The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 304 Ezuya Ruishan: No longer acting casually outside...

Chapter 304 Ezuya Ruishan: No longer acting casually outside...

Lucky Restaurant.

"Huh? It's closed?" Guo Xiaoyu patted on the door of Xingping Restaurant with a look of disappointment.

Seeing the doors being slammed and slamming, Ling Huohuo felt that if this continued, he and others would be arrested by the police, because... this door would definitely not last for a minute.

At this time, the owner of the convenience store next door suddenly came out.

"Are you here for dinner?" the boss asked.

"That's right, Shang Lian Tian just came here, why is it closed today?" Guo Xiaoyu asked.

"Ah, this." The boss laughed, quite proud, "The big boss went abroad, while the little boss went to Yuanyue to take the exam, Yuanyue, you know, let me tell you, I can see With Xingping..."

"Oh? Yuanyue? Where is that?" Guo Xiaoyu interrupted.

"..." The boss opened his mouth and continued to smile reluctantly, "You don't know Yuanyue?"

"Yeah, we are from abroad, not locals." Guo Xiaoyu nodded.

"That's it." The boss's face looked better, "Then let me tell you about Yuanyue Academy, where..."

Ling Huohuo looked at the conversation between Guo Xiaoyu and the boss, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, what was wrong?

Suddenly, Ling Huohuo turned around.

Guo Xiaoyu is talking to the boss?When did she learn Japanese? ? ?


"So you touched a tree, and then the tree merged into your body, and you can speak Japanese?" Ling Huohuo asked dumbfounded.

"Of course, it's a local tree. It can speak Japanese naturally, and it has lived for a long time. It knows Tokyo very well! Uncle Shu is a good tree!" Guo Xiaoyu said as a matter of course.

This sudden operation flashed Ling Huohuo's waist.

"What Yuanyue Academy are you really going to?" Ling Huohuo asked, changing the subject without a trace.

"Of course, it's a well-known culinary school in the world. If you go there, you can eat whatever you want. Even if you don't, just grab two chefs and let them cook for us!"


Girl, do you know that your thoughts are dangerous?
And Ling Yu'er was also very interested in Yuanyue's affairs, so in the end, everyone went to Yuanyue Academy.


Yuanyue Academy is a good place, [-] stainless steel stoves... Bah!

Ling Huohuo and Guo Xiaoyu sneaked into Yuanyue Academy easily. Yuanyue Academy is in the summer vacation and there are no students. Not a lot.

Guo Xiaoyu looked at the candidates walking back and forth with bright eyes, but was pulled back behind the tree by Ling Huohuo.

"Don't expose it." Ling Huohuo said in a low voice.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, they can't beat us. At worst, tie them up and let them make delicious food for me every day."


Are you a terrorist?

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth, and finally followed Guo Xiaoyu out of the bushes.

Guo Xiaoyu mingled with several female examinees since he was familiar with them, and broke into the enemy's interior with a few words.

Yu Nu and Benikirimaru faithfully acted as secretaries and bodyguards, and did not arouse the suspicion of others. After all, this is Togetsu Academy, and [-]% of the students who come to take the exam are from famous families. , it's normal to have two bodyguards and a housekeeper by your side, and people will look down on you if you don't have them.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Yu'er didn't go far either, just wandered around. As expected of Yuanyue Academy, the decoration is really luxurious.


A luxurious private dining room in Yuanyue.

In order not to affect the cooking, the lighting effect of the cooking must be very good.

However, at this time, even with the curtains drawn and the lights fully turned on, the cooking room still looks a bit gloomy.

A girl wearing a black high school long skirt school uniform is sitting gracefully on a table by the window, drinking tea elegantly. Although the girl is very young, she looks lifeless, which makes people feel extremely ominous.

Behind the girl, with fierce faces, people of different appearances stood in two rows on both sides.

A boy wearing a chef uniform and glasses is cooking in an orderly manner.

Soon, the cooking is done.

Holding the tray, the boy bypassed two rows of people of different appearances, and respectfully placed the tray in front of the girl.

"Master Yuyihu, I have kept you waiting." The boy said respectfully.

That's right, the girl sitting here is none other than the thousand-year-old monster—the feather fox.

Yuyihu put down the teacup, picked up the knife and fork, cut off a piece of chicken, put it in his mouth, and showed a satisfied smile.

The boy's eyes hidden behind the glasses are a bit dark. I didn't expect that the monsters don't eat people's hearts, but like to eat chickens. Is it because of foxes?
Withdrawing his gaze, the young man didn't dare to look at it too much, even after such a long time, the young man dared not look directly at Yu Yihu, he always felt that something was wrong.

The feather fox ate up the food quickly, and wiped his mouth gracefully.

"I am very satisfied with myself, Rui Shan." Yu Yihu said.

"It should be." The boy, Ruishan Zhijin also lowered his head.

"I'm leaving first, a friend is here, and I'm going to have a look." After finishing speaking, Yu Yihu got up, turned and walked outside, and the people behind her, no, they should be monsters, also followed.

"Congratulations to Mr. Yuyi Fox." Ruishan Zhijin also bent his waist deeply, and when Yuyi and all the monsters were gone, he straightened up, rubbed his stiff waist, and felt a cold sweat.

Speaking of which, Ruishan Zhijin has also known Yuyihu for a long time. He has always been the chef of Yuyihu, and he has devoted himself to making delicious food for Yuyihu. Yes, after all, it is a legendary monster, not just one.

Fortunately, the feather fox only comes to eat once a week.

It's not that Ruishan Zhijin never thought about asking someone to get rid of Yuyihu, because he has been a consultant, he is really rich, but... looking at the emptied wallet, he would cry if he said too much.

As for how he and Yuyihu met... Who knew that monsters still go to star hotels for dinner?Didn't I just show off in the hotel, pretending to be aggressive, who knew there was such a big guy hiding among the onlookers?I must have been captured by the boss!
I will never pretend to be aggressive outside again, woo woo woo...


Soon, it was time for testing.

Ling Huohuo and Guo Xiaoyu followed the crowd into the examination room. When the arrogant and arrogant candidates saw the examiner—a beautiful girl with blond hair, their hearts exploded instantly. , turned into birds scattered.

And present, only the unexplained Ling Huohuo and his party and a red-haired young man with a confused face were left. It was the little owner of the Xingping Restaurant that Guo Xiaoyu was looking for—Xingping Chuangzhen, um, the landlord’s family. The feeling of two fools.

Xing Ping Chuangzhen had a quarrel with the examiner of the eldest lady, and the test started again. Ling Huohuo and his group naturally became transparent, otherwise, do they still have to attend the exam?
After Xingping faxed the egg dish, the eldest lady said with a proud face - don't eat it!Unqualified!
At this time...

"Ala, the food is full of surprises and delicious flavors. I wonder if I have the honor to taste it?"

A pale girl in a school uniform and long skirt walked into the examination room and said with a smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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