The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 322 The night of the full moon, safe reappearance

Chapter 322 On the night of the full moon, safe reappearance (one more)
Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Ling Huohuo tidied up, found an excuse, left the residence with his monsters, and got into a car that had been waiting not far away.

After closing the car door, Ling Huohuo sat in the back row. Next to Ling Huohuo was Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Besides the two of them, there was only one driver in the car.

"Did you catch the person who was going to open Ping An Jing?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Toyotomi Shurei shook her head and frowned.

"It's very strange. Not only did we not come to look for you during this time, but no monsters came to attack you. We didn't cover up the entry order. It stands to reason that following the fluctuation of the entry order, the other party should come here. We didn't do anything because Has the other party collected enough entry orders and is absolutely sure to open the city gate? I always feel that this is very strange."

Ling Huohuo nodded, "Is there any news from Ping An Jing?"

"No, we have been searching the capital secretly, but nothing has been found there."

"Let's go, but what is the situation, we will know after tonight." Ling Huohuo said, his tone was a little low. After all, tonight is the night of the full moon, and there may be a battle to be fought.

"Let's go." Toyotomi Hideya said to the driver without talking nonsense.


Today, Ling Huohuo is going to the ruins of Heianjing, which is now Kyoto.

Ling Huohuo was also confused about the current situation. I caught Suzaku before, thinking I could ask something, but found that Suzaku was restricted and could not be broken. If the restriction was broken, Suzaku would die instantly, which was useless at all. Suzaku looked like a salted fish, Ling Huohuo hung Suzaku back on the tree again.

After Ling Huohuo and their car left, a car slowly drove to the place where their car had just stopped.

Toyotomi Hideya was wearing a kimono, sitting in the back row, looking at Ling Huohuo's car, smiling.

"I hope tonight will not be so boring, there are still nine hours before sunset, keep up."




Little Lolita and her group looked curiously at the building outside.

"Is this the capital? That former Heian capital." Hua Xiaoyu sighed.

"That's right." Tohsaka Tokiomi nodded coolly.

With the blessing of the crystal ball, Little Lolita's prophecy ability has improved a lot and made new progress.

The latest prophecy - when Heian-kyo reappears, the person who holds what he is looking for will stand at the top.

And Heian-kyo, which is now Kyoto, also found things about Heian-kyo in the Tohsaka family's database.

"Now we just need to wait until Ping An Jing reappears and find the person who stands at the highest position." Hua Xiaoyu said, "However, having said that, it is not too late for Ping An Jing to open again. Will it take a few years?"

"No, because of restrictions, it's hard for me to predict something for too long now, and this thing should happen within a week." Little Loli said.

"Then take advantage of this time to go shopping in Kyoto. After visiting foreign capitals, let's visit the former capitals now." The long-haired man said with a smile.


"It will be dark for six hours, and we must come back before it gets too dark." Little Lolita said suddenly.


Looking at the backs of everyone leaving, little loli frowned, and looked outside at the prosperous city, she always felt that this city was a little weird.

"Like a demon with its mouth open." Little Lolita murmured suddenly.


"Okay, I see." Xiao Yunyun put down the phone, frowned, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Ye Jilang, let's go." Xiao Yunyun said.

"What's wrong?" Ye Jiro asked curiously.

"Mr. Hu said that someone is performing a blood sacrifice, and their hands are being held back by the other party. He hopes that I will help in the past."

"Blood sacrifice?!" Ye Cilang's face changed. He knew about blood sacrifices, but blood sacrifices are divided into different levels, and the small ones are nothing. If it is a large blood sacrifice...

"It's a large-scale blood sacrifice!" Xiao Yunyun said the news that Ye Jilang didn't want to hear.

"Large blood sacrifice..." Ye Jiro squinted his eyes, even a monster would not easily carry out a large blood sacrifice, there are many things involved in it!

"Now the other party has slaughtered at least a thousand people." Xiao Yunyun said with palpitations, no matter who just heard the news, they all felt a little chill in their hearts.

"Then the Japanese forces didn't respond?" Ye Jiro asked.

"The other party did it very secretly. The Extraordinary Academy was the first to discover it, but now it has been delayed and the news has only been sent out."

"It's not too late, let's go." Xiao Yunyun waved his hand, and the clothes on his body instantly changed into a set of magic robes.

"Would you like to linger on them?" Ye Cilang asked.

Xiao Yunyun frowned, thought for a while, "I don't want it anymore, he is investigating the funeral team, don't cause trouble for him."

"What about Guo Xiaoyu and the others?"

"No need, just the two of us."


Ye Jiro put down his phone and jumped off the sofa.


Soon, the sun was setting and a full moon rose in the sky.

A group of people in black robes suddenly appeared near Ling Huohuo's residence.

"Is the thing here? How dare you touch our things, come on." The leading black-robed man waved his hand, and the black-robed man behind him rushed towards Ling Huohuo's residence in an instant.

Normally, this kind of residence has a defensive barrier, but... can you expect Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi to be able to use it?

As for the monsters, it would be interesting if they could use the Onmyoji barrier.

The man in black broke into the house without any hindrance.

"The golden lion is here!"

An exclamation came from the room, and then...

A group of people in black robes were thrown out of the room at a faster speed.

Guo Xiaoyu was wearing pajamas, holding a piece of cloth in her hand, and walked out of the room. Behind her, Yunu had recovered her monster appearance, Hong Qiewan was holding a water basin, Lu Sisi was holding a sword tightly, and Kentaro had also recovered The appearance of a monster.

"What are you doing, you don't sleep in the middle of the night, and you dare to come and snatch my golden lion?"

Just now Guo Xiaoyu was happily rubbing her golden lion, when a group of men in black robes ran in, holding her golden lion and about to run away, how could Guo Xiaoyu bear it?
Then they were all thrown out by Guo Xiaoyu.

Although Guo Xiaoyu was careless, she also carefully checked the opponent's strength when she came out.

One fifth level, fifteen fourth level, this wave is stable.

When Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun were away, Guo Xiaoyu felt that it was finally her turn to act this time.

"Get out of the way, I'm going to pretend!"


Kyoto, suburbs.

Xiao Yunyun killed an enemy with magic bombardment without expression.

Although it was uncomfortable to kill at the beginning, but seeing the crimes committed by the other party, Xiao Yunyun forcibly suppressed this discomfort.

Many forces have already participated in this encirclement and suppression, and now the opponent has been defeated by them, but the opponent unexpectedly did not escape, but instead dispersed to fight to the end with all major forces.

Ye Cilang appeared next to Xiao Yunyun, he was covered in blood at this moment, compared to Xiao Yunyun, killing Ye Cilang had no effect on Ye Cilang.

"How is it?" Xiao Yunyun asked.

"The blood sacrifice formation has been destroyed, but the enemy has not evacuated."

"Why don't they leave? I always feel something is wrong." Xiao Yunyun frowned.

At this time, the dark clouds covering the moon drifted away, and the moonlight shone.

A white shadow floated on the body of the enemy that Xiao Yunyun just killed, rising to the sky. This kind of scene happened in every place where there were corpses.

"No, this is..."

Xiao Yunyun and Ye Cilang looked at each other, with disbelief in their eyes, and exclaimed in unison: "Soul Sacrifice!"

"And the formation..." Xiao Yunyun raised his neck and looked towards the sky.

At this moment... a huge red formation covered the entire sky of Kyoto.

In a place in Kyoto, a wooden, brightly lit three-story building rose from the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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