Chapter 247 The Dark Eyes

Early in the morning, Ling Huohuo was dragged to a nearby park by Lu Sisi, holding the sword that Lu Sisi handed him, and the two began special training.

It has been a week since the special training, and Lu Sisi's progress is very gratifying.

Originally, Ling Huohuo didn't want to get up so early for special training, but after the early morning, the weather will become hot, and at night, Ling Huohuo is even more reluctant to do activities. In the end, he had to set the special training time at In the early morning, the weather is still not hot and there are few people.

Ling Huohuo would only teach Lu Sisi for an hour every day, explaining sword techniques, and for the rest of the day, Lu Sisi would train by herself. Ling Huohuo, who had seen Lu Sisi's training a few times, had to sigh that someone like Lu Sisi was both talented and People who work hard, don't blame her for making progress so fast.

In the process of teaching Lu Sisi, Ling Huohuo himself also consolidated his sword skills, occasionally practiced sword skills, and practiced spiritual power when he was bored.

Ling Huohuo, who began to teach Lu Sisi, shivered involuntarily.

Touched the arm.

"Is it too cold in the morning?"

At this moment, a pair of sleepy eyes watched Ling Huohuo secretly, and when Ling Huohuo began to teach Lu Sisi, his eyes shone with an inexplicable brilliance.



Ling Miao, who had just separated from Yin Ya and Xia Ri, walked towards home.

When they are free, the three of them will occasionally come out to get together.

While walking, Ling Miao suddenly changed direction, and after more than ten minutes, Ling Miao came to an unfinished project area.

Around Ling Miao, there are many half-built buildings. Because there are no lights, it looks very dim, and no one comes. This place seems to be another world.

"Come out!" Ling Miao said suddenly, with a serious expression.

Not long after he separated from Yin Ya and Xia Ri, he felt that he was being followed. No, the other party should have let Ling Miao find out on purpose, so Ling Miao came here.

Ling Miao began to think about the identity of the other party on the way here.

Ling Miao felt that based on his behavior over the years, he didn't seem to have any enemies in Zhonghai City, but he had quite a few friends who could talk to him.

In terms of organization, although I left the organization and touched taboos, after high-level discussions, it seemed that no loss was caused, and some seemingly heavy punishments were imposed, but for Ling Miao at this time There was no great loss. Although some people were somewhat hostile to him, they were all from other cities. He knew everyone in Zhonghai City, and the relationship was pretty good.

The people who came should not be people from the organization, they could just stop themselves if they wanted to find themselves.

Who on earth is it?
Suddenly, Ling Miao thought of the man she saw outside the barbecue shop a week ago.

That man was exactly the man Ling Miao had fought at the opportunity.

After seeing the man, Ling Miao knew that the man should be coming towards her. After warning Yin Ya and the two of them to be safe, the man remained silent. Did he hide or leave after discovering it? Could it be him who was looking for him?
Ling Miao felt very strange about the man who fought once.

Ling Miao didn't know his identity or his purpose. The man was expressionless all the time, his eyes were out of focus, and he couldn't feel his emotions and thoughts. Even Ling Miao had never heard him make a sound. Even if he is injured, his face is expressionless, as if he is like a doll.

Footsteps sounded, and a figure came from the darkness and appeared in front of Ling Miao.

Ling Miao narrowed her eyes.

That's right, it's the three-no man.

"What do you want from me?" Ling Miao asked, secretly on guard, Sanwunan is very strong, and besides, his injuries are not fully healed yet, so it is very difficult to win in a fight.

Sanwunan didn't speak, just looked into Ling Miao's eyes.

"The meaning of life?" Ling Miao was stunned for a while, and he actually read the meaning of San Wunan from San Wunan's unfocused eyes.

Ling Miao was silent for a while. Obviously, he did not have the ability to read other people's thoughts, but Sanwunan was able to express his own thoughts from his eyes.

Ling Miao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although San Wunan looked strange, as long as he didn't want to fight, it was fine.

It's not that Ling Miao is scared, but it's pointless to fight Sanwunan.

I don't know the identity of the other party, I can't get anything if I promise, and I can't win, no matter if I lose or a draw, I will suffer injuries all over my body, or the kind of serious injuries that are not easy to heal. I fought once last time, and my injuries Has been raised until now.

Thinking about the question of the three no men, Ling Miao frowned.

meaning of life?He is also very confused about this philosophical question!

So Ling Miao shook his head.

"Sorry, I don't know."

Sanwunan nodded, then rushed towards Ling Miao in an instant, and punched Ling Miao in the face with his fist.

Ling Miao hurriedly dodged away, the moment Ling Miao and San Wu Nan looked at each other, Ling Miao understood the meaning of San Wu Nan - what use is there for you!
Ling Miao's heart is really tight!
In an instant, his thoughts went back to more than ten years ago, when he and Ling Huohuo were young ladies...

At that time, because I was so popular with girls, some brats would always make trouble for me. After Ling Huohuo heard about it, he directly led himself to block the other party's group of people into a corner. It's hard to imagine that Ling Huohuo Alone with himself who still knows nothing, he has blocked more than a dozen children of the same age as himself into a corner.

Then Ling Huohuo asked all the little kids a question - which came first, the egg or the chicken?
In the end, regardless of whether the answer was the egg or the chicken, the child was beaten up by Ling Huohuo.
Later, Ling Huohuo told himself that asking them questions was just an excuse to beat them up, and Ling Huohuo's purpose was to tell all the little kids—your dad is still your dad!
And the routine at this time... is exactly the same!
At that time, I felt that my second brother was awesome and cool, but now that this kind of thing has happened to me, it really makes people feel very uncomfortable!

After exchanging hands for a while, Ling Miao found out in horror that logically, the other party was also seriously injured last time, but now the other party has miraculously recovered. What kind of recovery ability is this?Moreover, Sanwunan's strength has increased slightly, but Ling Miao is wounded.

With one gift and one discount, Ling Miao was undoubtedly defeated.

Although Ling Miao found that he couldn't beat Sanwunan now, but it was not something Sanwunan could handle at will.

Running is still no problem!

A gust of wind surrounded Ling Miao, and Ling Miao rushed directly into the sky and disappeared into the night sky.

Sanwunan stared blankly at the direction where Ling Miao disappeared, and was silent for a while, without chasing after him, he turned and left the unfinished project area.

The last time Ling Miao fought against San Wunan, he found out that although San Wunan has anti-air skills, he can't fly.

So angry.

Ling Miao didn't go home, and it's not suitable for her family to see her embarrassed appearance now.

Finally, Ling Miao was going to find Xia Ri because he lived alone.

Not long after Ling Miao entered Xia Ri's home, Yin Ya who received the news also felt Xia Ri's home.

The arrival of Sanwunan, with unknown identities and unknown purposes, Ling Miao and the three who had been in contact with him felt that they had to crystallize.

(End of this chapter)

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