The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 286 The Great Tengu Has Joined the Ghost Night Walk Luxury Package

Chapter 286 The Great Tengu Has Joined the Luxury Package of Hyakki Night Walk
"Big tengu?"

"Ling Huo Huo!"

Ling Huohuo and Datengu exclaimed at the same time.

The sudden utterance of Ling Huohuo and Datengu stunned the people present.

"Ling Huohuo, do you know him?"

"Senior, is he your friend?"

After some explanations, everyone figured out the relationship between Ling Huohuo and Big Tengu.

When they heard that the big tengu was a monster with the strength of a demon king, the faces of Shuang Xingzi and Balrog changed, and immediately after hearing that the big tengu was a monster raised by Ling Huo, the expression on Shuang Xingzi's face almost collapsed It was the same, as if he saw something unbelievable, but the Balrog calmed down a lot.

And when Big Tengu heard that Balrog was Ling Huohuo's friend, and that he didn't have to worry about being attacked by the people from the headquarters of Onmyoji when he was with Ling Huohuo, Big Tengu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and returned to his cold look again. He dragged and ate the food in front of him.

With the big dog in the middle, Ling Huohuo and Shuang Xingzi also got to know each other smoothly.

The boy is called Yanmotang Rower. Although he looks awkward and has a bad face, he is unexpectedly a good guy and a very passionate young man, while the girl is called Huaye Hongxu. She looks colder but has a very Everyone's ladylike demeanor.

For Ling Huohuo, Shuang Xingzi seemed to be very respectful and a little cautious. After all, they were only 14 years old. Facing a "strong man" like Ling Huohuo was like an ordinary student meeting the Minister of Education. Inevitably there will be some tension.

As for the Balrog, the two also seemed to respect him very much. After all, in the introduction, he was a friend of Ling Huohuo who had eliminated demons together, whoring together, coughing, and going through life and death together, and he would definitely not be a weak person.

It was only natural for the two of them to call "Senior" to the Balrog.

Regarding the attitudes of the two of them, Balrog laughed from ear to ear. After all, they were well-known geniuses in the past, and they would definitely surpass themselves in two years. But now they call themselves seniors, which makes Balrog's vanity My heart was greatly satisfied.


After finishing the one-day tour of the Onmyoji headquarters, Ling Huohuo bid farewell to everyone with the big tengu, and prepared to go back to the hotel.

Ling Huohuo didn't see Zuo Yan and Sadako, and I heard that both of them had to work overtime because of something.

Yanmo and Shuangxingzi sent Ling Huohuo and Datiangu out of the building, attracting the attention of passers-by.

If it's just the Balrog, it's okay, he doesn't have much fame, but the Twin Stars alone are different, they are definitely the most dazzling second of the younger generation, and the person who can let them off naturally gets the attention of those who come and go, Secretly guess the identities of Ling Huohuo and Datiangu and their relationship with Shuang Xingzi.

Saying goodbye to the three of them, Ling Huohuo didn't take Daitengu back to the hotel directly, but rushed to a remote place in Tokyo.

Ling Huohuo found a warehouse with no one around.

"What's the matter?" Big Tengu was a little puzzled. It may be that Big Tengu had limited "education" and had never read "philosophy", so he didn't think too much about it, but was just puzzled by Ling Huohuo's weirdness.

"Ahem, Big Tengu, I want to tell you something." Ling Huohuo coughed twice.

"Tell me, why do you have to come here?" Big Tengu looked at Ling Huohuo.

"I want to form my Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, so I, Ling Huohuo, am here to extend an invitation to you, I hope you can follow me and become a member of my Hundred Ghosts Night Walk!" Ling Huohuo said seriously.

"What?" Big Tengu looked at Ling Huohuo in surprise, the expression on his face froze, as if Ling Huohuo might lose his mind again.

"You're human! What kind of ghost tour are you building?" Big Tengu rolled his eyes, what happened yesterday when I wasn't by Ling Huohuo's side?Is he out of his mind?
"..." Ling Huohuo was also a little embarrassed, "Actually, it's just an ability similar to Hyakki Yakō, because it was just created not long ago, and I don't know what it's called, so I called it Hyakki Yakō."

After a day of deduction, as well as the information Ling Huohuo found, and seeing the incomplete Baigui Yaxing once, Babai finally came up with a Baigui Yaxing suitable for Ling Huohuo.

In fact, the so-called Hyakki Night Walk created by Yabai is just a sham. I only have a rough guess about what will happen, and I can only wait for the success to say what changes will happen.

Big Tengu looked at Ling Huohuo suspiciously, and nodded to express his understanding.

"Have you found all the monsters?"

"Don't worry, there will be in the future."


"Etc., etc!"

Ling Huohuo hurriedly stopped Datengu, who looked a little unhappy.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Ling Huohuo, don't think that you can do whatever you want because you are stronger than me!" Big Tengu gritted his teeth.

Ling Huohuo raised his eyes and thought for a while, "But I can really do whatever I want."


The scene was awkward for a while.

"Farewell!" Big Tengu turned and left.

"Stop!" Ling Huohuo pressed the big tengu's shoulder. The words of the big tengu just reminded Ling Huohuo, yes, I am stronger than him, if he doesn't cooperate, I'm afraid I will do whatever I want!
Big Tengu felt the strength on his shoulders and took a deep breath... Cowardly.

It's not pleasant to be beaten, and neither are monsters.

"Do you know what Hyakki Night Walk is?" Big Tengu turned around and asked.

Ling Huohuo told the big tengu about the information he had found.

"That's right, Hyakki Yaxing is indeed like this, but for monsters, Hyakki Yaxing is not only a means to improve strength, but also represents loyalty. Generally speaking, a monster will only join one monster's Hyakki Yaxing in his life, dedicating all Although the body and mind are individuals, they are different from the leader and inherit the will of the leader. Therefore, Hyakki Yakō is very important for monsters. Before joining Hyakki Yakō, monsters will also choose their own leader, not only You need strength and the foundation to become a strong man, but you don't even have enough monsters to build Hyakki Yakō, so..."

The big tengu finished speaking with his neck up, the meaning was obvious, you beat him up, I admit it.

"Have you joined the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk before?"

"That's right, I have joined the Hyakki Yakyou, the leader of the Hachichi group, before."

"That's it." Ling Huohuo was a little disappointed.

"But since I took the pill, I'm no longer a member of his Hundred Ghosts Night Walk."

Ling Huohuo's eyes lit up.

"Who says I can't get it all together? Although I don't have enough monsters now, there are quite a few in my small world. It is definitely more than enough to form the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

"What?" Big Tengu's eyes widened. He had heard from Harpy about the small world, and he was clear about the seal in the small world. Although he couldn't get close, he could still feel the palpitating oppression inside the seal. feel.

"Are you sure you're not joking?" Big Tengu asked seriously, "Those are...".

"Why can't you do it? Who do you think I am? I single-handedly picked Ling Huohuo of your entire team, and I am Ling Huohuo who is destined to be the pinnacle!"

After hearing Ling Huohuo's words, a certain dazzle in Datengu's heart seemed to be touched. As a Datengu clan, as a noble SSR, how could Datengu be willing to be ordinary, but now he can feel it and wants to go further , it is even more difficult.

But even though there were only two sentences, the big tengu heard it with enthusiasm. Who didn't think about stepping to the top?
It made the big tengu look at Ling Huohuo's expression slightly changed.

But... by the way, what the hell is an SSR?

"And." Ling Huohuo patted the big tengu on the shoulder, "If you don't agree today, I'll get you to agree, but you said that you have strength and can really do whatever you want!"

"..." You really still have to rely on violence!
Finally, the big tengu shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, I can agree, must find a way to improve my strength, otherwise when you lose, or I think you are not qualified to lead me, I will leave by myself, and you can't stop me I!"

"make a deal!"

Ootengu waved his hand, and several pictures of light blue will-o'-the-wisps floated around, and the dim light of the fire illuminated the warehouse. Although Ootengu is a monster who controls the wind, he can still master the ability of will-o'-the-wisps, which all monsters know.


A gust of wind blew by, and Ootengu changed back to the form of a monster, wearing a white safari suit, with a blue round fan in his hand, and his wings closed behind his back.

"Commander, according to the habit of monsters, it's time to drink at this time." Daitengu stretched out a hand, holding two bowls and a jug of sake in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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