The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 279 Going to the Onmyoji Headquarters to Feel the Atmosphere

Chapter 279 Going to the Onmyoji Headquarters to Feel the Atmosphere
Ling Huohuo touched his neck, he was afraid that he would not be safe at the end of the day.

"By the way, what is the strength of that fox that bit you?" Balrog asked curiously.

"Eh... Demon King..." Ling Huohuo scratched his head.

The smile on Balrog's face gradually froze.

"Why don't you talk?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Are...are you sure you're not kidding me?"

"of course."

"What strength do you have now?"

"Fifth level, it's the same level as your Supreme Onmyoji."


"Hey, Balrog, what are you kneeling for?"


For the fox's tooth marks, Balrog did not find any effective solution, not even a temporary isolation method. In the end, Balrog decided to take Ling Huohuo back to the headquarters of Onmyoji to seek help there.

Ling Huohuo is still very curious about the headquarters of Onmyoji. The headquarters of Onmyoji should have the characteristics of Onmyoji.

After finding Harpy who was acting cute on the street and secretly rubbing her big sister's breasts, Ling Huohuo and Balrog rushed to the headquarters of Onmyoji Building together.

In other words, I don't know when it started, Happy has become more and more enthusiastic about the things of being cute and profiteering.

When the Balrog saw Hapi for the first time, he recognized Hapi as a monster. Fortunately, Ling Huohuo explained in a hurry, using the collar around Hapi's neck as evidence, so that the Balrog did not take out the big monster in the street. The sword gave Happy a blow.

Onmyoji's headquarters building is very ordinary, there is nothing special about it, it is surrounded by smooth walls, tall, like an ordinary office building in the city.

Walking through the automatic door, two people and one dog entered the lobby on the first floor.

The decoration of the hall is very modern. In the middle of the hall, there is a large ring-shaped reception desk. On the top of the reception desk, along the shape of the reception desk, a large screen is hung, with words of different colors densely written on it.

At this time, some people were sitting on chairs in the lobby on the first floor, and some people were standing at the front desk talking to the people in the front desk.

"The first floor is the reception hall, which is mainly used to inform some things, and it is usually a place for the patrol team to rest temporarily when they come back."

Ling Huohuo glanced around and found that the lobby on the first floor was full of capable people, even the aunt who swept the floor had a first-level strength, and the people in the front desk were all second-level strengths, and some of the more formally dressed people were of high or low strength. It's different, the strongest in the entire hall is at the third level, and some people are accompanied by different shikigami.

"Let's go, let's go to the third floor, where there is a reference room." Balrog took Ling Huohuo to the elevator entrance and waited for the elevator with the others.

Seeing a group of onmyojis wearing hunting clothes using modern items, and even playing games online, Ling Huohuo suddenly felt that what Walliver said before was very reasonable-the times are advancing and society is developing.

"Don't people from outside here need to register their identities?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously. When he came in, he really felt that many people looked at him, and even recognized Hapi as a monster, but But no one came to check, and the Balrog did not bring him to register.

"This is the headquarters building of Onmyoji. The best and most powerful Onmyoji in Japan are here. Who dares to come here without opening their eyes? Anyone who is not clearly listed as hostile can freely enter and leave here, but outside of here There is an enchantment, ordinary people can't get in, and I'm taking it with me, if there are no special circumstances, no one will come up to check."

Ling Huohuo nodded, expressing his understanding, but this also reflected the strength of the Onmyoji headquarters, and he was not afraid of someone deliberately making trouble.

After entering the elevator, the two quickly reached the third floor.

"This is the reference room on the third floor."

Entering the third floor, the style has changed drastically. The third floor is made of wood, which looks very old.

There was a wooden wall in front of the two of them, and they couldn't see the situation behind them clearly. In the middle of the wall was a statue carved with a four-legged animal. Ling Huohuo couldn't recognize what kind of monster it was, but Ling Huohuo felt that it could be placed on the wall. Here, this should be a very important statue, and it is also likely to be an antiquity, with magical functions.

"This is Bai Ze Rui Beast. According to legend, it knows all the knowledge, and it is also the portal of the entire reference room. Come here." The Balrog brought Ling Huohuo to the front of the Bai Ze statue, and took out a spell-shaped card.

"This is the identity card." The Balrog explained, and then inserted the card into the mouth of the statue of Bai Ze, and the eyes of the statue of Bai Ze lit up.

"Identity confirmation, Balrog Wushou, welcome." An electronic voice sounded from inside the statue.

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth in a daze.

"Actually, it's electronic, and the statues outside are decorations." Balrog explained.


After making it like this, I thought I had to see the methods and background of Onmyoji. This is too much of a waste of emotion.

"Come to a private room." Balrog said.

"Please wait a moment, room number: Bing-07, I wish you a happy use." The electronic voice sounded again.

The Balrog took back the card, led Ling Huohuo around the wooden wall, and opened the curtain. In an instant, Ling Huohuo seemed to have entered another world.

The space behind the wall is huge.

The sound of pressing the keyboard of "Kakaka" echoed in Ling Huohuo's ears, smoking cigarettes, drinking beverages, and eating packed lunches. There was a person sitting in front of each monitor, his eyes unblinking. Stare at the screen.

Looking at the rows of sofa seats and running desktops, Ling Huohuo blinked.

What is the déjà vu of a group of Internet-addicted teenagers playing games in an Internet cafe?
"To be honest, I was surprised when I first came here, but I got used to it slowly. It is difficult to keep old paper books, but fortunately, with the progress of the times, there are e-books. Here at the headquarters of Onmyoji, It is difficult for ordinary onmyojis to see paper books, and they usually use computers to search for books entered into the system, which is not only convenient, but also very fast, even high-ranking onmyojis will come here to find information."

Ling Huohuo nodded, I understand, the times are advancing, and society is developing.

"Welcome to the demon slayer, Fengdu Raksha, to this reference room. I wish you a pleasant use."

Suddenly, the voice of the radio came from the reference room.


Ling Huohuo didn't know how to make complaints anymore. I still remember that once, just for this broadcast, I logged in to the Internet cafe over and over again with my borrowed King's account, and later asked someone to block the Internet cafe...

The arrival of the demon general did not cause much disturbance in the data room, as if everyone had already seen it.

The Balrog brought Ling Huohuo to the private room just opened, opened the curtain, and did not disappoint Ling Huohuo. There was a couch and two computers.

The only good thing is that the sofa and computer are clean, and there is no peculiar smell in the private room.

Balrog skillfully turned on the computer, entered the account number, clicked on the store, and ordered two cups of cold drinks.

Looking at the lantern ghost Shikigami who floated over and brought cold drinks to the two of them with a plate, Ling Huohuo finally felt the atmosphere of an Onmyoji...

(End of this chapter)

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