The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 290 This wave is not bad, we are very fat

Chapter 290 This wave is not bad, we are very fat
"This is..." Natsume stood in front of the window, looking out of Yin Yang School with a serious face.

"Natsume, wait a minute." Ah Hu chased after him, leaned on his knees and panted for a while, raised his head, and widened his eyes.

"This is……"

"Yin Yang School, surrounded by monsters." Natsume said in disbelief, he had never seen such a big scene before, and couldn't help trembling in his heart.

"Wait." Ah Hu took out his phone and tapped it a few times, "Damn it, there is no signal."

"With the shield of evil spirit, the connection between Yin Yang School and the outside world has been cut off." Natsume said bitterly.

"Then what should we do now?" Ah Hu asked.

"Wait." Natsume frowned. This attack is definitely not that simple. It is difficult to break through with the strength of Yin Yang School alone. We can only wait for the rescue from the outside world. If the barrier of Yin Yang School is broken before the rescue arrives ...

"Natsume, look over there." Ah Hu suddenly exclaimed.

"What?" Natsume came back to his senses, looked in the direction of Ah Hu's finger, and found that the originally peaceful monster energy began to churn violently.

Suddenly, it seemed that something hit the window where the two were, but was bounced away by the barrier.

A fiery red light and a blue light flashed, and the evil spirit began to be quickly blown away by the wind, and the two of them saw the situation in front of them clearly.

There were corpses of monsters all over the place, and the ground was stained red with blood.

In the middle, stood two figures.

The figure standing on the ground was wearing a hoodie, the collar was pulled up, covering half of his face, he couldn't see his face clearly, he could only see a pair of eyes, and he could tell that the other party was a man by his figure.

The figure held a long sword in his hand, and the long sword was entwined with orange-red flames, and flames were also burning on his right shoulder and left knee, but the clothes were not burned, and flames were scattered on the ground around the figure, with scorched Mark of.

And behind the man, there was a monster in a hunting suit floating in the air.

Black wings, white safari clothes, ferocious tengu mask, a round fan pinned to the waist, and a transparent tachi in my hand, the blade is entwined with blue wind scrolls.

The cyan wind is also wrapped around the monster, and the flames on the ground are rolled up. With the help of the wind, the fire burns more and more vigorously, dyeing the nearby colors red, and it looks extremely hot.

"It's Daitengu!" Although the appearance was a little different, Natsume still recognized the identity of Daitengu instantly.

"Why would the monster fight by itself?" Ah Hu murmured.


Ling Huohuo raised his head and looked at a window of the Yin Yang School, where he could clearly see two figures behind the window.

"Big Tengu, how do you feel?" Ling Huohuo asked the Big Tengu behind him, ignoring the people in the Yin Yang School.

"Well, although I'm not very used to using a knife, it feels very good. Although my strength hasn't improved, the power of my skills and wind has increased a lot." Ootengu said.

Ling Huohuo shrugged. This time, Ling Huohuo and Daitengu's Hyakki Night Walk, because there is only Daitengu and a monster, the power that can be exerted is at the lowest level.

Because Ling Huohuo's strength is much stronger than that of the big tengu, the big tengu even has a lot of improvement in the power of his skills, but Ling Huohuo is different, there is almost no change, and he can't feel the existence of fear at all.

And because the big tengu is a monster, Ling Huohuo can't even use Yuyi's power.

The power of Hagoromo is very lethal to monsters. Although it cannot be improved, the power is constant, but the level of Hagoromo itself is not low, so the lethality against Ootengu is still considerable, and Hagoromo's energy is not smart enough to Distinguish between friend and foe.

If Ling Huohuo uses the power of Yuyi, although he can control the power of Yuyi not to fall on the big tengu, it will inevitably not affect the strength of the big tengu, just like the flame does not burn people, but stays in the flames Beside, people will definitely feel the heat, if the power of Yuromo falls on Ootengu's body, it will be the rhythm of the collapse.

It's okay to crush the game, and it can be waved, but the evenly matched situation is just waiting for death.

Fortunately, with the help of Ootengu, the two established a relationship and cooperated very well, but their overall strength has improved a lot.

"Go look in other directions."

After testing his strength, the reason why Ling Huohuo didn't choose to leave was because of Toyotomi Xiuling's "thank you".

In this way, Ling Huohuo and Daitengu wiped out the monsters in one direction, and the monsters surrounding the Yinyang School in four directions were directly swept away by Ling Huohuo and Daitengu in half.

The price is that Ootengu's power consumption is severe, and he can't continue to maintain the state of Hyakki Yaxing, so he can only follow Ling Huohuo.

Although Ling Huohuo was a little tired, but with the supplement of the small world, his strength was not consumed too much.

Under continuous actual combat, Ling Huohuo has a better understanding of his own strength, and he can display his strength more easily, and at the same time he has gained a lot of experience.

Babai, who was peeping secretly in the small world, couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, this wave is not bad, we are very fat.

At this time, reinforcements from the Onmyoji headquarters also arrived.

The eight imperial vehicles and the Onmyoji troops quickly drove from all around to the Onmyoji School, surrounded the monsters inside, and fought together without any explanation.

"It's really a big scene." Looking at the Onmyoji troops rushing straight, Ling Huohuo sighed.

"I think if we don't get out of the way, we might be cleaned up together." Big Tengu said.

"Huh? Wait, don't accidentally injure us, we are allies!" Ling Huohuo shouted at the onmyoji who was rushing towards him.

In the end, Ling Huohuo was brought to Toyotomi Xiuling's imperial position, and after confirming his identity, the vigilance against Ling Huohuo was lifted.

This is the first time for Ling Huohuo to observe the imperial formation at close range. Under Ling Huohuo's perception, Toyotomi Xiuling's imperial formation is full of incantations that Ling Huohuo cannot understand, and there are many spells, the sum of power Extremely scary.

Although he doesn't quite understand the principle of the front of the imperial formation, Ling Huohuo can guess that the front of the imperial formation has a great boost to the demon slayers, and at the same time provides sufficient power for the slayers.

Ling Huohuo did not board Toyotomi Hideyoshi's imperial position. Except for the staff who specialize in maintaining the imperial position, there are no special circumstances. Except for the demon general himself, others are not allowed to board his own imperial position, even Neither will other slayers.

Toyotomi Xiuling has no time to deal with Ling Huohuo for the time being, so she can only order other people to treat her well, while she herself joins the ranks of exterminating monsters.

Although the monsters suffered heavy casualties under the attacks of Ling Huohuo and Datengu, this does not mean that the monsters are weak. Compared with Onmyoji, their strength is very good.

The highest combat power of the Onmyoji dispatched this time is Tier 20. Including Demon Slayers, there are a total of [-] people, but even if Ling Huohuo and Datengu cut a wave, the remaining monsters will not be lower than Tier [-]. twenty.

Although there are many human beings, there are not many who truly have the talent of Onmyoji and can be successfully cultivated into combat power.

On the contrary, monsters, as long as they practice hard, can form considerable combat effectiveness.

(End of this chapter)

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