The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 323 My name is Ling Huohuo, and I am a demon

Chapter 323 My name is Ling Huohuo, I am a demon
Leaning on the roof of a high-rise building, the moon in the sky was covered by clouds, Ling Huohuo looked at the brightly lit Kyoto and sighed.

"Have a cup." Toyotomi Xiuling handed Ling Huohuo a cup of hot coffee. At this time, Toyotomi Xiuling had already changed into equipment, with earphones on her ears.

"Thank you." Ling Huohuo took the hot coffee and took a sip without adding sugar.

"How is the situation now?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Toyotomi Xiuling showed a smile, "A blood sacrifice is required to open the gate of Heian Jing, but the blood sacrifice has been found, and the formation of the blood sacrifice has been destroyed. If there is no accident, this matter is over. It will be opened in advance."

"That's it." Ling Huohuo nodded and frowned, always feeling that things would not be so simple this time.

At this time, the clouds covering the moon suddenly dispersed, and a huge red formation covered the entire sky of Kyoto.

The expressions of Ling Huohuo and Toyotomi Xiuling changed.

Toyotomi Shuling suddenly pressed the earphones on her ears.

"Okay, I'll go back right away."

Then Feng Chen Xiuling raised her head, "Something went wrong, the other party's purpose was not a blood sacrifice, but a soul sacrifice, and now the headquarters has asked me to come and meet, do you want to come together?"

"No." Ling Huohuo shook his head.

"Then be careful." Toyotomi Xiuling didn't talk nonsense, and she was not a person who talked nonsense, so she gave Ling Huohuo a word, turned and left the rooftop.

Ling Huohuo stood on the rooftop, looking at the capital at this time, brightly lit attics were rising from the ground.

A Ping'an capital full of the sense of time, which has disappeared in history, is slowly unfolding in front of Ling Huohuo...


At this time, the entire capital of Kyoto is undergoing changes. Tall buildings and modern buildings have disappeared. Instead, countless ancient buildings are slowly appearing.

Moreover, looking at the brightly lit appearance, it is definitely not a deserted building.

Little Loli and her group stood in place, protected by a layer of golden power.

Seeing the disappearing buildings and pedestrians around her, Little Loli frowned.

"What's the situation?" Hua Xiaoyu was shaking the long-haired man's neck frantically.

"Master...Master, please slow down, I am not a heroic spirit, how do I know, stop...stop, stop shaking, I am going to faint..."

Little Loli frowned.

"I feel the fluctuations in space. This is likely to be the ancient Heian-kyo that escaped. The current situation is likely to be that the ancient Heian-kyo is swapping with the modern Kyoto." Little Lolita analyzed.

"Swap each other?"

"What will happen?"

"That's right, if they are permanently replaced, they may only be able to live in the place where Heianjing was originally." Little Loli said.

"Can you come back?" Hua Xiaoyu asked.

"I don't know, but don't worry, with me protecting you, you won't be dragged there easily." Little Loli said with a smile.

Hua Xiaoyu embraced the little Lolita emotionally, and rubbed her face against the airport of the little Lolita.

"Old woman, you are very kind."

"Believe it or not I'll throw you out right now."


Soon, the whole of Kyoto changed drastically.

In ancient times, Heian-kyo was not as large as the current Kyoto. Therefore, in the middle of Kyoto is the ancient Heian-kyo, and outside of Heian-kyo, there are high-rise buildings.

The building where Ling Huohuo is located is not within the scope of Kyoto.

At this time, Ling Huohuo squinted his eyes and looked at Ping'an Jing in front of him. All the monsters appeared behind him, looking at the spectacular scenery in front of him.

"What a great handwriting." Babai sighed.

"what's the situation?"

"This is not opening the door, but changing the entire Heian capital," Yabai said.

"Then what about the people from Kyoto?"

"If this continues, the original Kyoto will always stay where Heian-kyo was."

Ling Huohuo frowned.

"What should we do next?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"What should I do? Now that you're here, let's go in and have a look."

Ling Huohuo smiled.

"I think so."

Although Ling Huohuo was involved in this incident by Yuyihu, Ling Huohuo is not someone who can easily confess his love.

Standing on the edge of the roof.

"Then... let's go!"

"Roar!" All the monsters let out a cry of excitement.

Ling Huohuo leaned forward, and finally fell freely from the roof, and the monsters behind him also jumped down from the roof screaming.

Feeling the wind blowing past his ears, Ling Huohuo suddenly felt refreshed.

As if feeling the existence of Ping'an Jing, the city entry order flew out of Ling Huohuo's pocket, glowing red.

As if echoing with Ping'an Jing, the red light shone brightly, surrounded Ling Huohuo, and flew in the direction of Ping'an Jing, and Ling Huohuo's consciousness entered a strange feeling, but his body was happening Change, the blood vessels under the skin exploded, as if something was surging in Ling Huohuo's body.

"This is... the bloodline has awakened again!" Babai in the small world exclaimed when he saw Ling Huohuo's state at this time.

Because the bloodlines of awakened people have been passed down for many generations, the bloodlines are impure. There are many ways to add pure bloodlines, and one of them is to awaken the bloodlines again!
However, this situation can be said to be extremely rare.

Normally, the first bloodline awakening breaks the shackles of genes and awakens the power in the bloodline. To awaken again, on the one hand, the bloodline of the awakened person must be strong enough to have the potential to awaken again. , the deeper shackles in the bloodline are broken. On the other hand, the bloodline must also have the power to withstand the second awakening!
If the tension of the blood vessels is not enough, it is easy for the blood vessels to shatter during the process of awakening the blood vessels, ranging from loss of strength in light cases to exploding body to death in severe cases.

Although the reawakening of the bloodline can improve a lot, it is also accompanied by a huge crisis.

Babai began to pay close attention to Ling Huohuo. If something unexpected happens and he can take action in time to save Ling Huohuo, even if his bloodline will be broken, as long as he has the "Sword Code", he can still continue to practice. How did Ling Huohuo awaken his blood again?


When Ling Huohuo opened his eyes, he found himself standing on an invisible cloud.

"Dragon follows the cloud, tiger follows the wind."

A voice rang in Ling Huohuo's ear.

As the clouds tumbled, a behemoth tumbled out of the clouds.

The giant beast lifted into the sky, and Ling Huohuo looked up.

The whole body is crimson, with a pair of golden vertical pupils.

A giant dragon was hovering in the sky, staring down at Ling Huohuo.

"You came."

A voice appeared in Ling Huohuo's ear again, Ling Huohuo hurriedly lowered his head, and found that a figure appeared not far from him at some time.

She was dressed in a scarlet red robe with dragon-shaped patterns embroidered on it, making her look extremely flamboyant.

A head of long red hair is draped over the shoulders, although it is only draped over the shoulders, it looks like it is dancing like a flame.

Ling Huohuo's face is very familiar, but it looks even more bewitching, um, it doesn't look like a good person at first glance.

The man's eyebrows are also crimson, there is a dragon-shaped imprint on his forehead, and on the left and right cheeks, there are two silver marks down from the corners of his eyes.

The most striking thing is a pair of golden vertical pupils, noble and ruthless.

"Who are you?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Me?" The man who looked exactly like Ling Huohuo showed a ferocious smile.

"My name is Ling Huohuo, and I'm a demon!"

(End of this chapter)

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