The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 297 The current child...

Chapter 297 The current child...

Inside Tokyo Tower.

The original chase turned into a confrontation between the two sides.

The weapons in the hands of the mercenaries aimed at the two men in black.

The two men in black are gin and vodka, and vodka is holding a box in his hand.

The man who was being chased was lying on the ground, his slightly heaving chest proved that he was still alive.

In the dark, a group of elementary school students and two women hid in the distance and secretly observed the movement here. However, due to lighting problems, everyone could only see a rough shadow, and the specific shape was not clear.

"Smooth than expected." Qin Jiu thought secretly.

At this time, Vodka secretly gave Gin a gesture, and Gin nodded. Gin knew that the person who picked them up was coming soon.

"Damn! Who are you!" Blood Fang asked.

He felt a deadly threat from the long-haired man opposite. Desperadoes like them often trust their feelings more than their own eyes. Fate, that's why he didn't act rashly.

But the target he had been chasing for several months was cut off, which made him feel very unwilling.

"Let's go." Gin Jiu said, and walked to the top of Tokyo Tower first, and Bloodfang's mercenary group followed closely behind. When the two groups were gone, the people hiding in the dark ran out to check The condition of those who fell on the ground.

"Great, still alive."

Feeling each other's heartbeat, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, footsteps sounded, and the owner of the footsteps appeared in front of them before they had time to hide.

Three men and one woman, four people.

"Uh, what happened?" Ling Huohuo looked at the situation in front of him and asked curiously.


Gin took vodka to the very top of Tokyo Tower.

Although Xueya didn't know the other party's plan, he felt that he absolutely couldn't wait any longer. The situation was too passive for him and others.

Suddenly, the dazzling light made Xue Ya and others couldn't help blocking their faces, a strong air flow passed by, and the sound of the engine came to Xue Ya's ears.

not good!

Blood Fang's heart tightened.

It's a helicopter!
The opponent wants to run!

At the moment when Xuefang and others blocked their eyes, Gin jumped onto the armed helicopter with vodka.

"Leave it to me." Xue Fang roared, and was about to rush forward when he suddenly felt a chill, turned his head reflexively, and a bullet scratched his cheek and hit the iron man behind him. on the shelf.

"Not good, there are snipers, all dodge!"

Bloodfang's mercenary squad all hid behind the bunker.

Looking at the helicopter gunship that was rising, Xueya's teeth were really about to bleed from his own bite.

I am not satisfied!

"That's good." As Sadako withdrew her hand, the breathing of the man who was originally weak began to calm down.

The surrounding elementary school students and two women exclaimed.

"This is amazing, you are amazing."

Sadako scratched her head in embarrassment.

"Ah, it's a small matter, it's no big deal."

And one of the little boys with glasses had a broken expression on his face, as if his world view had been destroyed, and he shouted in his heart: "This is unscientific! Onmyojis are all liars! Holmes, tell me this is not true, hurry up!" Tell me!"

Zuo Yan and Balrog shook their heads and did not speak. If Sadako hadn't proposed it, they would have taken action. Although they are not good at healing, they are definitely better than Sadako.

Fortunately, the man did not receive much damage, except for the wound on his shoulder, he was just stunned. If it was really a serious injury, he would have died a long time ago.

At this time, the eyelids of the man lying on the ground moved, and everyone hurriedly surrounded him.

The man slowly opened his eyes, and was confused for a while. After thinking about who he was and where he was, he immediately ignored the people around him, and instead looked at something on his body with an anxious expression on his face. .

"Where are the keys and documents from?"

"What keys and documents?" Sadako asked curiously.

"Have you seen my keys and documents?" The man grabbed Sadako anxiously, but was immediately stopped by Balrog and Zuoyan.

The look of the man at this time is too scary, didn't you see that the little rabbit who was scared just now started to tremble?
Ling Huohuo, Yanmo, and Zuo Yan wiped their noses politely, and looked away from the two "little rabbits" on Sadako's chest. Suddenly, Ling Huohuo found that a child wearing glasses was staring straight at him. Looking at Sadako's two "little rabbits", Ling Huo pinned down the other's dog's head unhappily, and turned him aside.

Children now...

The child wearing glasses was flushed and embarrassed, and a little girl with wavy hair next to him was holding her chest, staring at the little boy with dead fish eyes, and looked at the little boy with contempt.

"Calm down, we don't see keys and documents around."

The man took a deep breath for a while before calming down, and smiled embarrassedly at everyone.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, keys and documents are very important to me, so..."

"Can you tell me the specific situation? What happened?" Zuo Yan asked.

Others also looked at the man. Although the man did not have an ID on him, he was definitely not an ordinary person.

Nonsense, can ordinary people be hunted down?
Moreover, Ling Huohuo discovered that the man actually has the strength of the fourth level, he can chase and kill the man, stun him, and steal his things, plus the description of the child who just passed the test.

The two groups of people chasing and killing the man definitely have a fourth-order, or even a fifth-order existence!

"Who are you?" the man asked.

"My name is Mao Lilan, and this is my friend, Suzuki Sonoko." A girl said politely.

"We are the Detective Boys! If you have any questions, please come to us!"

Seeing the middle school two poses of the children, Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of his mouth, Zuoyan and Balrog had black lines, and Sadako clapped her hands in an unclear expression.

"Onmyouji, Yamadaji Sayan."

"Onmyoji, Balrog Wushou."

Yamada Temple and Balrog said coolly.

"Onmyoji, just call me Sadako!" Sadako even saluted.

"There are tourists from Huaxia, Ling Huohuo." Ling Huohuo said.

When the man heard about Onmyoji, his eyes lit up.

"You can call me No. 73. My identity is similar to that of an agent. Keys and documents are important items I escorted, but before entering Japan, I was targeted by mercenaries. Luggage and equipment were lost and damaged during the fight. So after entering Japan, I couldn’t contact the organization at all, and I couldn’t contact the person in charge of connecting with me in Japan.”

The man explained.

Suddenly, a beam of lights flashed, and the sound of helicopters flying outside Tokyo Tower sounded.

"that is……"

"It should be the helicopter that came to pick up the people who knocked you out." Ling Huohuo said calmly.

He checked just now and found that there were no people in that group, and there were two acquaintances, the two men in black who drove his fare that day. Ling Huohuo felt that he could remember the matter of blackmailing his fare. one year.

Then, a helicopter approached Tokyo Tower, and two men in black boarded the helicopter and were about to leave.

"What? They haven't left yet?" Hearing that the person who picked up the things he escorted left the helicopter, the man realized that after a long time, the other party was about to leave!
"Yes." Ling Huohuo nodded calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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