chapter 253

Happy scratched his butt in boredom, opened his eyes, and found that Ling Huohuo was no longer there, and the goldfinch and the blue cotton bird were sleeping soundly.

Smacking his lips out of boredom, Happy got up and ran out of the room. The "facial cleanser" of the big sisters during the day really made the dog want to stop, so he went out for a while while there was still some time.

When the mist appeared, Kazama Lian, who was playing cards with everyone in NG, froze and her face was a little ugly.

"What's wrong? Xiao Lian."

Seeing Kazama's pity, everyone hurriedly asked.

"Ah, um, I'm not feeling well, I'll go out and have a shower first, sorry." Kazama Lian put down the cards in her hand apologetically.

"Are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Dongfang Shizuku asked.

"No, no, it's an old problem." Shaking his head, Rei Kazama stood up.

"Then let's go with you."

"Don't bother, Ling Nu can just accompany me."

Ling Nu stood up with a puzzled expression, said goodbye to everyone, and the two walked out of the hotel.

The hotel they stayed in was not the hotel where Ling Huohuo and the others were staying, because it was too expensive. Although this trip was a public funded trip to compensate NG employees, it didn't mean the company could spend that much money, although it would be best if they couldn't afford it. Yes, but the hotel they're in isn't bad either.

"Li, what's wrong?" Ling Nu asked.

"The enchantment has been touched!" Kazama Lian said with a serious face.

"What? Are you sure? It couldn't have been a seabird, right?" Ling Nu asked, she knew about Kazama Rei's situation, she knew that she was a witch, and she also knew the purpose of her coming to Huaxia, and she also helped them. less busy.

This time out to play, Kazama Rei didn't bring anyone with her, but for safety, the two set up a warning barrier along the coastline during the day, and then met Ling Huohuo, because Kazama Rei is a witch, and she has aura in her body, which is very attractive You monsters, you must be vigilant.

But in fact, the two are not worried, because in Huaxia, it seems that the saying "you can't become a spirit after the founding of the country" is really confirmed. There are so few monsters. For such a long time, the two have only met once in total. The monster made by him is very weak, and will be annihilated in ashes when a fireball falls.

"Can you feel the opponent's strength?" Ling Nu asked.

Kazama Lian shook her head, and said solemnly: "I can't feel the specific identity and strength of the other party, but the evil spirit around me is very strong, and I'm almost a big monster."

Ling Nu's face was not very good-looking either.

Monsters are generally divided into five levels.

The weakest are low-level monsters, then medium-level monsters, high-level monsters, and then big monsters, and the strongest is the monster king.

In Japan, there are five known demon kings, but even if they knew their locations, no one went back to destroy them. Let alone whether they can be beaten, monsters are still more reasonable now, and the higher the monsters, the more important they are. , the pursuit is different, no more easy killings, and everyone can live in peace.

Some monsters even combine with humans to give birth to so-called half-demons.

Onmyoji and witches also correspond to five levels of division.

Low-level, intermediate, high-level, Great Onmyoji or Ise Miko and Kamo Miko, Supreme Onmyoji or Saio Miko.

Compared with the huge number of onmyoji, there are fewer witches with spiritual power.

At this time, Rei Kazama is an intermediate witch, and Ling Nu is a warrior. Although she has spiritual power in her body, she is mainly practicing swordsmanship, and her family is very powerful, so she does not need to practice more. Naturally, there are countless thugs, so She has never cultivated spiritual power, and her combat power against monsters is negligible.

Although the two had no chance of winning due to the evil spirit of the other party, they still decided to delay and call for help, because there are not only strangers here, but also their friends!

Rei Kazama threw a spell, and after a puff of smoke, a young girl with fox ears and tail appeared in front of the two of them.

This is Rei Kazama's shikigami, a demon fox. Due to the limitation of Rei Kazama's strength, she can only display the strength of an intermediate monster.

"Li, what's the matter?" Little Demon Fox rubbed his eyes and asked, yawning.

"Tamamo, there are enemies!"

"Enemy!?" The little demon fox regained his spirit.

"It's a monster!"

Yuzao turned around, suddenly looked in one direction, and pointed with her little hand, who is it?

Rei Kazama was taken aback for a moment, this direction is not right, and then looked in the direction that Tamamo was pointing - a husky?

Happy opened his mouth wide and looked at Kazama Ren and the others who noticed him,
Out of mouth: "Hold the grass! Miko!"


Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun looked around vigilantly.

At this time, the surroundings of the two of them were filled with mist formed by evil spirits, and they could not see the distance, and the surroundings were all white.

Because I have felt the stronger evil spirit in the small world, the evil spirit at this time can't affect the two of them, it just blocks the line of sight.

"Kakaka, I didn't expect that there were two blood food just after landing, and there is so much spiritual power, just eating you up, replenishing the consumption."

After hearing the words of the monster in the mist, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun's expressions were not very good.

It's not that I'm afraid, but that I feel uncomfortable when the other party treats me as food.

The moment the monster uttered its voice, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyunbian discovered each other's location and sensed it—the fourth level.

Although it is a bit troublesome, it is still not enough to watch.

Xiao Yunyun directly summoned a magic circle, and countless fireballs instantly poured down on the opponent.

There was a muffled sound from the opposite side, obviously being hit, and the mist of evil spirit quickly dissipated.

Following the direction they had just sensed, Ling Huohuo and the others looked, only to see a half-burned black monster appearing in front of them.

The figure of the other party was the same as that of a human being, but behind him was a fish's tail, covered with fish scales, and a very ferocious fish's head, with saliva dripping from a mouth full of fangs, which was extremely disgusting.

"Ahem, despicable, to sneak attack, I really underestimated you, is this power a magician? Hmph, I will definitely avenge this revenge!" After the other party finished speaking, he turned around and was about to sink into the bottom of the sea.

"Run away if you can't beat it? How can there be such a reason, besides, if you come to revenge in the future, it will be very troublesome, should be a grilled fish here!"

Ling Huohuo appeared behind the monster in a flash.

The fish monster narrowed its eyes, so fast!

Before the fish demon could react, Ling Huohuo patted the fish demon with one hand, and a hot white flame instantly drowned the fish demon. On the ground, it turned into a dried fish.

One level short, the Fish Demon was already dissatisfied with the state, and was baptized by a wave of fireballs from Xiao Yunyun, while Ling Huohuo was in full bloom, adding the sword intent of fire and the purification power of Yuyi to the flames, causing terrible damage , even if the fish demon is of the water attribute, it was burned into dried fish without any resistance in the end.

Before Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun could deal with the battlefield, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Okay, I knew you came out to catch fish behind my back at night, let me catch it!"

A figure in a short skirt stood on the rock beside Ling Huohuo with an angry look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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