The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 246 The First Encounter of Little Short Legs and Three No Boys

Chapter 246 The First Encounter of Little Short Legs and Three No Men
Ling Tian is on vacation again.

Originally, Ling Tian’s company didn’t have so many holidays. In addition to the seven-day annual leave in a year, there is usually only one day off in a month, and the leave can only be three days.

But since Ling Tian and his company were acquired by a mysterious group, not only their wages have increased, their treatment has also improved, but also their holidays have increased. One day off a week, can you believe it?

The group that bought Ling Tian’s company is really proud. They have changed all the offices to be extremely comfortable, and the requirements for employees are not so strict. Now the whole company is in a very happy atmosphere. programmers stayed up late to revise, and when their liver was cirrhotic, the programmers of their company sat in the office drinking black tea, blowing on the air conditioner, and leaving get off work on time. Life was simply beautiful.

The employees were all worried about the future of the company. If this continued, the company might close down or even be abandoned by the group. However, after a period of time, not only did the company not close down, but the business went up instead, which was unbelievable.

More importantly, as soon as the group that acquired the company found out what happened to the company and what was missing, a sum of money was directly transferred to the company's account, which made the employees in the financial department tremble with fear and calculated carefully. Account, because once the calculation is wrong, or the fake account is secretly calculated, after being found out, there is no need to come out in this life, and the last employee who calculated the fake account is said to have been missing for a long time.

Except for the finance department, everything else is very good. This is simply not here to work, it is simply here to support the uncle!

As for that mysterious group, no one knows the exact name and where is the headquarters. In the end, Ling Tian and the others can only sum it up in one sentence - people are stupid, they have a lot of money, hurry up!

And Ling Tian has already begun to think about whether to wait for Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao to work in the company after they graduate. The two majored in finance, so there should be no problem entering the finance department. Watching in front of my own eyes.


BBQ shop.

Smelling the aroma of the barbecue, Ling Huohuo swallowed.

At the dinner table, Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao sat on one side, while Ling Tian sat on the other side with Li Yinman.

As for Li Yinman, Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao stopped treating her as an outsider. Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao called her sister-in-law very kindly.

But Ling Tian sighed a little.

Originally it was good to pretend to be a couple, but now how do you pretend to be more and more real?

But based on Li Yinman's conditions, it seems that he will not suffer.

Recently, his two younger brothers returned safely, the Demon King's army was run by twelve generals, the brave men disappeared, and the company's benefits were getting better and better. Ling Tian felt that his happiness index was about to be full.

Harpy was lying on the ground, happily eating the roast... dog food on his plate. Ever since he took the first bite of dog food, he fell in love with the taste of dog food.

Looking at Happy, who was humming and eating happily, Ling Miao twitched the corners of his mouth.

Damn, the third-tier monsters are eating dog food.

Ling Huohuo glanced at Ling Miao and didn't say much, he knew that Ling Miao must have seen that Ha Pi was a monster, but so what?If he beat himself to death and refused to admit it, Happy just barked like a dog... Well, it was a dog in the first place, and it was just playing around, what can you do?
Li Yinman roasted the meat for Ling Huohuo and the others, ignoring Ling Tian's mournful gaze, and divided the newly roasted meat among Ling Huohuo's and Ling Miao's plates.

"Thank you sister-in-law."

"Thank you, sister-in-law."

"It's okay, eat quickly." Li Yinman said with a smile.

I don't know why, when I'm with Ling Tian, ​​I always like to bring myself into the role of the hostess, um, it's all to pretend to be more realistic, Ling Huohuo and the others call her sister-in-law. No secrets, that's it.

The Demon King's Army has disappeared recently, but they can't relax at all. No one knows when the Demon King's Army will find the Demon King and bring him back. It will be a more difficult battle then.

"Here, I'll grill you." Li Yinman put the grilled meat on Ling Tian's plate.

"Oh, thank you, let me bake, you eat some first."

"It's okay, I'll come."

"Let me come, you rest first."

"Let me do it……"


Happy: "Today's dog food is still so delicious."


Outside the glass window of the barbecue restaurant, a pair of black glasses were hidden in the bushes, staring at Ling Huohuo through the glass window.

He swallowed hard and wiped the corners of his mouth.

"Huahua is not greedy."


"Huahua... Huahua is not hungry!"

The owner of the eyes turned his head away, and the already big eyes widened even further.

Because at some point, a man appeared beside her, with shredded squid in his mouth, and his eyes were staring at the direction she was staring at just now without blinking.

As if sensing the gaze of the person beside him, the man turned his head and looked at the short legs beside him.

The short legs froze for a moment. Although the man was looking at him, there was no focus in his eyes, like an emotionless machine.

The air froze for a moment.

"That..." Just as the little short leg was about to speak, the man quickly ate the shredded squid in his mouth bit by bit, chewed casually and swallowed it.

"..." The short legs lay down directly on the ground, "It's over, Huahua is going to die of anger."

"..." The man just calmly stared at the little short legs lying beside him.

After three seconds.

As if nothing happened, the man turned his head back and continued to stare at Ling Miao in the barbecue restaurant.

"You murderer!" The short-legged cat stood up from the grass, pointing at the man and shouting.

The moment the short legs stood up, Ling Miao turned her head reflexively and looked out the window.

When he was abroad, there were dangers around him all the time, so he was very alert.

Seeing Ling Miao's abnormality, Ling Huohuo also looked out of the window and found a lovely girl standing in the green bushes outside the window. The girl was pointing at the bushes beside her angrily, um... the girl's height was about two The green bushes are so tall, half a head shorter than Xiao Yunyun.

Ling Tian and Li Yinman were not surprised, one calmly ate the roast meat on the plate, and the other roasted the meat as if he didn't see it.

When the two people outside were just lurking, they found out that the bloody smell from the man's body was about to waft into the barbecue restaurant.

Happy was still happily eating the roasted dog food on the plate. He pulled out a dog paw and pushed a bag of beef-flavored dog food beside him to Li Yinman, asking her to help roast it.

Li Yinman smiled and rubbed its dog's head.

Feeling the eyes of the people around him, the little short leg withdrew his hand in embarrassment, and when he saw Ling Miao's astonished eyes looking at him, he hurriedly looked to his side.

I found that the mysterious man had disappeared from the grass, and when I looked up, I saw that man was very chic... ran away... gone...

(End of this chapter)

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