The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 299 Tokyo Tower has been included in the scope of forced demolition

Chapter 299 Tokyo Tower has been included in the scope of forced demolition

Contrary to Ling Huohuo's expectation, what they ushered in was not the shooting from the sniper hiding in the dark.

Qin Jiu looked at 73 who was lying on the ground with a dazed face, and showed a ferocious smile.


With a wave of Gin's hand, Gatling, who was hanging on the side of the helicopter, turned to face 73, and then began to spin, gradually increasing his speed.

da da da da da...

Although the glass wall of Tokyo Tower is very strong, it still can't withstand Gatling's strafing fire. The glass wall is shot through in an instant, and the bullets pour down on 73.

However, the quality of the glass wall is indeed hard enough, even if it was shot into a hornet's nest, it did not shatter.

Several children, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko covered their ears in fear.

Seeing that 73 was about to die in Huangquan, a white shadow flashed past and took 73 aside.

A white horse surrounded by white auspicious clouds appeared on the other side, 73 was being bitten by it in the mouth, the white horse shook its head, and 73 was thrown onto his back.

"Well done, Liyunma." Balrog shouted, if he hadn't reacted quickly and summoned his shikigami Riyunma, 73 might be dying now.

Seeing that 73 was rescued, Gin's expression became ugly, and Vodka wisely began to control Gatling's shooting in the direction of Li Yunma.

"Li Yunma, run up and hide behind the pillar." Balrog said hastily.

Without any hesitation, Liyunma quickly ran towards an empty pillar, protecting 73 and hiding behind the pillar, and Vodka also controlled Gatling, biting Liyunma and 73 to shoot, until Liyunma took 73 Hiding behind the pillar, Gitlin's bullets were completely poured onto the pillar.


When a helicopter appeared above the Tokyo Tower, it attracted the attention of most people, but no one paid attention to the movement of the helicopter. After all, it is normal for the TV station to shoot a helicopter for photography in such a big scene.

However, the police as security did not think so. When everyone saw the helicopter, they were stunned.

Wait, didn't the TV station's helicopter go back to refuel?Why did you come back so soon?
When the police saw the appearance of the helicopter in the sky through the drone, they immediately sounded the alarm.

This TM is a gunship!

And there is no sign yet.

The most important thing is... what is hanging on this helicopter?Gatling with blue flames?

MMP who put this helicopter into Japan?And let the other party enter Tokyo?Is everyone in the Air Defense Agency going to eat shit?

Sensing the threat posed by the helicopter, the police immediately took action, contacting the organizer to cancel the event, and at the same time began to evacuate the group. If an armed helicopter with heavy firepower shoots at the crowd, the casualties will definitely be heavy. And the police must bear a huge responsibility from top to bottom!
As for counterattack, people are in the sky, definitely out of range of pistols, how to fight?
Although the police also have police helicopters, they are just ordinary helicopters, and they are not equipped with firepower. Can the police be expected to sit on the helicopter and fight back with small pistols?

I'm afraid it's not because I read too many urban fantasy novels.

Even if it flies up, with the quality of the police helicopter, it is more likely to be knocked down by the other side.

And the Onmyojis were also on alert. Although no monsters appeared, the firepower of the armed helicopters was a great threat to them.

Then, the helicopter began to descend and stopped in the middle of the Tokyo Tower. Then, under the desperate and surprised eyes of everyone, the armed helicopter opened fire!However, the fire was not aimed at the crowd, but at the Tokyo Tower. Except for the countless bullet holes shot on the glass wall, it seemed that it did not cause any damage.

It's just that the crowd startled by the sound of Gatling's firing began to rush around, and no one realized that the gun was not aimed at them.

Is Tokyo Tower also included in the scope of demolition?Police officer Mu Mu, who was in charge of evacuating the crowd, touched his stomach and thought.

The onmyojis also looked conflicted, you look at me, I look at you, this is not a monster, the profession is not suitable, should we make a move?Still, really scary to say.

And some people seemed to realize something, and rushed towards Tokyo Tower secretly.

"Lan!" An uncle shouted anxiously to the surroundings, and his daughter disappeared in a blink of an eye, which was very scary.

"Calm down, calm down!" The uncle gritted his teeth, and his brain began to work quickly.

"Lan, kid, helicopter, Tokyo Tower... Tokyo Tower!"

Without hesitation, the uncle pushed through the crowd and rushed towards Tokyo Tower.

"Don't worry about it, Lan!"


The strafed pillar shook violently.

Ling Huohuo stared nervously at the pillar where Li Yunma and 73 were hiding.

"Not good!" Ling Huohuo whispered.

With the shooting, the pillar was seriously damaged, and I am afraid that it will not last long.

"Get out of there quickly, the pillar can't hold it anymore!" Ling Huohuo shouted.

Li Yunma did not hesitate, found the right direction, and ran quickly with 73.

And Gatling's firepower followed suit.

"Don't stop!" Suddenly, the kid with glasses shouted loudly.

Then he began to quickly observe the surrounding area. Although he saw a lot of things that ruined his three views tonight, the other party used a product of science, and his own experience should be useful.

When he saw the distance from the helicopter to Tokyo Tower, he had a flash of inspiration.

"Brother Balrog, let your... your partner run in circles around me!" He suddenly shouted at Balrog.

Hearing his words, the Balrog was taken aback.

In the end he nodded, at this time he has nothing to do, the enemy's firepower is too fierce, even if he sends a new shikigami to attack, it is very likely that the bullets will be shot into a hornet's nest, although the shikigami will not really die, but he wants to fight again It will take a while to summon it, let alone let the real person go up, then there will be no return.

Although listening to a child's suggestion is a bit nonsense, it is at least a suggestion. Who knows what plan he has, in case it succeeds.

After receiving Balrog's instruction, Liyunma started running around the pillar where Zuoyan and the others were hiding, and Gatling's muzzle also chased Liyunma and started shooting.

Between Gatling and Liyunma the bullet holes piled up and eventually the guards connected and a glass wall fell to the ground.

"Quick, run away!" the boy shouted.

Li Yunma hurried to the distance.

"It's now."

With serious eyes, the little boy appeared from behind the pillar, and when he pressed the belt of his trousers, a football swelled and appeared.

The little boy squatted down and molded the sneakers under his feet, and the sneakers flashed for a while.

"Give it to me! Cease fire!"

The little boy kicked it out, and the huge force aroused a burst of air flow, and the football slid across a graceful curve through the curve of the glass wall, and shot out quickly.

Sensing something flying towards him, Qin Jiu froze for a moment, staring at Li Yunma and 73, he obviously didn't expect that the people inside could counterattack, he was caught off guard, coupled with the speed of the ball that was almost foul, it was too late to intercept.

The football exploded near the helicopter, and the helicopter's fire stopped instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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