Chapter 262 Seven Hours...

Five monsters.

Ootengu Owl belongs to the Ootengu family. Ootengu is a monster that can control the wind. It is one of the three monsters and has unlimited potential. Even if you don't swallow the pill, Owl is likely to enter the fifth level.

Yunu is a relatively rare monster, which usually appears by the riverside and between the reeds, and when it appears, it is often accompanied by rain, and its name is Su.

The remaining three monsters.

Monsters that are only as tall as children belong to kappa, a relatively vicious kind of kappa, belonging to Kawataro kappa, called Hajiro.

The monster with a long pointed nose is a kind of fish monster called Kentaro.

The last monster in the shape of a strong man is a kind of demon and monster, and it is called Hongqiewan.

For the disposal of the five monsters, Xiao Yunyun originally wanted to dismember them to get the materials, but Babai stopped them.

These five monsters are local monsters in Japan, and they can just let them guide the way after everyone goes to Japan.

So, with Xiao Yunyun's help, everyone signed a contract with the monsters.

Seeing the scalpels of various models arranged in a row by Xiao Yunyun, the five monsters were decisively persuaded, and Tiangou Xiao was no exception. Although he was a second grader, he was not stupid.

Four people, five demons, because they were originally hostile, they signed a contract that was harsher than Hapi, which can be called a contract of prostitution.

Originally, Ling Huohuo wanted to sign a contract with Yu Nu, but Xiao Yunyun flatly refused. It's a joke, so she can rest assured that Yu Nu stays by Ling Huohuo's side every day?
Then Yu Nu was thrown to Guo Xiaoyu, and it happened that she had the power of the wood attribute, so signing a contract with Yu Nu was beneficial and harmless.

Guo Xiaoyu signed a contract with two monsters, and the other was Hongqiewan. At the beginning, everyone didn't know why Guo Xiaoyu liked the big Hongqiewan, but after communicating, they found that Hongqiewan's brain There is obviously a problem with the circuit, but it matches up with Guo Xiaoyu's brainwaves strangely, and everyone has nothing to say. This is probably the so-called bird of a feather flocking together.

Fortunately, Yu Nu's brain circuit is still normal, and the three views are very positive, I hope they can complement each other.

Guo Xiaoyu signed a contract with Ye Cilang.

In fact, Guo Xiaoyu refused at first, because to be honest, no matter how you look at it, Ye Cilang's kappa is not very good. Simply put, he is ugly.

Height is a disability, facial features are a disaster, it is simply unbearable to look directly at, and there is an illusion that one's life will be shortened if left by one's side for a long time.

However, the reason why Xiao Yunyun signed the contract with Ye Jiro in the end was because...Ye Jiro knew magic!
That's right, Ye Jilang not only recognized Xiao Yunyun's contract magic, but also used many kinds of magic. Although he used demon power, the gushing out was indeed magic.

The most important thing is that after Xiao Yunyun and Ye Cilang communicated through Ling Huohuo for a while, they found that Ye Cilang's understanding of magic was very deep, and he spoke clearly and logically.

By the way... monsters and magicians are not in the same system, right?
Later Ye Jiro explained that his hometown is the city occupied by the magician - Fuyuki City.

When he was young, he had been living in the sewers of the city, and occasionally went to a human’s house to steal some food, and occasionally broke into a magician’s house one day, and later discovered magic, so he often sneaked into the magician’s house to steal food. Watch magicians learn and experiment with magic.

Because no magician would frantically block his own toilet when he was on guard, Ye Jiro was never caught again.

Later, he taught himself the magician's writing, and began to peek at the magic book. Finally, after trying, he finally found the correct way to use magic, which he named "demon magic".

It wasn't until the outbreak of the Great War in Fuyuki City that he was forced to leave Fuyuki City at the third rank, and then joined the Hachichi Group.

Although he is only the height of a child, he has already lived for more than 200 years. Although for monsters like Kappa, more than 200 years old has entered middle age. Similarly, for humans, [-] years can span at least three generations up.

After learning magic for more than 200 years, he also learned more than one family's magic, which made Ye Jiro's magic attainments extremely profound. At the same time, the changeable and weird magic also broke the limit of the blood of monsters. Although his strongest is water magic, But he also dabbles in other types of magic, which makes his strength far surpass that of the same kind.

However, the practice of demon magic is not without disadvantages.

One of them is that it is really difficult to break through.

Demon power and magic fellow practitioners need more than double the resources. With their strength far surpassing the same kind, they have just reached the fourth level after stealing and stealing. If these resources are given to ordinary Kappa, as long as their aptitude is not too bad It is no problem for two or three kappa to rise to the fifth level.

This time he came to Huaxia, he wanted to see if he could find a breakthrough opportunity.

Magic is very mysterious, and the content is also very rich. If you want to achieve greater achievements in magic, you must acquire more magic knowledge. For Xiao Yunyun, Ye Jiro is simply a living magic library!

Xiao Yunyun who discovered this was secretly glad that he had listened to Babai's advice, otherwise Ye Jiro would have asked him to dissect it to make magic materials after a while.

Therefore, Xiao Yunyun restrained Ye Cilang's appearance and signed a contract with him, but fortunately, Ye Cilang's appearance after he turned into a human was still recognizable - a somewhat gloomy little boy.

Because of the restrictions of the contract, Xiao Yunyun was not worried that Ye Cilang would cheat her.

Except for Yunu, Kentaro is the most normal person. Although he was very ferocious when he was a monster, he was indeed a serious man after turning into a human. He explained that his face was born like this, and he was a ferocious face when he was a monster , When turning into a human being, the face is serious, which is the so-called facial paralysis, there is no way, it cannot be cured.

In order to prevent the evil spirit from Jian Tailang from being too strong and affecting Lu Sisi, Xiao Yunyun, with the help of Ye Cilang, used some materials to make something for Lu Sisi to block the evil spirit—a ring.

Because Ye Cilang has a lot of research on evil spirits, the production of the ring went smoothly and successfully, which made Xiao Yunyun feel that he really made money.

The people and the monsters communicated with each other for a while, and then temporarily placed the five monsters in the small world, and the four of Ling Huohuo withdrew from the small world.

After being busy for most of the night, the sky began to brighten. Xiao Yunyun and the three returned to their room on tiptoe, while Ling Huohuo fell asleep right away.

After the three girls returned to the room, they didn't want to wake up Yin Ya, so they walked as lightly as possible and returned to their own bed.

However, what the four of them didn't know was that when they felt the movement of several people, the other people who were lying in other rooms twitched their mouths and couldn't help but look at the time.

seven hours...

(End of this chapter)

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