Chapter 309
Ling Huohuo soon arrived at the headquarters of Onmyoji and found Toyotomi Xiuling.

After some simple exchanges, Ling Huohuo got down to the topic and started talking about tokens.

"That, the token I brought earlier..."

"Ah, you said that token, I was looking for you too." Toyotomi Hideyoshi said.

As soon as he clapped his hands, a human-shaped god wearing a ghost mask suddenly appeared, holding a plate in his hand, and on the plate was the token that Ling Huohuo had brought before.

"Is there something wrong with this token?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Toyotomi Hiderei took the tray in Shikigami's hand, Shikigami nodded at Toyotomi Hiderei, and then disappeared into smoke.

Toyotomi Xiuling pushed the tray in front of Ling Huohuo.

"This token is called an entry order, and it is an entry order for Heian-kyo!" Toyotomi Xiuling said with a serious face.

"Pinganjing?" Ling Huohuo frowned.

"That's right, it's Heian-kyo, but it's not the Heian-kyo on the map of Japan now, but... the Heian-kyo where demons are rampant!"

"Ah... sorry, I didn't understand."

"..." Toyotomi Hideyoshi rolled her eyes, why did this person who didn't know anything become the binding person of the order to enter the city?
"A long time ago, Heian-kyo was the capital of Japan, one of the representatives of the entire Heian era, which is now located in the southern part of Kinki Kyoto Prefecture in western Japan!"

"Then this is the Ping'an capital you mentioned?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Yes and no."

Ling Huohuo blinked, I don't understand what you're saying.

"Ahem, it's like this." Toyotomi Xiuling continued to explain: "During the Heian period, demons were rampant in Heian-kyo, and a great war broke out in Heian-kyo, making the whole of Heian-kyo miserable. Later, for unknown reasons, The space where Heian-kyo was located was divided into two, split, and Heian-kyo became two, one is the ruins of Heian-kyo in the current Kyoto, and the other Heian-kyo disappeared with the monsters in it, leaving only There is a city gate that can only be entered at a specific time, and the Heian capital I am talking about is the Heian capital that has disappeared, and it is this Heian capital that Yu Yihu asked you to go to."

Ling Huohuo nodded, "What does the other Ping'an capital look like?"

"I don't know, I haven't been there, and there is not a lot of information about another Heian-kyo in the database of Onmyoji headquarters. It seems to be another parallel world there." After finishing speaking, Toyotomi Xiuling took out the A file bag was handed over to Ling Huohuo, "This is the information about that Ping'an capital in the database. You are not qualified to search for it. I only retrieved it through my relationship. This is the printed version. Remember to destroy it after reading it." .”

Ling Huohuo opened it and saw that there were only two pieces of paper inside, which was indeed very little.

After a general look, it mainly contains information on how to enter another Heian capital. As for the appearance and situation inside, there are only a few words to describe it.

The city gate of Heian-kyo appears once every ten years, and the city gate will appear anywhere in the current Kyoto.

On the night of the full moon, the gates of Heian-kyo will be opened, and the monsters outside can enter. Yes, only monsters can enter Heian-kyo freely!Humans, shikigami, or any other creatures cannot enter Heian-kyo!
Therefore, that Heian capital has become a real demon city!

And if human beings want to enter, they can only use the city entry order.

According to the investigation, the so-called city entry orders were identity cards only owned by some human nobles in the Heian capital, and the number itself was not large.

A city entry order can only bring one person.

Due to various reasons, very few of these entry orders have been kept until now. Even the headquarters of Onmyoji only has one piece, but only one person enters, facing the city full of monsters, isn't that a delivery of food?Onmyoji does not run a courier company, so no one has ever entered it, and little is known about the situation inside.

As for the monsters, after entering Ping'an capital and then coming out, their strength will inevitably increase greatly, but they are also vague about the situation in Ping'an capital.

However, according to the strength of the monsters who were separated with that Heianjing back then, after so many years, their strength has definitely reached an extremely terrifying level!After all, they are not sealed!

After learning about the Ping'an capital, Ling Huohuo swallowed, thinking it would be better not to go.

"It's impossible for you not to go." Toyotomi Shuling shook her head.

"Why? Can someone tie me there?"

"You should have discovered it, your soul has been tied to the order to enter the city of Heianjing."

"Oh? What?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback, not to mention how Toyotomi Xiuling knew that her soul was tied to the city entry order. Is it the entry order that her soul is connected to?I didn't seem to be doing anything, and I didn't do anything like dripping blood.

"Although we have never been to Heian-kyo, we have studied the entry order in our hands for so many years, and we already know a little about the entry order." Toyotomi Hideyoshi said: "If a person's soul is special, the entry order is likely to be It will be connected with it, and when the gates of Ping'an capital are opened, no matter where the person who binds the entry order is, they will be led to Ping'an capital. In fact, the Onmyoji headquarters originally had two entry orders."

Toyotomi Hideling did not continue to say more, the meaning was very clear, another entry order was bound to a person and brought that person into Heianjing.

"Then... has that person come out?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Toyotomi Hiderei shrugged and rolled her eyes.

If it comes out, there will be more than just one entry order, and the information will not only be so little.

"So, let's prepare well." Toyotomi Xiuling patted Ling Huohuo's shoulder.


Ling Huohuo felt that she had been tricked, and Yuyihu felt that she couldn't beat herself, and wanted to let herself into the monster's den and be beaten by a group.


"And what?"

"The monsters are very... how to put it, very fanatical about the entry order. Now that you have bound the entry order, if the monster sees you, they will definitely be very "familiar" to you." Toyotomi Xiuling said with a smile.

Ling Huohuo touched his arm, feeling goosebumps all over his body, and always felt something was wrong.

"I don't think your onmyojis will stand by and watch." Ling Huohuo asked.

"Of course, the headquarters of Onmyoji has always been on guard against the matter of Heianjing, and has a special response plan, but...if the gate of Heianjing is opened, there is nothing we can do after you enter Heianjing, after all, we can't get in either. "


"However, don't worry, we will be responsible for your safety during the period before you enter Heianjing!"

Ling Huohuo cried and fainted in the toilet.

There is one thing that Toyotomi Xiuling did not tell Ling Huohuo, and it was not mentioned in the materials.

That is, if you want to forcibly open the Heian capital, in addition to the necessary life sacrifices, you must also have an entry order!

However, there is a chance to open Ping'an capital with the entry order, and it is not necessarily 100% successful, and the opening time is only one hour, that is, two hours!
In order not to cause any accidents, those who want to open Ping'an Capital will inevitably collect the city entry order everywhere. Now that Ling Huohuo has a piece of the city entry order, the other party will definitely come. Ling Huohuo can live for a while longer.

As for Yuyihu, although she doesn't know what her plan is, as long as she continues to wait, she will naturally know when the time comes.

(End of this chapter)

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