The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 285 Amahara Congshen, Saio, Shuang Xingzi and... the big tengu who wanted to struggle

Chapter 285 Tianyuan Congshen, Saio, Shuang Xingzi and... the big tengu who wants to struggle

"The so-called Saio refers to the unmarried princesses who served as witches in Ise and Kamo. They are real relatives of the emperor. They used to be unable to marry for life, but now they must leave the shrine after marriage. Not only are they honorable, I also listen to It is said that they can practice the spell that only Saio can practice successfully, and it is said that the spell is not only extremely powerful, but also keeps their appearance youthful." Balrog explained.

No wonder, it turned out to be a member of the royal family.

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

"Don't look at this Saio who looks only in his 30s. This Saio is the oldest Ise Saio. It is said that he is over a hundred years old and has great strength. This time he brought three The disciples came to the headquarters of Onmyoji to visit and study, which made the higher-ups nervous for a while, and it was rare that martial law began. Otherwise, many places in the headquarters of Onmyoji could be entered casually, but now it is not possible. When the martial law is over, come again, I will Let’s take you on a tour.”

Ling Huohuo has a black thread, are you using your Onmyoji headquarters as a tourist attraction?If you let your boss know, it is estimated that you will greet him with a whip and dripping wax.

"Let me introduce to you again, the middle-aged man in a suit is also a demon slayer, named Qiandaochuan, titled Tianyuan Congshen, although no one admits it, but it is said that he is the strongest demon slayer General, the strength seems to be as good as a real god, and he can break through to the realm of the Supreme Onmyoji at any time, but the delay in breaking through seems to be due to emotional problems, but he is an excellent person, very popular in the headquarters of Onmyoji, and even gave me advice .”

After finishing speaking, the Balrog also stood up and shouted his name in the direction of Qiandaochuan, and waved his hand with a smile.

After Qian Daochuan saw the Balrog, he smiled and waved at the Balrog. At the same time, he also noticed the existence of Ling Huohuo, and his eyes swept over Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo observed Qiandaochuan. Although Qiandaochuan was middle-aged, he didn't look old. It could be seen that he was also a handsome guy when he was young. His smiling face was really easy to give people a good impression.

Whenever he passes by a place, other onmyojis next to him will greet him with a smile, and he always responds with a smile, looking very welcome.

"Qiandao, who is that boy? Is it your disciple?" The woman who was said to be Saio by Balrog asked with a smile while pointing at Balrog.

"Ah, it's just a kid with some talent. I'm more optimistic about him."

Saio looked suspiciously at Qiandaochuan. As a witch, she could sense other people's emotional fluctuations. Just now she found that Qiandaochuan's view of the Balrog was different from others, so she asked, simply Optimistic?No, on the contrary, there are some emotional fluctuations like those of relatives.

The age difference between the two... Is that kid the illegitimate son of Chidaogawa?

If it is true, then the story in it is interesting.

Most women like gossip no matter how old they are, especially Saio, a woman who has lived for so long and has seen a lot of turmoil. It is estimated that gossip can arouse her interest. No matter how long it takes, ethics dramas are never tired of watching. .

Although Qiandaochuan didn't say anything, Saio believed that with his own means, there was definitely a way to dig out the secret behind it!It can even make a bunch of father and son recognize each other.

As a shrine maiden, I am really kind, Saio thought to himself.

Saio smiled and looked at Balrog and Qiandaochuan again, which made both Qiandaochuan and Balrog shudder.

But when King Zhai looked at Ling Huohuo, he frowned. This man...

Without saying anything more, Qian Daochuan led Saiwang and several maidens into a private room, but he was warned by the superiors about the characteristics of this Saiwang, and if he asked her to pay attention to this matter, his gossip would definitely be covered by her Take it out, this is a lesson learned.

But Saio seemed to be thinking about something again, and instead of embarrassing Qian Daochuan, he walked into the private room together.

Several people from Qiandaochuan entered the private room, and Balrog and Ling Huohuo also sat back and collapsed on the chair again.

People, when you are full, you want to sleep, this is happiness!
Just when Ling Huohuo was about to fall asleep in a trance, the commotion reappeared.

Ling Huohuo opened his eyes and found that two teenagers, a boy and a girl, came in.

The two of them only looked about fourteen or fifteen years old.

The boy has short hair, with a tugging expression, and looks a bit in need of a beating, while the girl is expressionless and cold.

Although the styles of the two seem to be very mismatched, they feel inexplicably harmonious when they stand together.

"Those two are twin stars." Balrog said.

"Double Xingzi?" Ling Huohuo asked suspiciously.

"Yes, the savior in the language is...their son."

"What?" Ling Huohuo was dumbfounded, what the hell?Still have this kind of operation?
"The supreme onmyojis figured it out a long time ago. A certain two people are the sons of double stars, and their son is the future savior. So after many difficulties, the headquarters of the onmyoji found these two people and put them together for training. At first, these two people didn't buy it and made a lot of jokes, but now at least they can appear together, and don't you think they are a good match when they stand together?"

Ling Huohuo nodded, this sense of harmony is indeed not fake.

"The two are worthy of being twin stars, both of them are extremely talented. They both started training at the age of eight, and successfully broke through to elementary onmyoji in less than a year, broke through to intermediate onmyoji when they were ten years old, and advanced I am an Onmyoji, and I estimate that I will break through to the Grand Onmyoji in two years, and at this rate, I have a good chance of breaking through to the realm of the Supreme Onmyoji before I reach adulthood."

Ling Huohuo took a closer look, and sure enough, both of them had the strength of Tier [-]. This talent was terrifying!
But...the prophecy that the child of the two people is the future savior has the feeling of an arranged marriage, will take at least four or five years for the two to have children. I don't know if underage in Japan is considered a crime. The government should I can't control the onmyoji's... Cough cough.

In short, Ling Huohuo felt that if the end of the world was really going to happen, the world might be going to be cold when these two gave birth to a son. What if the first child of the two was not a son?
At this time, a figure behind the two attracted Ling Huohuo's attention.

"Big dog!"


Big Tengu felt that he should struggle.

What would Ling Huohuo and the others think if they didn't go back for a long time?What if you feel that you have defected, and an unhappy person clicks yourself through the power of the contract?
I am a big dog owl, as a generation of SSR... Bah, I am a generation of demon kings, how could I die so unjustly?
What's more, although he only stayed for a long time, but after a long time, if he hides like this, the mentally handicapped boy will definitely see the problem.

Therefore, the big tengu decided to take a risk, the big deal... the dog leash!
So, Big Tengu agreed to come out to have dinner with a few people, and see if there is an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Even if there is no chance, before fighting... at least have a good meal.

(End of this chapter)

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