Chapter 255 Battle at Sea

After cleaning up the scene, Ling Huohuo also wobbled back, it was almost time for the fireworks show, I don't know if I can get a good seat if I go now.

However, just as Ling Huohuo was about to leave, a scene at sea attracted Ling Huohuo's attention.

With the moonlight, I saw that the distance became a little blurry.

Ling Huohuo injected spiritual energy into his eyes, and he could see farther without being able to see at night.

In the distance, on the surface of the sea, lavender gas is rapidly drifting towards the shore. It seems that it will reach the shore in a few minutes, and Ling Huohuo also recognized what the mist is—monster gas!
"Tsk, there are still monsters." Ling Huohuo muttered unhappily, a layer of dim white light appeared on his body, which seemed to cover Ling Huohuo's body like a piece of clothing.

Then Ling Huohuo kicked his feet a little bit, and flew towards the mist close to the surface of the sea.

The monsters are not like Harpy, most of them are very vicious. Ling Huohuo was deeply touched when he went to Japan. With such a wide range of monsters, the number of monsters will definitely not be small. If these monsters go ashore, On the entire beach, no one came to rescue, and it was almost difficult for anyone to survive.

So Ling Huohuo decided to get rid of these monsters before they landed, because there are many people related to him on the beach, and it is impossible for him to watch ordinary people die.

Before that, a ball of fire directly killed the fourth-order fish demon in an instant, making Ling Huohuo a little swollen.

The white clothes that emerged from Ling Huohuo's body were the power of Yuyi. To deal with monsters, the power of Yuyi was the best choice.

Ling Huohuo does not have the means to fly fast. Now he uses the spiritual power in his body to support him, and he can fly at low altitude for a short time. The speed is not fast, and it also consumes a lot of spiritual power. With the power of the small world to feed back, Ling Huohuo dared to fly If you play like this, if you use flames to fly, the sound of explosions and flames will definitely cause a lot of noise, and it will be difficult to end by then.

The white light on the body is relatively dim, making it difficult for people to notice.

When Ling Huohuo got close to the fog, his face changed.

Because according to his perception, there are actually nineteen monsters inside, ten of them are of the third level, seven are of the fourth level, and the remaining two are of the fifth level!
what's the situation?Where did so many monsters come from?
And there are actually two fifth-order ones?

Ling Huohuo would also read information about extraordinary people in this world in the database of the military region if he had nothing to do. Although it was public and not necessarily accurate, Ling Huohuo liked to read it just like anecdotes.

According to the information, in China, there are a total of seventeen people of the fifth level of human beings, but Ling Huohuo knows that there should be more than this number. He and Ling Miao are not on the list. The number of fifth-level powerhouses is relatively small, and since the founding of the People's Republic, the number of monsters has been even rarer. There are only two fifth-level monster kings, one is the northern long snake, and the other is the South Sea evil tiger.

These two demon kings are entrenched in their own territory, and they rarely come out, let alone appear in the central part of China. From here, it is the hinterland of China. China will not allow strong people from other races or other countries to attack here. destructive.

These monsters are also monsters hiding in the darkness of China?
Ling Huohuo didn't hide himself, and the other party also noticed Ling Huohuo's arrival, stopped advancing, and surrounded him, but they didn't attack rashly.

The monster mist dispersed, and Ling Huohuo also saw the other party's appearance clearly.

Tigers, leopards, and wolves are all a group of weird animal monsters, only nine of them look human, and they are also the strongest nine monsters.

Four of them look similar to fish demons, but they don't seem to be in such good condition.

The other three fourth-level monsters, one is a three-meter-long man with a ghost mask and a mace in his hand, with bare chest and breasts, wearing a pair of red trousers on his lower body, black hair like needles, draped behind his back, Up to the waist, there is a monster that looks like a kappa. It is only one meter tall, but its face is extremely ferocious. The last one is a humanoid monster with a height of two meters and a very long nose. The teeth in its mouth are sharks. Toothed.

The last two fifth-level monsters are much cleaner.

No, it looks like it can be called a human being.

One of them looks like a weak woman in a long skirt, holding an umbrella made of lotus leaves in her hand, and it is raining strangely around her, while the other is wearing a tengu mask and wearing a A man in a kimono with a Uchiwa fan in his hand.

Look at the clothes, are you from Japan?

The two sides were silent, and no one spoke for a long time.

Ling Huohuo scratched his face in embarrassment.

"who are you?"


Ling Huohuo thought of something and switched to Japanese.

"What do you work for?"

"Who are you?" The male monster in a kimono and a tengu mask asked.

"Come here uninvited, you should be the one who reported your name first."

The woman opposite frowned her beautiful eyebrows, but the man couldn't see any expression because he was wearing a mask.

When Ling Huohuo was observing them, they were also observing Ling Huohuo.

They couldn't see Ling Huohuo's strength, but they obviously wouldn't be an ordinary person, and there was an aura about him that made them afraid, which was the reason why they didn't take action directly.

Monsters are not easy to talk to, before the other party can reply, the three fish monsters rushed up with a loud cry,
Ling Huohuo frowned, dodged the three bone spurs, and patted each of the three fish demons, only to see three balls of fire flashing by, and the three fish demons screamed and turned into three burnt bodies. corpse.

The pupils of the remaining monsters shrank violently.


Is this hanging and beating elementary school students?

Ling Huohuo blew on the non-existent ashes on his palm, looked at the shocked eyes of the monsters, and nodded in secret satisfaction, the effect was good.

Twisting his neck, Ling Huohuo didn't talk nonsense, and rushed up directly.

Now that the other party has made a move, it means that the other party does not want to talk to you.

Seeing Ling Huohuo attacking, all the monsters hurriedly dispersed, they could vividly remember the lethality of the flames on the monsters just now.

The opponent scattered, Ling Huohuo directly pulled out the sword box, took out a long sword, and chased after the monster closest to him. The sword was wrapped in flames, and he slashed hard, killing a third-tier monster.

Because Ling Huohuo is using his spiritual power to keep himself floating in the air, if he controls other long swords, the consumption will be more severe. There are two fifth-level monsters watching beside him. Although Ling Huohuo has little combat experience, But I also know that at this time, the spiritual power in the body should be kept in a relatively sufficient state to deal with emergencies.

So they can only catch up and slash one by one, but the difference in strength also puts Ling Huohuo in an absolute advantage.

At this time, the battle at sea also attracted the attention of some people on the beach...

(End of this chapter)

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