The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 308 I, Hua Xuanji, Came Looking for a Girl

Chapter 308 I, Hua Xuanji, Came Looking for a Girl
At Tokyo Airport, a handsome man who did nothing but seemed to be able to attract everyone's attention got off the plane.

"Miss, where can I get my luggage? It's my first time to take this kind of plane." The man smiled and asked a ground crew member. For a moment, the world seemed to turn pale.

The ground crew member was a pretty-looking woman. Looking at the man's face, she felt a little dizzy. She seemed to be surrounded by great happiness, and... her body seemed to reflect...

"That...there..." The woman tremblingly pointed in one direction.

"Thank you." The man smiled again, turned and walked towards the direction the woman pointed.

"Ah~" The moment the man smiled, the woman supported the counter and slid down, "It's wet!"

After picking up his luggage, the man walked out of the Tokyo airport, took off his sunglasses, looked at the sky, and covered the sun with his hands.

I, Hua Xuanji, don't need to send money, because my family is very rich.

I am the eldest son of the Hua family in Shudi, the future heir of the Hua family. There were many people who wanted to compete with me for the status of the heir. I smiled at them, and then they all withdrew from the competition and followed me. Everyone was puzzled by this, probably because I was so handsome.

This time I came out to find my third sister. She ran away from home some time ago, and there was news recently, so I volunteered to find her. At the same time, I also wanted to exercise myself. After all, I found that I have always been too If it goes well, how can I be better without going through hardships?

With my father’s expectations and the idea of ​​becoming better, I came to Tokyo, Japan by plane alone. This is my first time to take an international airline, because... I used to take private jets.

Although I encountered some troubles, but fortunately, I finally reached the destination smoothly.

In order to train myself, I didn't bring too much money, nor did I bring my subordinates, but I believe that I will be able to overcome the difficulties and successfully find my sister!
Like this...

"Beauty, may I ask how to get to the hotel?"

"Ah~ handsome guy, aren't you a local?"


"Usually take a taxi."

"But I don't have enough money..."

"That's great, ah, no, I mean that's too pitiful. In this case, you can come to live in my house. You don't need to spend money, and you can save money. My house is not far away. At night we can be like this...that... ...I can unlock many poses~"


Hua Xuanji quickly ran away from the woman, sure enough, he couldn't let his guard down all the time outside!

Ling Huohuo and Babai stayed in the small world.

Babai floated in front of Ling Huohuo, waves of waves emanating from the sword, while Ling Huohuo lay cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed.

Soon, the fluctuations on Babaijian's body disappeared.

"Okay." Yabai said.

Ling Huohuo opened his eyes, heaved a sigh of relief, and stood up, "How is it?"

"It's more troublesome." Yabai said.

"What's the situation?" Ling Huohuo scratched his head.

"How can I explain it to you? There is nothing wrong with your soul and consciousness, and you haven't been passive. It's just that your soul doesn't know what it's connected to."

"What do you mean?"

"It's like a computer. There is nothing wrong with it, but a wire is plugged in, and something is connected to the other end of the wire."

"That doesn't affect me? I won't get the virus, right?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"That's not to say, with the protection of the "Sword Code", your soul will not be harmed, but now that the "Sword Code" does not respond, it proves that this connection is actually harmless to you, but you don't know your soul. I can't trace what is on the other end of the connection." Babai continued.

The power of "Sword Code" has a certain protective power for Ling Huohuo's soul and consciousness. After all, "Sword Code" is deep in Ling Huohuo's soul. If something happens to Ling Huohuo's soul, "Sword Code" will definitely have reaction.

"Then who did it? Feng Xiuya?" Ling Huohuo guessed.

"Not necessarily. Although she is very strange, she does not necessarily have this kind of power. I may be related to Yuyihu. After all, apart from Feng Xiuya, she is the only suspicious person you have come into contact with today."

"Feathered fox? I didn't fight her!"

"Do you still remember that token?" Eight Hundred said suddenly.

Ling Huohuo suddenly realized that although he didn't fight Yuyihu, he took the token thrown to him by Yuyihu.

"It seems that it is necessary to go to the headquarters of Onmyoji again."

"Also, next time there is a full moon, you need to go to Heian-kyo. I think it will be very interesting." Yabai said suddenly.


Inside the Onmyoji headquarters.

"Ping Anjing." Feng Xiuya murmured while crossing her chest, looking at the token that Ling Huohuo had handed to Toyotomi Hideling on the table, as if she was thinking about something.

Toyotomi Hiderei sat aside respectfully, not daring to take a breath.

There are only the two of them in this room.

"Have you found anything?" Feng Xiuya asked.

"It may be related to another Heian capital, but the next full moon night is not the time for that Heian capital to open the city gate, so..."

"Someone is going to forcibly open the gate of Heianjing!" Feng Xiuya took the words with serious eyes.

And Toyotomi Hideyoshi's complexion was not very good either.

The Heian-kyo they mentioned is not the Heian-kyo on the map of Japan, but another Heian-kyo, a Heian-kyo in another world!
In that Heianjing, people in this world can’t enter at all during normal times. They can only enter at certain times. If you want to enter at other times, you can only open the door by force. It’s not that no one has opened the door, but the price is... …

"Absolutely not!" Toyotomi Hidetomi hammered the table with her fist. It was precisely because she knew the price involved that no one was allowed to forcibly open the gate of Heian-kyo!

"Then can you stop them? Do you know who and where they are?" Feng Xiuya said suddenly.

Toyotomi Hiderei leaned on the sofa as if discouraged.

"Can I just watch..."

"Of course...not!" Feng Xiuya showed a mysterious smile, then looked at the token on the table, and pointed with her finger.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be Ping'an Jing's entry order, and this entry order seems to be tied to someone. Ling Huohuo has a problem now. I guess Ping'an Jing has been tied to Ling Huohuo. When Ling Huohuo discovers the problem, he will definitely come back. At that time, even if we don't go to the other party, the other party will definitely come to look for Ling Huohuo, and we only need to follow Ling Huohuo..."

Feng Xiuya's hand slowly clenched into a fist.

"When the time comes, let them come and go!"

(End of this chapter)

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