The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 237 1 Moment, 4 Passionate Shots

Chapter 237 In an instant, passion radiates

You are Feng'er, I am Sha... Bah!


The sandstorm stopped abruptly, without any warning.

The yellow sand fell all over the sky, directly covering Ling Huohuo's body with a thick layer, and taking advantage of this gap, Ling Huohuo also saw the surrounding situation clearly.

Ling Huohuo was in a trance for a while, feeling as if he had arrived at the station in the Middle East.

Although Ling Huohuo has never been to the Middle East, he can imagine the battlefield when he hears about it.

At this time, around Ling Huohuo, although there were no tanks, there was a group of people with guns and cannons on their shoulders, and people without uniform uniforms.

This group of people are all masked, but from the exposed eyes, it can be seen that this group of people is not easy to mess with.

Beside Ling Huohuo, there is a coffin for mummies, but the coffin has been opened at this time, and the mummy inside is not seen. Farther away, there is a pyramid with a corner missing, and the surroundings are a bit dark , still smoking, it looks like the pyramid was blown apart.

Although the surrounding area is desert, traces of artillery bombardment can be seen, and even parts of many corpses buried under the sand can be seen.

Although the costumes of this group of people are not uniform, they are all in dark tones, mainly earthy yellow, so that they can hide themselves well in the sandstorm.

And Ling Huohuo, who was brightly dressed and had no weapons on his back, stood out among the group of people.

Originally, Ling Huohuo wore bright clothes so that his companions could see him clearly in the sandstorm, but now this group of people can see clearly.

Plus the coffin lying down beside Ling Huohuo.

The people around immediately pointed the muzzles of their guns at Ling Huohuo.


Ling Huohuo was a little embarrassed, and raised his hands reflexively.

I still feel scared about the firearms Linghuohuo.Although he has reached the fifth level, his physical fitness has improved a lot, seven times in one night... ahem, but Ling Huohuo's body is not bulletproof.

Except for people with special powers, firearms still pose a great threat to people of the first to fifth ranks.

Yaobai said that only by buying the sixth level and truly sublimating the level of life can one ignore firearms.

In other words, if the bullet hits him, Guo Xiaoyu will be fine, but Ling Huohuo will become a sieve.

But now, it was Ling Huohuo who was facing the gun!
Xiao Yunyun and Guo Xiaoyu who were in the small world also looked outside nervously.

"Ula Ula..." one of them shouted at Ling Huohuo.

However, Ling Huohuo didn't understand.

As if seeing that Ling Huohuo couldn't understand what he said, another person came out and shouted at Ling Huohuo in English.

"Hey, let me ask you, what's in the coffin?"

What's in the coffin?Mummy?I didn't see it.

Ling Huohuo moved his steps, approached the coffin, touched the coffin... hold the grass, it's pure gold!
"Actually, I think, at this time... run away!"

Ling Huohuo picked up the coffin board and turned around and ran away.

Although it's a pity to throw away the other part, you can't be too greedy, at least you have to leave some money for bullets.

Although Ling Huohuo could kill this group of people if they really fought, but this is not Ling Huohuo's style. Killing is not what Ling Huohuo likes, especially killing people. He has not had that kind of consciousness yet.

If Ling Huohuo received an orthodox education since he was a child, he would never choose to run away, but would fight back. However, Ling Huohuo has always been self-taught, and he has always lived a life of salted fish. What is wrong with him? It's normal, even if Babai intends to change him, there will be no good time. If he insists on changing him, Ling Huohuo will easily "sink him into the bottom of the sea". No matter how Babai thinks about it, this possibility is very high.

Seeing that Ling Huohuo was about to run, the people around Ling Huohuo pressed the trigger without hesitation, but all the bullets were blocked by the coffin board.

"I come!"

I saw a bald head rushing out of the crowd!Everyone saw that it was Wu Ke with the bald head!

A rocket was fired from the bazooka on Wu Ke's shoulder, and hit Ling Huohuo with a bang.

When the dust fell, Ling Huohuo was still running, getting farther and farther away from everyone, and there was not even a trace on the coffin board.

Wu Ke touched his bald head and smiled honestly, "Sorry, I went to the wrong set."


Ling Huohuo touched his sweat. Fortunately, he just opened the shield of Yuyi in an instant, otherwise he might not be able to withstand the bombardment of the rocket launcher.

Without hesitation, Ling Huohuo stepped up again.

Although Ling Huohuo was carrying a pair of pure gold coffin boards, with his fifth-level strength, this group of mercenaries who were all ordinary people wanted to catch up with him.

Without the obstruction of the sandstorm, you can run like a fly, have you ever seen the snake skin move?

In the end, everyone could only helplessly look at Ling Huohuo's back, but those who wanted to drive after him found that their car had been scrapped in the previous fight.

The contents of the coffin are gone, and the coffin boards are gone, but... there is still half of the coffin!This is also pure gold!
Everyone looked at each other warily again.

At this time, a figure came from a distance.

Taking a closer look, it was a man in his twenties. The man was dressed very simply and looked very handsome. He had a pair of beautiful blood-red eyes, but there was no emotion in them, and he looked extremely indifferent.

The man ignored the mercenaries pointing guns at him, and looked at the coffin on the ground.

"The target is determined."

Then the man looked at the mercenaries again.

"Start cleaning up!"

A scream echoed in the desert.

There was a sound from the broken pyramid, and three figures appeared from the pyramid, it was Ling Miao and the others.

At this time, the expressions of Ling Miao and the others were not good.

The three of them came to Egypt half a month ago. After some searching, they found the pyramid with a lot of effort. After sneaking into the pyramid, they accidentally touched the trap inside the pyramid, and the three of them were besieged In the pyramid, they have been trapped for a week, and they have not seen the sun for a week, and their faces are naturally not good.

Fortunately, the three of them had prepared enough food, and after some coping, they did not suffer any damage, and instead gained a lot of benefits. However, just as the three of them were about to rush to the top floor and find their real target, there was a burst of explosions. Disrupted all plans.

What about the copy of the level break?Why did someone directly take away the bottom-off reward?
Casually, the already pale complexions of the three of them became even worse.

Looking at the scorched black surroundings and smelling the smell of gunpowder, Ling Miao frowned.

"It should have been blasted from the outside, I hope the other party didn't go far."

However, when the three of them looked outside, they couldn't help being taken aback.

Outside the pyramid, the blood red was extremely dazzling, and a blood-stained figure stood among the corpses.

The figure seemed to feel that someone was looking at him, raised his head, looked in the direction of Ling Miao and the three of them, and met Ling Miao's gaze.

For a split second, Ki... yuck, blazing with passion.

(End of this chapter)

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