Chapter 298 Leaked...

"I..." 73 struggled to get up, but fell back again.

"Your body is very weak, you can't move yet, lie down first." Sadako said.

"But... my things..." 73 was still a little confused.

"Old iron, don't go with the old ones, don't come with the new ones, I'll give you a pure gold key when I go back, and I'll print out my treasured license plate for you by the way, it's definitely better than your documents that you don't know what they are value." Ling Huohuo knelt down and patted 73 on the shoulder.

He felt that it was very dangerous to grab things back, and since the big gun holes were still printed on the iron frame, 73's head was definitely not as hard as the iron frame upstairs.

73 has black lines all over his face.

"Ai Jiang, what's the license plate?" A little loli asked the brown-haired little loli.

"Don't listen, kid."

"But you're a child too."


The brown-haired little loli kicked Ling Huohuo's ass who was squatting on the ground.

"Actually... I have another way." The man said.


73 looked hesitantly at Mao Lilan and Yuanzi, they were ordinary people, and although Ling Huohuo couldn't see the strength, but he could know the things upstairs, he would not be an ordinary person.

"They were there when they rescued you just now, so don't worry." Ling Huohuo said.

73 nodded, understood, these people already knew that they were not friends or colleagues.

"Help me up..." The man raised a hand tremblingly.


Gin sat in the seat of the helicopter and fastened his seat belt.

He can't fly, if he falls, it will be GG.

Seeing Xueya and the others staring at him with wide eyes below, Gin showed a mocking smile.

This time things went well and everything was in hand.

However, the man who was escorting the things had a special identity, and the strength behind him was huge, so Gin Jiu just knocked him out, and didn't kill him.

As for the group of mercenaries like Blood Fang, the reason why they haven't been dealt with is naturally there is a reason to keep them.

The forces behind the man and the Japanese government will not give up easily. Although the organization he belongs to is well hidden, if he is kept tracked down, it is inevitable that nothing will happen, and his actions outside the country will also be affected.

However, if there are people from the Bloodfang Mercenary Group distracting their attention, the pressure will be much less. Compared with an unknown organization hiding in the dark, the people from the Bloodfang Mercenary Group are undoubtedly better to deal with. I believe that with the Bloodfang Mercenary The strength of this group of people in the regiment is enough to deal with that organization and the Japanese government for a period of time, and this period of time is also enough to remove all traces by themselves.

When the time comes to change clothes, I will still have a good pair of gin, although I only have this style of clothes and hat.

Just when Gin was thinking about how to clean up the traces, the box in Vodka's arms began to tremble violently, a circle of fluctuations appeared from the box, and then the box returned to calm.

Gin felt bad, so he grabbed the box, opened it, and found that the box was empty, and all the keys and documents inside had disappeared.

"It's the ability of space!" Qin Jiu narrowed his eyes, his face became a little scary, and Vodka shrank his neck.

"Who is it?!"

Qin Jiu felt that he had been tricked, and ended up becoming someone else's wedding dress.

Space power is a force that is difficult to guard against, and not many people possess it.

Gin quickly observed his surroundings, and his brain reacted quickly.

"By the way, if I remember correctly... the ability of the escort man is the space ability, and this is also the reason why a fourth-order person has a fifth-order man and a group of fourth-order people chasing him for several months. Make a mark, and you can easily summon the thing back to your own hands, so... is that person awake? But in his physical state..."

After reacting, Gin unbuckled his seat belt and stood up.


After the helicopter descended, when the light shone on one of the floors, Gin clearly saw a group of people sitting on the ground through the glass, and one of the men was holding a key and a hard drive.

"Sure enough, I didn't expect a helper to come over..."


Ling Huohuo looked at the key in 73's hand and raised his eyebrows. He didn't know what was in that hard drive, but why did this golden key look familiar?
By the way, I got two similar keys in the palace at the bottom of the Atlantic before, and I never figured out how to use them.

In addition to this incident, what surprised Ling Huohuo even more was that when 73 used the space power, the transparent and incompletely condensed sword intent in his body trembled, and when the space power disappeared, it also Calm down again, as if the little goblin who was shaking so violently just now is not it.


Ling Huohuo felt that he needed to have a good chat with 73 when he had time...Of course, talk seriously.

"It's a space ability, a very rare ability." The Balrog sighed.

"What a magical ability."

"Yeah yeah."

"so envious."

"I also want to have such power, so that I can save the world..."

Several children sighed.

Everyone wanted to see something on the two things, but they found that they couldn't see anything on the key, but Sadako frowned the moment she saw the key, and a rare trace of thought flashed in her eyes.

At this time, a beam of strong light shone on everyone from outside the Tokyo Tower, and the sound of the helicopter made the glass tremble a little.

"No, I was discovered." 73's expression changed, and he exclaimed.

"Look for cover, there are snipers!" Ling Huohuo also called out.

After finishing speaking, she hugged Sadako, who was in a daze, and the brown-haired little loli who was closest to her, and dodged behind a pillar.

The Balrog originally wanted to hug the two children, but he found that the little fat boy among the children was really heavy, and he didn't pick him up for the first time. Finally, it took a lot of effort to take the little fat boy to hide on the other side. behind the pillar.

"Little fat man, it's time for you to lose weight."

"I'm not called Little Fatty!"

Others were not slow to respond.

Mao Lilan pulled her best friend and hid behind a pillar with another little loli in her arms.

Zuo Yan hugged the last two children and hid behind a pillar a little further away.

In an instant, only 73, who had just exhausted his last bit of strength, was left lying in place under the light.


So here comes the question, how big is the psychological shadow area of ​​73?
Just when Ling Huohuo felt something was wrong, Sadako suddenly pulled Ling Huohuo's arm.

Because the pillar was not thick, Ling Huohuo hugged little Lolita, and he and Sadako hid behind the pillar with their backs to their sides.

"What's wrong?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"O...Oupailu (leaked?) went out..."

Ling Huohuo looked back, at this moment, a seductive arc protruded a lot from behind the pillar.


(End of this chapter)

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