The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 238 Lawrence's Melancholy

Chapter 238 Lawrence's Melancholy
(This book assumes that the United Kingdom has not yet left the European Union.)

Lawrence was standing on the edge of a small river with a small tree beside it.

After taking a puff on the cigarette, he took out the photo that he kept in his pocket all the time and looked at it.

On the photo is him and three other...boys, well, although one looks like a girl, but it is indeed with a handle.

Looking at the photo, Lawrence showed a gentle smile, which made a group of bodyguards standing behind him look surprised.

As bodyguards, they knew how cold-blooded their boss was. Every time they smiled, they could make people shudder, and then set off a bloodbath in the underground forces in Italy.

But now he actually showed such a gentle smile!Can you believe it?I'm afraid it's not my eyes that are the problem.

Who is in the photo?At this time, a question appeared in the minds of many bodyguards at the same time.

But they dare not ask, they know what they should know and what they should not know.

"Look, there's a handsome guy there!" some passers-by whispered.

"Yes, yes, I seem to know him."

"A lot of bodyguards, are they the sons of which family?"

"Looks like we want to get to know each other."


Hearing the comments of passers-by, Lawrence laughed disdainfully, stupid human beings.

Touching the photo, Lawrence fell into memories.

The self a year ago and the present are like two people. At that time, he could still be called a "person". He fought with his roommates every day and lived an ordinary college life. He thought that this life would be like this Yes, until the night of the blood moon...

Lawrence returned to England, took up his own responsibilities, and then got involved in the fight. After the blood moon passed, he wanted to leave, but found that he couldn't help himself. In order to survive, he could only go further. Later, I came to Italy to take care of the family business.

Lawrence looked at his hands, the snow-white hands were covered with invisible blood.

Looking at the photo one last time, Lawrence put it away.

I didn't expect that I would drink wine with Christians, surprise women's big men, and give condoms to ordinary people.

But I probably won't be able to meet the three of them again in this life, especially Ling Huohuo, he is an ordinary person...

Lawrence turned around and looked at the pedestrians on the street.

Suddenly, his pupils contracted violently, and he opened his mouth and exclaimed, "Ling Huohuo!"

"Huh? Are you... Lawrence?"

Holding a toothpick in his mouth, Ling Huohuo waved at Lawrence carelessly, and beside him stood two beautiful girls.


Smuggling from Africa to Europe is a very serious matter. First of all, you have to believe in metaphysics.

Habao, in fact, there is no difficulty for Ling Huohuo and the three of them.

Ling Huohuo found a place where no one was around, took out the submersible he put in the small world, and used the submersible to pass through the Mediterranean Sea in one day and landed in Italy.

As for Xiao Yunyun and Guo Xiaoyu, they were having fun in the small world...

Then Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun followed the operation steps sent by the military area in the mobile phone, went to the designated place, found the designated department, and after confirming their real identities, two brand new entry certificates were in their hands.

After arriving in Italy, the three of them first experienced the customs of Italy and tasted the local specialties. Then, the three of them finally checked into the hotel!
Ling Huohuo waved his hands directly, five-star hotel, presidential suite!

I have to say that staying in a five-star hotel is not a waste of money, it is really comfortable!
Because the other party provided an exchange mechanism while going through the immigration procedures, the Huaxia coins in Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun's cards could finally be used!And Ling Huohuo no longer has to "move bricks".

The three of them played in Italy for three days, and the deadline for the task was still more than a week, but Xiao Yunyun planned to arrive a few days earlier to get acquainted with other teammates and the people who were protected this time, so the three of them still had a week to go. Go around the rest of Europe.

The three of them had their last meal in Rome today, and were about to leave Italy. Unexpectedly, they saw Lawrence, whom they hadn't seen for a long time, during the exercise after the meal!

After hearing Ling Huohuo's words, Xiao Yunyun also reacted.

He also recognized Lawrence. Although his temperament and clothes had changed a lot, his appearance could still be seen.

In Ling Huohuo's dormitory, except for Ling Huohuo, the other three people were very famous.

A fanatic, a British aristocrat, and a big man in women's clothing, it's hard not to attract people's attention, but Ling Huohuo is covered by Ling Miao's light.

Guo Xiaoyu, on the other hand, looked at Lawrence without knowing why. She didn't know Lawrence.

Suddenly, Guo Xiaoyu seemed to have discovered something. He looked at Lawrence's cold face, the bodyguards around him, and the handsome appearance brought by the mixed blood, and then looked at Ling Huohuo. At the intersection, an epic book appeared in Guo Xiaoyu's mind!

Ling Huohuo hurried over, while Xiao Yunyun and Guo Xiaoyu followed behind him.

"You're really Lawrence. Long time no see. I didn't expect to see you here." He and Lawrence hadn't seen each other for almost a year, and he couldn't be contacted.Although they haven't been roommates for long, the relationship between the four of them has always been good.

"Ah, I didn't expect to see you here. What are you doing here in Italy?" Lawrence was still very happy to see Ling Huohuo. Seeing that Ling Huohuo didn't seem to have changed much, he seemed to have returned to the past.

"We came here to play." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

"It's Xiao Yunyun, it's changed so much, who is the other one? Why don't you introduce me?" Lawrence glanced at Xiao Yunyun and Guo Xiaoyu, and a golden light flashed in his eyes imperceptibly.

Lawrence naturally knew Xiao Yunyun, because Xiao Yunyun was very close to Ling Huohuo at that time.

Xiao Yunyun is a magician?Why didn't you find out before?The breath of life on the other body was so strong, how could they be with Ling Huohuo?
No matter how Lawrence looked at it, Ling Huohuo was an ordinary person.

"Ah, let me introduce you." Ling Huohuo pointed to Xiao Yunyun and said, "This is Guo Xiaoyu, my high school classmate. We came here together this time. We played together when we met."

As for the reason, Ling Huohuo quickly thought about it.

"I see." Lawrence nodded, and greeted Xiao Yunyun and Guo Xiaoyu, and Xiao Yunyun also smiled at Lawrence.

Although the two knew each other, they were not familiar with each other, not to mention that they hadn't seen each other for almost a year. It was impossible for them to be as close as Ling Huohuo.

Guo Xiaoyu, on the other hand, seemed to be thinking about something, and realized that Xiao Yunyun had bumped into her, so she realized it, and smiled awkwardly at Lawrence.

"Lawrence, why are you here? Aren't you a Chinese-English mixed race? You should go to England." Ling Huohuo asked.

(End of this chapter)

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