The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 280 Onmyoji Headquarters Database

Chapter 280 Onmyoji Headquarters Database
Onmyoji headquarters has two databases.

One is a paper database. The information there is generally old and difficult to keep. There are special people in charge of it. There are no special circumstances, and generally no one will go there to inquire about information.

Not only is it very troublesome, but if you accidentally damage a precious book, or even an orphan copy, the compensation is not affordable for ordinary people.

The other is the electronic data room. The electronic data room uses the identity cards of the people who come to check, and opens up different levels of data. It is very convenient to inquire. Once launched, it is deeply loved by most onmyojis.

The electronic database cannot be connected to the Internet, and if necessary, it can only be downloaded in the data room.

At the same time, senior and above onmyojis can also apply for a personal data computer, which is the tablet computer that Balrog first used.

The data in the tablet computer is limited, generally it is the data on the surface and common sense data, the precious data room is not allowed to be put into the personal database, and the background monitoring of all personal databases is carried out by specialized personnel, and regular Check if there are any backdoors left by viruses and hackers. If the tablet is lost or stolen, the Onmyoji headquarters would not want to see information leaks.

Moreover, not only onmyojis are improving, but monsters are also improving. Every year, there are many monster hackers who want to hack into the Onmyoji headquarters system, and then there will be specially trained onmyojis to fight back, track the IP address of the other party, and then The Onmyoji of the Field Service Department sent people to arrest him.

Stage a battle of hackers between onmyoji and monsters.

Therefore, Balrog brought Ling Huohuo to the electronic data room of Onmyoji headquarters, hoping to gain something.

It showed that I checked the information about "Fox's Teeth Marks", and found that it was no different from the information on Balrog's personal database.

However, I found out that there was once a great onmyoji who sacrificed his own life and successfully blocked the history of the fox's tooth marks. Although it was only temporary and only blocked for less than a year, it can also be regarded as a backup way.

Although there is no great Onmyoji who is willing to sacrifice for Ling Huohuo, as long as there is a direction, there will always be a way to replace it.

And shielded for a period of time, when Ling Huohuo grows up, Yuyihu will not be afraid.

Ling Huohuo even imagined that Yuyihu was killed by other monsters or onmyojis during the shielding period.

Then, Ling Huohuo and Balrog searched for news about Yuyihu.

Yuyihu is a monster from thousands of years ago. It is a monster that appeared after Abe Seimei's death. He used to be an onmyoji who passed down Heiankyo for so long. There must be news about her.

Ling Huohuo didn't know much about Yuyihu, so he collected information now, knew himself and the enemy, and won a hundred battles. When he saw Yuyihu in the future, he could take some countermeasures in advance.

In the database, there is no level limit for the information about monsters, and you can look them up at will. The purpose is to broaden your horizons and increase your knowledge. If you encounter one day, you will not be helpless.

Encryption is only available for monsters with special identities, such as monsters who have taken refuge in the headquarters of Onmyoji, everyone is their own, and privacy still needs to be protected. There are also five demon kings in Japan. This is respect for the strong .

That's what I said, but in fact, the most important thing is that I'm afraid that because I take out the privacy of the other party for others to see casually, I will anger these strong people, and go to the headquarters of Onmyoji to make a fuss and make things difficult to clean up.

Intelligence is always the prerequisite for victory in war, and it is no wonder that monsters always want to hack into the system of the Onmyoji headquarters. Which monster would not want to successfully attack the Onmyoji?
However, due to the gap in strength, influence and intelligence, very few people succeed.

"Warning, the content you are querying is confidential and needs to be authenticated!"


Ling Huohuo and Balrog looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

It stands to reason that as a monster thousands of years ago, Yuyihu should be able to check her identity information. Is there anything special about her identity?Could it be that the headquarters of Onmyoji knew about Yuyihu's recovery?As a respect, encrypt her message too?
No, if this is the case, the Onmyoji Headquarters will definitely notify all the Onmyoji, otherwise if you don't recognize them when you meet and make a wrong judgment, isn't that cheating your teammates?

The identity of Yuyihu is indeed not simple.

"What's the status of this identity verification?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"I'll take a look at the query guide later, it's the first time I've encountered this kind of situation." Balrog took down a small book that was hung on the wall, and began to flip through it quickly.

"Ah, I found it." The Balrog placed the guide between the two of them, and Ling Huohuo moved his head closer.

"Regarding identity verification, it is necessary to verify the clear identity of the message reader, confirm that the queryer really needs this information, and fill in the confidentiality agreement and application form. After submitting the application form, a special person will come to confirm it within half an hour. You can read it after confirming it is correct, but downloading is not allowed."

Ling Huohuo looked for it, and sure enough, he saw a sign for reading application on the right side of the computer.

After Ling Huohuo and Balrog clicked on it, they quickly filled in the information required to be filled in. There were a lot of information required to be filled in, and it was complete.

While waiting, Ling Huohuo rolled his eyes.

"When fighting Yuyihu, she used the immature Hyakki Yako, I am also very interested in Hyakki Yako, let's check it out."

"Give it a try, I hope it's not encrypted data... Oh? There really are."

"Let me see……"


Outside Tokyo.

Xiao Yunyun and Ye Cilang walked outside, but it seemed that Xiao Yunyun was in a bad mood.

"You really don't know where Ling Huohuo went yesterday?" Xiao Yunyun asked.

"Well, we separated soon." Ye Jiro said.

"Hmph." Xiao Yunyun snorted unhappily.

"Be careful, if he doesn't say anything, it proves that he doesn't want you to know. Moreover, according to my observation, Ling Huohuo doesn't have the guts to go out and mess around. A woman who is too fussy can't catch a man's heart." Ye Cilang smiled Said.

"Who... who is going to grab his heart!" Xiao Yunyun blushed and shouted after being told, and walked forward quickly.

Ye Jiro smiled, and also chased after him.

After Ling Huohuo returned to the hotel, although he didn't say anything, Xiao Yunyun and Ye Cilang discovered the problem.

Probably thanks to the development of their brains while practicing magic, Xiao Yunyun and Ye Jilang could easily find that Ling Huohuo was a little different.

And Xiao Yunyun also sulked because of Ling Huohuo's concealment.

"Am I too fussy?" Xiao Yunyun was thinking while walking.

(End of this chapter)

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