Chapter 223

"First of all, congratulations on completing the one-month training camp." Qingshan said.

"Tonight, there will be a party held by the military region. If you have an idea, such as a confession, you can go to the logistics to talk about it later." Qingshan made a rare joke, which caused everyone below to laugh.

"Then, there is one last thing. I have a mission here. The location and content of the mission must be kept secret, so I can't tell. The difficulty is variable, but the lowest reward will be second-class, and other rewards will be calculated separately. Those who want to participate, etc. You will come to my place to register, and you will start tomorrow morning, and if you don’t participate, someone will take you back to where you came at noon tomorrow.”

After hearing Qing Shan's words, everyone's eyes turned serious. The reward for this task is so generous.

The task rewards will be divided according to the difficulty of the content of the task, and there are clear regulations. However, some task rewards do not have a clear amount, but there is a minimum guarantee - the reward level!
The so-called reward levels are set for such tasks that cannot disclose specific information.

Rewards are divided into first class, second class and third class.

The third-class rewards include [-] points, a piece of Tier-[-] professional equipment, and [-] Huaxia coins.

The second-class rewards include 50 points, two pieces of Tier [-] professional equipment, and [-] Huaxia coins.

The first-class rewards include 100 points, four pieces of fourth-tier professional equipment, and [-] million Huaxia coins!
The second-class rewards are already very rich, and the points are very valuable. For ordinary tasks, there are very few reward points that exceed [-], let alone two pieces of professional equipment. As for Huaxia coins, no one pays attention to them. With the strength of the people here , It is still very easy to want money.

Hearing the second prize, many people were envious.

[-] points can buy a lot of things, not to mention two pieces of Tier [-] professional equipment, but everyone quickly calmed down.

Benefits and dangers coexist, such a generous reward naturally represents a higher risk.

Quests with guaranteed rewards also have another name—level missions!
It means that your strength is not enough, and you are not qualified to participate at all. Although the strength requirement will not appear in the mission requirements, it is absolutely impossible for those who are not strong enough to come back alive.

The minimum requirement for the third-level protection is the third-level strength, and the minimum requirement for the second-level protection is the fourth-level strength. As for the first-level protection, if there is no fifth-level strength, don't even think about it.

After hearing Qingshan's words, the eldest sister who led the national team took the lead to stand up, and the meaning was self-evident.

Bing Wuyan, Diao Lingyun, and Long Hai followed closely behind, and Ye Chen also stood up, which surprised everyone. You know, Ye Chen is only at the second level now. You have to be self-aware, this is obviously going to die.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen with ridicule and sympathy in their eyes.

In the end, everyone turned their attention to Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun, because they are both of the fourth rank!

Ling Huohuo seldom showed up, and he stayed in his training ground for a month, and everyone didn't know Ling Huohuo's true strength at all.

Qiao Feifei was also a little nervous. If Ling Huohuo and the others sign up, should she follow?

Ling Huohuo didn't have much interest. He learned about this kind of task with reward guarantee from Qiao Feifei, but he didn't lack points, equipment, and Huaxia coins. To a dangerous place?

But Xiao Yunyun took a step forward and stood up.

Ling Huohuo was taken aback, what are you doing out there?Are you short of points or equipment?I support you!
Xiao Yunyun looked at Ling Huohuo, with high fighting spirit in his eyes, "After practicing for a month, I want to try my own strength. It is impossible to become a real strong person behind closed doors. Get in touch with fighting more, and I will have a goal of cultivation in the future , Do you have any opinions? You can go or not.”

"No." Ling Huohuo shook his head hastily, and then took a step forward.

Ling Huohuo patted his legs, these legs moved by themselves, it really has nothing to do with him!
Ling Huohuo felt that he might have lost his mind.

Seeing Ling Huohuo approaching, Xiao Yunyun smiled. Does Ling Huohuo still care about him?

Babai also nodded, fighting more is indeed good for the improvement of strength.

Qiao Feifei looked confused, and finally stood up.

Ling Huohuo and the two looked at her suspiciously. Could it be that Qiao Feifei is also very strong?
"Ah, I also want to be active and test my strength. Don't worry, although I am not strong, there are still many ways to save my life. I will protect myself." Qiao Feifei explained.

In the end, no one stood up anymore, Ling Huohuo and other eight people signed up.

Although the others were very curious about the characters, they also knew that the purpose of coming to the training camp this time had been achieved, and there was no need for extra complications.

After the grand party in the evening, the eight of Ling Huohuo were stuffed into an airtight plane early in the morning.

The plane flew smoothly, and there were still beds. Ling Huohuo and the others began to catch up on sleep.

This time Harpy, Qingmianniao, and Goldfinch also left with Ling Huohuo. The three of them were in the small world and were taken care of by Babai.

Originally, Ling Huohuo was worried that the goldfinch would not be able to adapt to the evil spirit in the small world, but it turned out that the goldfinch didn't feel anything, which made Ling Huohuo amazed, and Babai and Happy were also puzzled for a while.

It stands to reason that if an ordinary creature absorbs a lot of monster energy, it is easy to demonize it, but the goldfinch has not changed at all. Could it be that it is not an ordinary creature?

However, no matter how Babai observed it, the feedback information still showed that the goldfinch was just an ordinary goldfinch.

After an unknown amount of time, the arrival notification came, and everyone opened their eyes.

Ling Huohuo stretched, yawned, tidied up his clothes, and followed the crowd off the plane.

"This is……"

In front of the eyes is a rough sea.

Qingshan and four other instructors walked over. At this time, the five of them had already put on their combat uniforms and their professional equipment on the outside.

"Now start changing the combat uniforms, the women will change first, and then the men will change." Qing Shan said.

The crowd nodded.

Diao Lingyun, Xiao Yunyun and Qiao Feifei went in first and changed into their combat uniforms.

The eldest sister of the army did not go in, she was still in a white military uniform, and she had been wearing combat uniforms and equipment all the time.

Everyone here has storage equipment and combat uniforms with them.

After the three of them came down, all the men's eyes lit up.

The combat uniforms are close-fitting, so everyone wears them inside, and they also wear them outside.

Diao Lingyun is dressed in a white exercise suit, with a black combat uniform on her neck, a long sword on her back, her long hair rolled into a ponytail and tied behind her back, as if she is a heroic heroine. Both the sword and the long sword are Tier [-] equipment.

Xiao Yunyun was wearing the magic robe she exchanged for points, with a magic hat with sharp corners, showing only a small face, holding a half-arm-long magic wand inlaid with a piece of red Gems, this set is Tier [-] equipment, she can't make Tier [-] equipment yet, so she can only exchange it with points first.

Qiao Feifei's attire was very simple, she just put on a set of clothes that Xiao Yunyun blessed with magic over the battle uniform, with a dagger and pistol pinned to her waist.

Qiao Feifei is a supernatural person, and she doesn't have high requirements for professional equipment. The battle uniform is already good, and the clothes that Xiao Yunyun blessed with magic are enough.

Qiao Feifei's figure was already very good, and her exaggerated curves were outlined in the close-fitting black combat uniform. Instead, she became the most alluring one among the three.

Ling Huohuo noticed that Xiao Yunyun's complexion was a little bad after he came out, and he didn't know why.

Hmm... How do you say that, there is no harm without comparison.

Xiao Yunyun stood between the two, looking like EAD...

Then there are four men, Ling Huohuo.

Bing Wuyan and Long Hai are in a practice outfit.

Ye Chen put on a piece of ordinary clothes over the combat uniform.

And Ling Huohuo put a military uniform on the jacket of the combat uniform. Anyway, if the military uniform is damaged, he can reissue it. If his own clothes are broken, he has to buy them again. You know, as a little rich man, Ling Huohuo's clothes are not cheap. It hurt so much that it was broken, and then Ling Huohuo put the sword box behind his back.

After the eight people stood still, Qing Shan spoke.

"Now we are on a small island off the coast of the United States in the Atlantic Ocean, and our mission is to find out what's going on under the Atlantic Ocean!"

 Today's update, thank you for your rewards and monthly tickets!I'm busy with my studies, so farewell!
(End of this chapter)

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