The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 281 The situation is very bad...

Chapter 281 The situation is very bad...

The headquarters building of Onmyoji, the electronic data room, and the special data room for demon slayers.

Two figures are looking at the screen in front of the screen, searching for something.

One of the mature women was wearing a black women's police skirt with the logo of Onmyoji on the skirt and a pattern of Shura under the logo of Onmyoji. The close-fitting police skirt outlined a bumpy figure.

The woman's slender legs were wrapped in black silk, crossing each other, with a pair of high heels on her feet, while the woman had long black hair and wore a certain black police cap on her head.

The woman wore dark red lipstick and black eye shadow, looking extremely alluring.

The other girl was wearing a standard onmyoji suit, but her cute little face was frowning.

"How is it?" asked the mature woman.

The girl shook her head and sighed, "Sister Lingxiu, there is no information about that key in the file."

The woman also raised her eyebrows, "It seems that it is not something that has been handed down from ancient Japan. Thank you for your help today. You have worked hard."

The woman smiled and rubbed the girl's short hair. The girl's eyes were slightly squinted. If she looked carefully, the ambulance found that her eyes became a little blurred and her legs began to tighten.

At this time, the woman's hand left the girl's hair, and she didn't notice any abnormalities in the girl.

The girl opened her eyes, her eyes were a little lost, but they were quickly hidden.

"By the way, sister Xiuling, where did you get that key?" the girl asked suddenly.

The woman nodded her chin with one hand, frowned, and finally shook her head.

"It's been too long, and I can't remember the exact location, but I remember that I bought it in a shop in the wild west of Tokyo when I was a child. At that time, I just thought it was an ornament. If I didn't really like it, I would I wouldn’t buy it, you know, that key cost me two years of savings, and I only recently felt that the key has changed.”

The girl nodded and said with a smile: "Then let's go and look for it together later."

"That store may not exist anymore."

"It's okay, in case it's still there."

"Okay." The woman nodded.

"It shouldn't be too late, let's go now." The girl took the woman's hand and scratched her palm reflexively.

The woman twitched her mouth. Because of the crew, she and this sister are always together. Naturally, the relationship is very good, just like a real sister. But since this sister just became an adult, she always feels that this sister has changed, as if something is wrong. .

At this time, the mobile phone on the woman's body suddenly rang.

"Wait a minute, I'll see who is the message." The woman frowned and took out her phone.

"Huh?" The woman made a voice in surprise.

"What's the matter? Sister Xiuling?" The girl asked curiously.

"Someone wants to apply for information about Yuyihu." The woman didn't hide anything.

"Yuyihu? Is it the feuding monster of your family?" The girl asked, because the relationship between the two families is very good, so she naturally knows about Yuyihu and her sister's family.

"En." The woman nodded with a serious face, "Although I don't know what the other party is for, but as a descendant of the Toyotomi family, I must go and see, but not everyone is qualified to see the secrets of the Toyotomi family. of."

"Then let's go together."

"it is good."


After more than ten minutes of understanding, Ling Huohuo already understood almost everything about the Hundred Ghosts at Night.

The content of Hyakki Night Walk is not much, but it is very comprehensive.

Hyakki Yakō can only be formed by the Yokai who are the leader.

The number of monsters needed to form Hyakki Yako is determined by the strength of the leader's monster. The stronger the leader, the fewer monsters are needed. At the same time, the more monsters, the stronger the power that Hyakki Yako can exert.

And the power that can be exerted in the Night Walk of Hundred Ghosts, which is the "potential" mentioned by Yabai, is called "fear".

The so-called "fear" includes people's fear of monsters, and there is also awe among monsters. The awe among monsters can also be called "the will of monsters to follow".

The existence that can make more people and monsters fear is also the existence with stronger strength. In the Hyakki Night Walk, fear is the source of strength.

And some powerful monsters can gradually understand the so-called "fear" and attribute the power of "fear" to themselves. Even if there is only one person, they can also exert the power of "fear".

In Japan, the five great demon kings all have their own Hyakki Yako, and some other powerful monsters also have their own Hyakki Yako, but there are only three who can really use them to "fear", namely the Hachichi group and Nu Liang. The three demon king leaders of the group and the Hakuo group.

After knowing about it, Ling Huohuo also had some ideas about the formation of the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk.

First of all, there must be enough subordinates, and these subordinates must follow him sincerely. This needs to be solved by Ling Huohuo himself. There are so many monsters sealed in the small world. As long as Ling Huohuo works hard, he will always subdue them. Enough monsters.

Then there is the second point, Ling Huohuo must condense the "fear" of the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk in the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, and understand it and master it.

In Yuyihu's final attack, she used the powerful attack alone, so it seems that she should be able to use fear alone, which is not good news.

And the last point, Ling Huohuo is not a monster!At that time, it will be up to Yabai how to do it. I hope that the Hyakki Yaxing after Yabai's magic reform can also exert its original power.

After Ling Huohuo finished watching the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts, Ling Huohuo began to look at the information of other monsters boredly.

Looking at the information of the monsters, Ling Huohuo always felt that he was looking at a certain illustrated book.

After a while, a notification arrived on the phones of Balrog and Ling Huohuo.

"Let's go, the reviewer is here, we need to go to another room." Babai looked at his phone.Said.

Ling Huohuo looked at his mobile phone, it was indeed an audit notification.

So Ling Huohuo also nodded, and followed behind the Balrog.

Under the leadership of the staff, the two went deep into the reference room and stood at the door of a room that looked like an interrogation room.

"Why do you feel that the style of this door is very wrong?" Ling Huohuo asked in a low voice. When he came to the headquarters of Onmyoji, he didn't see many things with the characteristics of Onmyoji, but he saw a lot of strange things. Ling Huohuo always felt that he might have entered a fake Onmyoji headquarters.

"Well, although I've never been here before, don't worry, it shouldn't matter whether we committed a crime...Probably." Balrog swallowed.

What the hell might it be?You are definitely starting to waver!
Ling Huohuo pushed the door open and entered.

Then, Ling Huohuo's expression changed.

Interrogation room, criminal detention, leather whip, dripping wax, and a big sister in police uniform.

This situation is very bad...

(End of this chapter)

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