The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 254 Ling Huohuo: I Saw the Birth of the Universe

Chapter 254 Ling Huohuo: I Saw the Birth of the Universe

Guo Xiaoyu's sudden appearance made Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun silent for a while.

Who let her out again?Sure enough, it's better to tie it up in the future.

At this time, a gust of wind blew up Guo Xiaoyu's short skirt.

At this moment, Ling Huohuo felt that he saw the birth of the universe.

Ling Huohuo's nose spurted out two streams of blood, and he fell to the ground in an instant.

"Ah, Guo Xiaoyu, you bastard!"

Xiao Yunyun roared angrily, rushed forward and held down Guo Xiaoyu's skirt, standing behind Guo Xiaoyu, Lu Sisi was puzzled, she didn't understand what happened to Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun, why did she have such a big reaction when she looked at the underwear?
Xiao Yunyun hugged Guo Xiaoyu, directly hugged her to the ground, pulled her by the collar, and shouted: "Why don't you wear anything?"

No... don't wear it?etc!Lu Sisi's eyes widened, and she shifted her gaze to Guo Xiaoyu's skirt with a strange expression. Could it be a vacuum there?

What Ling Huohuo saw just now...

Think carefully and fear, think carefully and fear.

Lu Sisi also blushed and turned her head away.

"Ah, you said this." Guo Xiaoyu blinked.

"I came here in my bathing suit this morning, but I forgot my underwear, so it's empty."

"Why didn't you say it earlier! And just now, just now, Ling Huohuo..."

"Because I feel very shy to tell you guys!" Guo Xiaoyu said as a matter of course.

"Shyness... what the hell is shyness?"

"Hmm..." Guo Xiaoyu ignored Xiao Yunyun and Lu Sisi who were covered in black lines, but looked curiously at Ling Huohuo who was bleeding from his nose.

"It turns out that nosebleeds can really come out, are you in heat?" Guo Xiaoyu poked Ling Huohuo's face with one finger.

"That's right." Guo Xiaoyu knocked on her hand, stood up, grabbed the corner of her skirt with both hands, and showed a devilish smile.

"Ling Huohuo, do you want to take a look?"

As she spoke, Guo Xiaoyu slowly lifted her skirt up.

Ling Huohuo's eyes widened, this... this...

Before Ling Huohuo could figure out what happened, her tiny, sandy feet stepped hard on Ling Huohuo's face.

"Don't look!" Then he slapped Guo Xiaoyu's hands, "You don't want to show him either!"

"I just want to tease him." Guo Xiaoyu said with her lips curled up.

"That's not okay! It's too shameless!"

Xiao Yunyun pulled Guo Xiaoyu, "Go back with me and reflect on yourself."

Then he turned his head and yelled at Ling Huohuo who was kneeling on the ground and rubbing his face: "You can reflect on me right here!"

After finishing speaking, he dragged the reluctant Guo Xiaoyu away quickly, and Lu Sisi gave Ling Huohuo a pityful look, then turned and left.

Ling Huohuo rubbed her eyes in pain.

"It's none of my business, sand got into my eyes, it hurts, it hurts..."


"So, you are really a domesticated monster?" Kazama Rei looked at Happy.

"Of course, have you ever seen a wild monster as handsome as this uncle?" Happy smoothed his hair proudly. During this time, he ate well, slept well, took a bath every day, and lived a happy life. His hair and figure All better.

Rei Kazama and Ling Nu nodded, and Tamamo rubbed comfortably on Happy's soft hair.

Indeed, this husky monster is indeed different from wild monsters. Not only is it well-groomed and clean, it doesn't smell like a monster, but instead has a...milk scent?

Do you use a milk-scented shower gel in the shower?
Moreover, there is no evil spirit permeating his body, if Yuzao hadn't spoken, they would never have discovered that this husky turned out to be a monster.

Coupled with the dog chain around the neck, this is indeed a domestic dog demon.

Because yokai have many advantages over ordinary creatures, some people keep yokai for work or as pets.

When a monster is subdued by an onmyoji or shrine maiden, after a contract and refinement, the monster energy in the monster's body will be converted into spiritual power, so that the monster will become a shikigami, but the strength of the monster that becomes a shikigami will be affected by the master. The strength that can be displayed cannot be higher than that of the master. Similarly, if the master's strength is high, it will also feed back the shikigami and make it stronger.

The domesticated monsters are in between. This kind of monster still has monster energy in its body, but it does not have the evil spirit of monsters and can exert its full power.But not everyone can raise monsters, because there is no contract, and unless the other party is willing, monsters can easily defect.

At the same time, if the strength of the monster is not as strong as that of the raised monster, and if you stay with the monster for a long time, you will be infected by the monster's energy from the monster's body and eventually turn it into a monster. The evil spirit on the body will be compressed into the body of the monster, and the monster will be much gentler, so there is no need to worry about the risk of demonization.

Finally, they touched Hapi's dog's head, and they said goodbye to Hapi. Kazama Ren took Ling Nu and Yuzao to the direction where the barrier was touched.

When leaving, Kazama Rei also asked Happy to tell its owner the news of the arrival of the big monster, asking for help.

Happy's strength is a third-tier high-level monster, so its owner is at least a fourth-tier monster. If the other party can really help, there will be no danger if there is no accident tonight.

It's just that they don't know that the so-called big monster has GG right after landing.


After a while, Ling Huohuo cleaned his eyes, but they were a little red and swollen.

Ling Huohuo walked to the body of the fish demon, looked at the mosaic on the ground, and began to study it.

As for monsters, with Hapi as a sample, Ling Huohuo has already studied almost the same as Xiao Yunyun.

In fact, there are many treasures on the monster's corpse.

There are three main categories.

The core of the monster, the blood of the monster, the corpse of the monster.

The core of the monster is the essence of the power in the monster's body, which can also be called the source. It can be used to make some props, and can also be used to cultivate other monsters and shikigami. It's just that the purification of Yuyi is added to the flames of Linghuohuo. The power of the monster is severely restrained, and the core of the fish monster's body is useless.

Then there is the blood energy of monsters. Blood energy refers to the power hidden in the blood and body of monsters. The blood energy of monsters is mainly used for other monsters to absorb and improve their strength. If they are of the same kind, the effect will be better. It can also be used to make some Special medicine, but for human beings, it is not so widely used.

The body of the fish demon was burnt, and there was not much blood left. Ling Huohuo used his hands and feet to extract the blood of a mineral water bottle with the method that Hapi taught him, and took it back to give Hapi another meal.

Finally, there is the corpse of the monster. Because of the nourishment of the monster's energy, every part of the monster's body is better than ordinary ones and has different uses, but the preciousness of different parts of the monster's body is also different.

For the charred corpse, Ling Huohuo didn't have much hope. For the first time, he used the flame that combined the sword intent of fire and the power of purification. He didn't expect that the damage to the monster would be so great.

Although most of the corpse was burnt and wasted a lot, Ling Huohuo didn't feel bad. He had money and didn't care about a monster's corpse at all.

In the end, Ling Huohuo stuffed two unburned eyeballs and a long thorn from a fish tail into the small world, and kicked the rest back into the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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