The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 303 The Weird Lu Sisi and Kentaro

Chapter 303 The Weird Lu Sisi and Kentaro

Both Datengu and Happy rushed to the street, which seriously affected Ling Huohuo's progress.

As for Pisces Fenyun Furnace, Ling Huohuo also saw what Pisces Fenyun Furnace turned into a human being.

A [-]-year-old girl looks extremely beautiful, wearing a skirt with a pattern of Pisces and clouds, like a fairy walking out of a painting.

Swallowing his saliva, Ling Huohuo used a lot of strength to press down the commotion in his heart.

I am not Xu Xian... I am not Ning Caichen...

Pisces Fenyunlu said that this was her former master, that is, the young lady.

When she transformed into a human, because she stayed in the mountains all the time, she didn't know much about human beings, and she didn't like those people who had no clear purpose for her, so she finally turned into the human being she liked the most—the Missy looks like.

I have to say, that young lady is really pretty.

Ling Huohuo wiped his nose again.

After trying to establish a connection with Pisces Fenyun Furnace, I found that the process went smoothly, and Pisces Fenyun Furnace chose a dagger with Ling Huohuo's sword intent attached to it.

In order to establish contact with the subdued monsters, Ling Huohuo prepared a lot of swords.

Pisces Fenyunlu did not choose to stay in the small world, but went outside with Ling Huohuo, and changed his clothes into modern clothes.

However, Shabuyu Fenyunlu seems to like white very much. She turned the skirt on her body into a white casual outfit, white jeans, a white T-shirt, and a black ponytail. With her good looks and perfect figure, Well, it's time to debut.The only thing that remains unchanged is the pattern of Pisces splitting the clouds.

The eldest lady back then was indeed not an ordinary person, Ling Huohuo sighed sincerely.

Well, let me explain, Pisces splitting the cloud is the pattern of two fish going up to the sky, and it is an extremely abstract one.

Pisces Fenyunlu said that this pattern is very meaningful, and it is a pattern of Taoism, but Ling Huohuo didn't see anything.

Regarding the appearance of the Pisces Fenyun Furnace, Lu Sisi looked at Ling Huohuo with a scumbag in his clothes, while Guo Xiaoyu had an expression of "Old brother, be steady!"

When facing Xiao Yunyun, Ling Huohuo instantly felt a fatal threat, a feeling of being hit by a hatchet, but this feeling disappeared quickly. Xiao Yunyun did not have an attack, but was the first to recognize The identity of Pisces Fenyun Furnace monster.

As for the identity of Pisces Fenyun Furnace, Ling Huohuo did not hide it, and directly said that he was unblocking the monsters in the small world. The reason was that he wanted to know about the monsters, and see if he could subdue them by the way, and then strengthen the strength of himself and others.

There is no way to hide the unblocking. With the unblocking, there will definitely be changes in the small world. After Xiao Yunyun and the others enter the small world, they will naturally find out. Not to mention anything else, but the disappearance of Manshan's seal is very noticeable , they are not blind, and it will become more suspicious if they are not allowed to enter the small world.

Moreover, it is impossible for monsters to stay in the small world all the time. After all, monsters are not the masters of peace, such as Pisces Fenyun Furnace. The first time after Yunlu was unblocked was not to thank Ling Huohuo and Datiangou for helping her unblock, but to control Ling Huohuo and the others, and the body of another person is now cold.

The reason was lame, but Guo Xiaoyu didn't care, she wasn't in the mood to think deeply, and Lu Sisi didn't say much. Although she said she was here to help, she was just an ordinary person. Although she knew some kung fu, she was still not out of the ordinary. category of people.

The reason why I can muster up the courage to participate is because I have a good relationship with Ling Huohuo. I don’t have any ideas about the supernatural things that happened around Ling Huohuo. Guys get things done.

But Xiao Yunyun's eyes were a little dim, but they were quickly covered by her, pretending not to care.

"Then I'll take Ling Yu'er out for a stroll first, to get acquainted with modern society." Ling Huohuo said.

Ling Yu'er is the name Ling Huohuo gave Pisces Fenyun Furnace, because Pisces Fenyun Furnace did not give itself a human name, so it is necessary to take a human name when going out.

If not...

"Hello, my name is Pisces Fenyun Furnace, what? You said my name is strange? Ah, that's because...they are—one! Only! Monster! Monster! Oh~hehe~"

The picture was so beautiful that Ling Huohuo didn't dare to think about it.

"Wait, I'll go too, I'll go too, I know a shop that makes delicious food." Guo Xiaoyu raised a hand, she has a soft spot for shopping.

"That...that..." After hearing the words "cooking is delicious", Yu Nu's face turned red, and she panted and stretched out her hand, "I, I will go too, after all... After all, I signed a contract with Guo Xiaoyu, yes, that's it!"

Finally, Ling Huohuo, Guo Xiaoyu, and Ling Yuer, Yu Nu, and Hong Qiewan went out.

Watching Ling Huohuo and others leave, Xiao Yunyun's eyes were a little dim.

"Sure enough, something is hiding from me...why?"

"Hey, I think it's better to explain some things. No matter how close the relationship is, if neither party makes any moves... No matter what the relationship is, it will be watered down sooner or later." Ye Jiro said as if he had come, "What's more , isn't the 'airborne system' very popular recently?" Ye Jilang pointed, and glanced at Lu Sisi without leaving a trace.

"I want you to take care of it!"

Xiao Yunyun kicked Ye Cilang, and Ye Cilang dodged away.

"Hey, it didn't hit."

"Hmph." Xiao Yunyun clenched his fists and left with red eyes, while Ye Cilang also chased after him.

Lu Sisi, who had been watching, frowned, feeling like she was being bombarded.

"Your circle is really messed up, well, forget it, Kentaro, let's go, let's go and practice." Lu Sisi picked up the long sword, turned and walked out of the residence.

The most important thing now is to practice, as long as I can practice that, then I will no longer be a weak person, and then I will be able to be like "Ruili's big boss launched a rebellion!", and I will also be one of the big bosses!

"Yes, Lord Lu Sisi."

Jian Taro said respectfully, looking at Lu Sisi's back with a trace of fanatical admiration in his eyes.

This look is very pure.

Although other people have also signed contracts with monsters, and monsters are also very obedient and concerned about their contractors, but they are only friends. For example, Xiao Yunyun and Ye Jilang are pure friends, while Yu Nu and Guo Xiaoyu It is similar to the relationship between a nanny and an adopted daughter. The relationship between Ling Huohuo and Datengu has gone a step further, becoming the relationship between "general" and "soldier", and Lu Sisi and Kentaro.

Jian Taro seemed more like the kind who became Lu Sisi's confidant, was convinced wholeheartedly, and was ready to sacrifice his life for Lu Sisi at any time.

You know, Lu Sisi is just an ordinary person, but Jiantaro is a big monster of the fourth rank, this must be said to be a very strange situation!

 Looking at the comments recently, many people are dissatisfied with the role of "Lu Sisi". There is some ambiguity, but the relationship is not really confirmed. In the future, the two people will gradually run in, and the relationship will gradually begin to ferment. Finally, one day, the two will really reach that step. However, it may be that my writing is not good enough. , I didn’t write that feeling, I would like to say sorry here first, but the reason lies in me, the love life is relatively lacking, and it is limited to all kinds of sex, bah!Cough cough, I reflected on it later, it is also possible... the author is a shaking M? ? ? ?Well, that's it, I finally ask for a wave of favorites, tickets, and subscriptions.Then, the shielded chapter has been reissued in the work related section, sorry for the trouble everyone! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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