a few juniors in the family to break through to the fourth level, with better talent and hard work. It's not that simple anymore.

If they really fight against these veteran Tier [-] powerhouses, they will be beaten to death.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Qingshan, General Huaxia. I will be your chief instructor in the next month. The four behind me are assistant instructors."

"Qing Shanshan, Lieutenant General of China."

"Ouyang Wan, Lieutenant General of China."

"Li Mingzhi, Lieutenant General of Huaxia."

"Liu Changge, Lieutenant General of China."

(End of this chapter)

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