The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 222 Have you heard of "Evil Resisting Sword Art"?

Chapter 222 Have you heard of "Evil Resisting Sword Art"?

The days of training in the military region were fairly ordinary.

The training camp mainly exercises four items-strength, control, skills, and combat.

Strength refers to one's own strength. The instructor will guide the students to practice. The military area provides free training resources. All food in the cafeteria is free, which can replenish the exhausted physical strength and provide a lot of nutrition. It is open 24 hours a day. Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun eat It's very cool, because many things in it can't be bought outside even if you have money.

Controlling power refers to exercising the control over one's own power, so that people can better control their own power, so that they can be retracted freely without wasting power.The military region has a lot of professional equipment and professional guidance. Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun, who have never done training in this area, have made rapid progress. Ling Huohuo feels that the power he can use is stronger, while Xiao Yunyun is starting to feel better. training, because if Xiao Yunyun couldn't control his temper well, he would be easily targeted in battle.

Skills refer to the proficiency of skills. The instructors will guide and help to make corrections. With the strength of the instructors, it is very easy to do this.At the same time, you can use your points to exchange for many rare and powerful skills in the military area, which is one of the main reasons why many people desperately want to join this training camp.

Points are issued by the country after completing tasks issued by the country. At the same time, they can also be exchanged for skills or equipment. Skills must not be duplicated with skills in the original exchange list. The same skill can only be exchanged once, and there will be professional personnel to evaluate Points that can be exchanged, these points can not only be exchanged for skills, but also for equipment and materials.

Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun have never done missions issued by the state, and they have no other missions in the military area, so they don't even have a single point.

Originally, Qiao Feifei wanted to reluctantly lend some points to the two, but... when Ling Huohuo saw the rules for exchanging points.

Ling Huohuo doesn't have much equipment, but Ling Huohuo has so many skills!
Swordsmanship and swordsmanship, although Ling Huohuo doesn't know many swordsmanship, because there are not many swordsmanship in the "Sword Code", but there are more than [-] masters!

As one of the swords of the sword god..., I was slapped twice by the sword god for nothing. After using my "body" experience, I naturally learned a lot of sword skills, but most of them were high-level sword skills. It is impossible for people in society to practice basic sword skills every day, and the swordsmanship that cannot break the stars is too embarrassing for the sword gods to practice.

Finally, after reminiscing for a long time, Babai found a sword technique with the lowest level, and then deleted and deleted a lot of it. Ling Huohuo tried it, and the power of this sword technique was defined by Babai as the fifth level .

Although it is the fifth level, but due to incomplete swordsmanship and limited power, it can only be used to the fifth level at most, and there is no possibility of improvement. In eight hundred words, it is really worthless to practice without swordsmanship!

But Ling Huohuo can't control so much, anyway, he is not the one who really wants to practice, so he will use it to cheat the points first.

With the excitement of a group of old master appraisers, this fifth-level sword art, which was spoofed by Ling Huohuo and named "Evil Resisting Sword Art", was put into the warehouse, and Ling Huohuo was given a high price of 100 million points.

Of course, Ling Huohuo was not so wicked as to add the sentence "If you want to practice this skill, you must first come from the palace" on the first page, but this sword technique is indeed similar to "Evil Resisting Sword Art", then It means that they can quickly improve the strength of the practitioner, but they can't improve after reaching the fifth level. It's not that they encounter a bottleneck, but that the limit is here. If you want to break through, you should practice other things.

There are very few people at the fifth level, and naturally there are not many fifth-level skills. All fifth-level skills or exercises are kept in the hands of people as family heirlooms. This is the first time that the military region has received fifth-level skills. It is still a very popular sword technique, coupled with the characteristics of the sword technique, a group of old men almost passed out without any excitement, and then directly gave Ling Huohuo 100 million points without hesitation. You know, a fourth-tier sword The points used for legal exchange are only [-].

Ling Huohuo became a rich man again, and he generously divided the 100 million points into three shares, sharing with Xiao Yunyun and Qiao Feifei.

Needless to say, Xiao Yunyun, if it wasn't given to her, Ling Huohuo might not be able to get out of the door of the room where the points were exchanged, and Qiao Feifei, she told the two of them so many things, so naturally she couldn't be too stingy.

More than 30 points were credited, and Qiao Feifei almost fainted from excitement. She had never seen so many points, and her original points were only a fraction of 30.

This incident also made Qiao Feifei decide to hug Ling Huohuo's thighs tightly.

It feels good to have points. Xiao Yunyun directly exchanged a bunch of magic materials. She can learn skills by reading magic books. As for equipment, she can make it by herself, while Qiao Feifei bought a lot of things that can save her life and enhance her strength. .

As for Ling Huohuo, he bought a fourth-level movement method, a fourth-level footwork method, and a fourth-level exercise method based on Babai's suggestion.

I didn't buy much for the others, because Ling Huohuo's future path mainly depends on swordsmanship. As long as the sword is strong enough, other things can be ignored. Anyway, that's how the sword god practiced back then, and then he was awesome.

Ling Huohuo spent the remaining points casually, buying a bunch of interesting things, purely spending money to buy happiness.

Rich people can really do whatever they want.

The final battle is the teaching of combat experience, teaching how to deal with various situations, taught by a special tactical instructor.

Anyway, Ling Huohuo didn't understand very well, but Xiao Yunyun and Qiao Feifei looked very fruitful after each class.


The days of practice are boring.

Probably because this training camp is really precious, and no one was distracted to allocate the training time to other things. Even Long Hai and the first-rank man did not have any conflicts because of Diao Lingyun, which made Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun were a little disappointed.

The name of the first-tier man is Ye Chen, a very protagonist-like name. The reason why Ling Huohuo pays attention to him is because he exchanged the "Evil Resisting Sword Art". Who knows where he got so many points, However, Ling Huohuo didn't remind him of the disadvantages of the "Evil Resisting Sword Technique", and it would be fine to change to the sword technique and practice again after he couldn't continue to practice.

In a flash, a month passed in a flash, and the training camp finally ushered in the end.

Everyone gathered on the playground again, and everyone's mental outlook has changed a lot from a month ago.

Looking at the smiling faces of everyone, I think everyone has gained a lot this month.

Bing Wuyan, Diao Lingyun, and Long Hai's aura are much sharper. The eldest sister leading the team from the country has broken through to the fourth level, Ye Chen has broken through to the second level, and Xiao Yunyun is one step closer to the fourth level. In half a year, she will be able to break through to the fifth level. She has inherited the spiritual power of the demon. It is normal for her to break through faster than others. Qiao Feifei said that her strength has more than doubled, but Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun have never seen it before. Qiao Feifei's true strength, but it doesn't matter, she is not as powerful as the two of them.

As for Ling Huohuo, he has mastered footwork and body skills, and he is also practicing step by step in body training. This month, he is mainly consolidating his strength and honing his swordsmanship. Although his overall strength has not improved, he can still show his strength Come out stronger!

(End of this chapter)

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