The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 291 Three Shanlang: Old Tie

Chapter 291 Mizen Juro: Old Tie
Looking at the scorching battlefield, Daitengu frowned.

"What's wrong?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Don't you think the strength of these monsters is abnormal?" Big Tengu asked.

"I've never seen a normal one, how would I know it's abnormal?" Ling Huohuo rolled his eyes.

"..." My friend reasoned, but I was speechless.

Daitengu took a deep breath and explained: "Most monsters are fierce and aggressive by nature. It's okay to have a few monsters with the same strength, but if you want so many big monsters of the fourth level to act together, you must have Under the leadership of the demon king, the power of the monsters will be like a piece of loose sand."

"Where's the demon king?"

"I don't know, maybe it's not here, but what I'm talking about is abnormal is not here."

"What is it?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"Monsters mainly rely on bloodlines. As long as they practice hard, their power will naturally increase. However, the opposite of increasing power is massive resources. Only relying on monsters to cultivate slowly by themselves, unless the bloodlines are extremely strong or special, the speed of cultivation will not be high. Too fast, even the blood of my Ootengu clan will take at least 100 years to cultivate to the point of a big youkai."

"Wait." Ling Huohuo interrupted suddenly.

Big Tengu looked at Ling Huohuo suspiciously.

"How old are you this year?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"..." Big Tengu looked at the night sky.The air was momentarily quiet.

Datengu suddenly realized, how old is this demon king?


After the embarrassment was over, Ootengu continued to explain: "Normally speaking, the strength of organized monsters will improve faster, because resources are limited, the stronger the strength of the organization, the more resources it robs, the more strength will be improved. Generally speaking, in Japan, the Hachishaku group is the most powerful. The organization is composed of a demon king, [-] big monsters, [-] high-level monsters, [-] middle-level monsters, and countless low-level monsters. It is said that there are tens of thousands of monsters. .”

This amount made Ling Huohuo frowned.

"The eight-foot group is able to raise so many monsters because of its rich resources. In addition to what we just killed and what we saw just now, there are at least forty big monsters here, and there are at least a thousand high-level monsters. The number of middle-level monsters and low-level monsters is very small, which is very abnormal."

"First of all, the resources consumed by these monsters to cultivate such strength are terrifying, and there are very few low-level monsters, which is very abnormal. It is impossible to say that all monsters can improve their strength."

"What do you think it means?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"I thought it was a union of monster organizations, but I found that these monsters have no obvious identification. However, I guess, the strength of these monsters is definitely not normal!" said the big tengu.

Ling Huohuo seemed to think of something, "Pills! Funeral team!"

Ootengu's eyes narrowed. He is no stranger to the funeral team, because he owes his current strength to the funeral team!

Seeing the arrival of reinforcements, the teachers and students in the Yin Yang School quickly reacted.

Open the barrier and kill them directly. There are actually ten fourth-rank onmyojis in the Onmyoji School.

In fact, generally speaking, the strength of the Yin-Yang School is not weak. If it weren't for the fact that the enemies are too strong and there are too many of them this time, the onmyojis in the Yin-Yang School would have taught these monsters to be human again—how to be human?Of course it was sent to be reincarnated!
Under the pincer attack from inside and outside, the monsters from outside were quickly defeated and fled in all directions, and the Onmyoji also pursued closely, trying to annihilate these monsters in one fell swoop.

The top floor of the Yin Yang School headquarters, the principal's room.

Grandpa Qian laughed happily.

"You two, it seems that your friends have left. Do you want to stay with me as a guest for a while? I am very interested in the funeral team behind you."

"I really didn't expect that someone would disturb the situation." Taichang smiled inscrutablely.

The sky did cut angrily.

"However, we won't bother you much." Tai Chang said with a smile.

"Really?" Grandpa Qian put down his cup heavily, and Mizen Juro also narrowed his eyes, as if he was about to make a move.

A black crack appeared behind Taichang and Sky, quickly pulling them in, and when Grandpa Qian and Sanzenjuro wanted to stop it, they found it was too late.

"Master Principal, it is better for the old man to rest earlier." Taichang's voice echoed in the principal's room.

"He's really a frizzy young man. He didn't even say hello when he left." Grandpa Qian raised his teacup with a smile again.

Mizenjuro walked to the place where the two disappeared, picked up two half-burnt charms from the ground, and put them on the table.

Grandpa Qian's hand stopped.

These two spells are obviously the reason why Tai Chang and Tian can escape, but... monsters don't know how to make and use spells.

So, is there an onmyoji colluding with monsters or joining the funeral group?

"The funeral team really shouldn't be underestimated." Grandpa Qian sighed and fell silent.

Sanzenjuro stood up, bowed slightly towards Grandpa Qian, and then left the room. This commotion needs someone with enough weight to come forward to quell it.

He is still busy.


After the battle, Ling Huohuo was also taken into the Yin Yang School by Toyotomi Xiuling herself.

The corpses of the monsters roasted outside the Yin Yang School have not yet cooled down. Ling Huohuo and the others have made such a big commotion. It only takes a little inquiring to find out. For a strong man like Ling Huohuo, there is still a minimum of respect. Yes, it's normal for an exorcist to personally receive him.

Even Mizenjuro himself was waiting at the door.

Ling Huohuo was the one who notified the headquarters of Onmyoji, and he wiped out half of the enemies with a monster alone, and solved a lot of trouble. He is kind to Onmyoji, and Sanzen Juro can still let go of this little face.

Moreover, how old is Ling Huohuo?With such a strong strength, and the demon king as a thug, the future is limitless. If he is drawn into his family, then his family will definitely have to go to heaven!
Mizen Juro has already begun to wonder if there is a female junior of the same age as Ling Huohuo in his family, and wants to introduce Ling Huohuo, but the result is——no.

So, I don't know if it is possible to stir up the base?
Mizen Juro's thoughts were flying.

Ling Huohuo shuddered, and distanced himself from Sanzen Juro.

There are special personnel to deal with the aftermath. Toyotomi Hiderei doesn't have the talent in this area. Mizenjuro's identity is there. Who dares to use him?However, he had to stay at the scene to stabilize the emotions of the teachers and students, and at the same time prevent accidents.

Toyotomi Xiuling led Ling Huohuo directly to the top floor of the Yin Yang School.

Regarding Ling Huohuo's actions, the principal of the Yin Yang School naturally had to express something, but I heard that the other party was very old, and his old arms and legs were inconvenient to move, so he could only go up to see him.

"I really don't know what kind of mentality it is to live on the top floor even though I know I have old arms and legs." Under Ling Huohuo's secret complaints, Ling Huohuo stepped into the top floor of Yinyang School under the leadership of Toyotomi Xiuling .

A crimson wooden door appeared in front of Ling Huohuo.

(End of this chapter)

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