The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 263 Oh my god, I was almost scared to death!

Chapter 263 Oh my god, I was almost scared to death!

When it was time to wake up, Ling Huohuo, Xiao Yunyun, Guo Xiaoyu, and Lu Sisi looked tired. Except for the room, Ling Tian, ​​Ling Miao, Yin Ya, and Li Yinman tacitly did not ask any questions, only Xia Xia, who had slept the whole night Ri was puzzled, and just about to ask a question, Ling Miao pulled him aside to talk about life.

The main task of the four of Ling Huohuo now is how to persuade their family members to agree to their going to Japan.

Needless to say, Xiao Yunyun, her status in the Ling family is higher than that of her parents who are the patriarch. She only went to Japan once, that is to say, to travel around the world. Except for her parents, no one in the Xiao family dared to disagree. Her parents are fine. According to Xiao Yunyun, she is very sure that she can persuade her parents to agree to her going to Japan.

Guo Xiaoyu said that there was no problem, and then she dialed the number of her tutor in the United States. Not only did she receive a notice to visit and study in Japan, but the travel expenses were also charged to her account. It's not good to stop her.

This is already the second time!This made Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun really want to see who Guo Xiaoyu's mentor is.

Lu Sisi was going home to have a chat with her parents. As for whether she could agree to come out, it was up to her fate. She didn't dare to think about sneaking away. She didn't want to deal with the cracks on the ground of the martial arts hall herself. Come by her parents.

The last one is Ling Huohuo.

His parents seldom care about the three brothers, so they can directly bypass Ling's father and Ling's mother. As the eldest brother, Ling Tian is also very talkative. As for Ling Miao, as the youngest brother, if he dares to say a word, he can directly slap him, of course. , which is impossible.

After tidying up, and finally feeling the scenery on the beach all morning, the nine people and one dog rushed back to Zhonghai City by car.

Sure enough, Ling Tian didn't object, because Ling Huohuo also went to Japan to participate in the comic exhibition last year, he was not worried, but asked him to pay attention to safety, as for whether there was any secret action, he didn't know.

Ling Miao played mystery everyday, but disappeared again.

So, the people who were dealt with almost came to Lu Sisi's house, ready to help her persuade her parents.


the other side.

The three of Ling Miao looked at a man and a woman who appeared in front of themselves and the others, with a look of wariness on their faces. They felt threatened from this pair of men and women. The women are at the fifth level, and the men are at the fourth level!

The two are headed by a woman. The woman has red hair and a devil figure outlined by a leather jacket. She has a different kind of temptation. The man looks ordinary and looks like he is in his 20s.

The red-haired woman smiled and said, "Don't be so defensive, I mean nothing malicious."

"I don't know why you found us?" Ling Miao asked.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Xiong Xinxin, and I am the tutor of Chaofan Academy. The person next to me is my deputy. His name is Zhang Sanqi."

After hearing Xiong Xinxin's words, Ling Miao frowned.

"Extraordinary Academy? What is that? What do you come to see us for?"

"Hehe, don't be so anxious, the three of you don't need to pretend, we are not ordinary people, there is nothing to pretend." Xiong Xinxin said.

Ling Miao's eyes were serious. Sure enough, the other party knew something.

Xiong Xinxin sat up straight, "I am here to invite three people to join the Transcendent Academy on behalf of the academy..."


In the end, the three of Ling Miao agreed to join the Extraordinary Academy. There was no surprise beyond Xiong Xinxin. The conditions offered by the Extraordinary Academy are not something that ordinary people can refuse. As long as they want to become stronger, few people will refuse to join the Extraordinary Academy.

Seeing the backs of the three leaving, Xiong Xinxin no longer had the high spirits just now, but instead looked melancholy, and finally sighed silently.

When the dead invaded, those who were captured like myself were arranged by the group of people who claimed to be demon generals to be rescued and returned to the army.

However, I don't know what they did to me and others. Not only can I and others not disclose information about that group of people, but others can't check out the problems with me and others, and occasionally the other party can contact me and others.

It's almost like being manipulated.

What's even more frightening is that because I and the others didn't find any problems, and their strength was not weak, at a time of chaos, everyone was finally restored to their posts, and some were even promoted.

Then, with the secret help of that group of people, I and others always got various "adventures", their strength began to increase rapidly, and they gradually grasped greater power.

This made everyone's hearts gradually chill, quickly creating strong people and controlling more power, that group of people can't do anything!

Although everyone also resisted, they had little effect. They could only do their best to reduce the loss of the country. Gradually, some people gave up their resistance or even rebelled, while some still persisted.

Xiong Xinxin herself and her deputy Zhang Sanqi were the ones who resisted.

The Transcendent Academy is an independent force outside the country. It is very mysterious and powerful. Because of its good secrecy work, many people do not know the existence of this academy.

Extraordinary Academy has its own set of rules for recruiting students, and invitation letters are issued to those who meet the rules every year.

At the same time, Extraordinary Academy has cooperated with many countries and forces, and will also accept people recommended by various forces to teach for a period of time.

Xiong Xinxin and her assistant were the recommended ones, but by virtue of their means, they became the tutors of the college.

Xiong Xinxin had always hoped that the Extraordinary Academy could see her problems and save herself, but she was disappointed. However, since they joined the Extraordinary Academy, that group of people never contacted herself and others, so they couldn't help but relax. Take a breath.

This time, they were sent to invite the three of Ling Miao to join the Extraordinary Academy, and the process seemed to go smoothly.

After tidying up her emotions, Xiong Xinxin stood up.

"Okay, let's go back to school."

"Okay." Zhang Sanqi looked at Xiong Xinxin worriedly, and finally shook his head, hoping to calm down like this.


"Don't worry, I will take good care of your daughter, just leave her to me!" Ling Huohuo bowed solemnly to the couple in front of him.

"Then, Ling Huohuo, I will leave my daughter to you!" The man patted Ling Huohuo on the shoulder.

"Come on." The woman gasped.

"Just leave it to me." Ling Huohuo looked serious, carrying Lu Sisi's luggage in one hand, and pulling Lu Sisi who was in enlightenment out of Lu Sisi's home with the other.

After walking far away, Ling Huohuo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Damn, I was almost scared to death!

When he just entered the door, he saw Lu's father smashing a rockery with his palm, Guo Xiaoyu and Xiao Yunyun ran away immediately, Ling Huohuo walked into Lu Sisi's house with the danger of being punched to death, and was going to persuade her parents.

When explaining the purpose of coming, Father Lu roared angrily and was about to jump on him and kill himself, as if he was a little stimulated when he heard that his daughter was going to travel "alone" with the boy, but the two girls, Xiao Yunyun, were surprised by him. ignored.

Just when Ling Huohuo felt that he was about to be beaten to death, Ling Huohuo suddenly remembered that his parents seemed to be related to Lu Sisi's parents, so he hurriedly named Ling's father and Ling's mother.

Unexpectedly, ever since they heard that Ling Huohuo was the son of those two people, Lu's father and Lu's mother smiled directly. Not only did they agree to Lu Sisi's trip, Lu's mother also quickly helped Lu Sisi pack her luggage, and Lu's father even sponsored a trip. A lot of travel money.

Although they always felt that they had misunderstood something, Ling Huohuo didn't think too much about it after Lu Sisi successfully joined the team.

Next stop, Japan!

(End of this chapter)

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