The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 236 Guo Xiaoyu: Come while it's hot

Chapter 236 Guo Xiaoyu: Hurry up while it's hot

Egypt spans Asia and Africa, most of which are located in northeast Africa.More than 90.00% of the whole territory is desert.Hot and dry, the temperature can reach [-] degrees Celsius.The average annual precipitation is less than [-] millimeters.

From April to May every year, there is often a "Pencent wind", which entrains sand and stones and damages crops.

The reason why we talk about "Pentacent Wind" is because it is already the end of June. It stands to reason that there shouldn't be such a strong wind at this time. It's the end, however, when the three of Ling Huohuo set foot on the land of Egypt, they were blown away by the wind and sand.

"Huh!" Ling Huohuo wiped his face, "By the way, has the sandstorm in Egypt always been this big?"

"Probably not, I haven't heard that Egypt is like this." Xiao Yunyun covered his face.

"The wind brought bad things into the town." Guo Xiaoyu said deeply.


It was cold for two seconds.

Xiao Yunyun ignored Guo Xiaoyu, but took out his mobile phone and tapped it a few times.

"This sandstorm is very abnormal. It is said on the Internet that this sandstorm has lasted for a month, and it is now centered on Egypt and spreading to all directions." Xiao Yunyun said with a frown.

Ling Huohuo touched his chin, "Why does this feeling sound so familiar?"

"Atlantic!" Xiao Yunyun said suddenly.


"Tsunami also occurs for a long time in the Atlantic Ocean, but here is a sandstorm." Eight hundred explained.

"Eh...another origin?" Ling Huohuo asked cautiously. The two origins that appeared almost killed him, and now Ling Huohuo was a little frightened when he heard about the origin.

"Not sure." Xiao Yunyun shook his head.

"Hey, why are you ignoring me?" Guo Xiaoyu protested, but she might have been too excited, swallowed a mouthful of sand, and had to squat aside and rinse her mouth with water.

The two of them looked back with pride and a mentally retarded look, didn't they see that we both covered our mouths when we spoke?

Ling Huohuo took out the mobile phone issued to him by the military region, looked at it, and was a little puzzled.

"Huh? There is no mission here, and the information here is the same as the news report."

The mobile phones given to them by the military region are internal networks, which are used to receive and dispatch missions, buy and sell things, and at the same time query some information.

"It may be that this sandstorm is well-founded no matter how it is viewed, and there are no problems on the weather map, so it is regarded as one of the impacts of the Atlantic tsunami on the global climate, not because of butterflies. Is it the theory that wings cause hurricanes?" Xiao Yunyun also flipped through the information on the phone.

Ling Huohuo nodded, as long as there is no problem, when I go back this time, I will never accept tasks randomly again, the weather is better than my own kennel!
"Ling Huohuo, open the sealed door, I want to enter the small world." Xiao Yunyun said.


"The wind and sand here are too strong, and the damage to the skin is too great. You can take us outside." Xiao Yunyun said.

"Aren't you going to play?"

"What can we do with such a big sandstorm? Do you want to blow the sand? Let's come again when the sandstorm stops later." Xiao Yunyun said.

Although he was treated as a coolie, Ling Huohuo still opened the sealed door.

After Xiao Yunyun pulled the reluctant Guo Xiaoyu into the sealed door, Ling Huohuo wrapped his head with a cloth strip, put anti-sand glasses on his eyes, and covered himself tightly clothes.

Egypt is in the east of the Sahara Desert. Before entering the desert, the three of Ling Huo and Huo made preparations, but they didn't expect the sandstorm to be so big.

Although Xiao Yunyun and Guo Xiaoyu are in the small world, they can still see the outside, expressing emotion from time to time.

At this time, the small world has changed greatly.

Ling Huohuo divided a place without a seal.

There are two small wooden houses in this area, one is Ling Huohuo's, and the other is Xiao Yunyun and Guo Xiaoyu's. Compared with Ling Huohuo's, the small wooden houses of Xiao Yunyun and Guo Xiaoyu are obviously much more refined. It is also covered with realm formations, and I don't know who it is guarding against.

On the other side of the cabin, there is a kennel, which belongs to Harpy, and there is a bird nest in the tree next to it, which belongs to goldfinch and blue cotton bird, and the source of water is tied to the trunk.

Xiao Yunyun used formations to disperse the evil spirits around him, and planted a lot of flowers and trees in the open space. Under the nourishment of the source of water, the entire open space seemed to be full of vitality. Staying in the small world was like blowing sand outside. Much more comfortable.

Xiao Yunyun carved a storage magic array for Guo Xiaoyu, and let her use it to store things. She originally wanted to put the statue in it. After all, the statue is not usable, but it is still a treasure. In case she finds a suitable source of power in the future It works again.

However, Guo Xiaoyu found that the statue was too stupid to fit in, so it had to be placed in an open space in the end.

As Guo Xiaoyu's treasure, the statue was cleaned up, revealing its original appearance.

It has to be said that the carving is lifelike, and the appearance of the woman is also extremely beautiful, which can be regarded as a rare work of art.


Ling Huohuo moved forward with difficulty.

The speed of the wind and sand was extremely fast, and when it hit his body, Ling Huohuo felt the pain even through thick clothes. If it was an ordinary person, he would definitely not be able to last for too long. The lives of African people are too difficult.

Ling Huohuo moved step by step, the sand covered his ankles, persisted, persisted... What a fool!

Ling Huohuo roared angrily, and a layer of white light appeared, which seemed to be a thin film, blocking the wind and sand, and Ling Huohuo let out a sigh of relief.

Isn't it stupid that Yuyi can open the protective cover and advance against the wind and sand?
After opening the shield of Yuyi, Ling Huohuo felt much more relaxed, and his forward speed also accelerated.

While Ling Huohuo was advancing, he suddenly heard continuous explosions, and the flames rang out in the distance.

what's the situation?
Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun and Guo Xiaoyu outside the observer looked in that direction suspiciously.

"Ling Huohuo, hurry over and have a look!" Guo Xiaoyu said excitedly, it's best to join in the fun.

Ling Huohuo shook his head hastily.

past?Just kidding, it's obviously not a serious place over there, a group of people are shooting cannons over there, if anything good can happen, let's hurry up.

Ignoring Guo Xiaoyu's yelling, Ling Huohuo quickened his pace instead.

During the sandstorm, the network of the mobile phone was intermittent, and the ever-changing terrain map was not credible, but Ling Huohuo and the others had already prepared a compass.

Follow the direction of the compass and you will definitely reach your destination, so you don't have to worry about getting lost.

Just as Ling Huohuo was away from the artillery fire area for a while, the sound of blasting came from the other side again.


There was another explosion...


The sound of explosions...


Are you Egyptians lining up to fuck?In such a short while, I encountered the sound of no less than five explosions!

Just as Ling Huohuo was complaining, a figure appeared on the ground in front of Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo walked over to take a look.

It was a girl in extremely cool clothes. The girl was wearing a golden gauze dress, with jewelry and headgear made of gold letters. At this time, the wind and sand had buried most of the girl's body. I couldn't help but see the girl's appearance, but the girl's exposed figure was indeed It's very good, and the skin looks extremely delicate, but it's a little dark, not tanned, but the original skin color.

Ling Huohuo hurriedly squatted down and touched the girl's skin.

"There's still temperature!" Ling Huohuo said.

"Hurry up, Ling Huohuo, it's now, hurry up and hit it while it's hot!" Guo Xiaoyu shouted in the small world.


"Idiot!" Xiao Yunyun punched Guo Xiaoyu directly.

The temperature also proved that he might not be dead yet. Although Ling Huohuo was unwilling to wade into the muddy water, it was impossible for him to leave him alone.

Ling Huohuo hurriedly dug the girl out of the sand and sent her into the small world.

Then, suddenly, the sandstorm stopped...

(End of this chapter)

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