The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 324 Ling Huohuo: I am no longer a human being

Chapter 324 Ling Huohuo: I am no longer a human being (three more)

The reawakening of Ling Huohuo's bloodline was not as dangerous as Babai imagined, except that it looked a little scary, the reawakening of the bloodline went smoothly.

Babai was relieved, this meant that Ling Huohuo's blood was of a high level and could withstand the reawakening of the bloodline. However, at this time, Babai suddenly discovered that the order to enter the city was broken, and a strange force entered Ling Huohuo's body. body, and then Ling Huohuo's body began to show a demonic aura!

Demon spirit?What the hell?Isn't Ling Huohuo alone?How can it still produce demonic energy?With the protection of "Sword Code", demonization is impossible!
Wait, eight hundred suddenly thought of something.

"Sword Code" will protect Ling Huohuo only when something harmful to Ling Huohuo appears in the outside world. After all, Ling Huohuo of this level is still a seedling for the sword god and needs protection. For example, if the evil spirit invades , Start to demonize, human demonization is not a good thing, at this time "Sword Code" will protect Ling Huohuo, clear out the evil spirit for Ling Huohuo, even if it is not protected by "Sword Code", Ling Huohuo will be himself Reiki will also instinctively repel evil spirits, after all, they are not the same kind of power.

However, there is one situation that will not cause the "Sword Code" to react, nor will it cause the repulsion of the spirit energy, that is, this power is generated in Ling Huohuo's body!
Everyone is on their own, and they can't fight together.

Cultivation methods cannot be cultivated indiscriminately, and there will be conflicts. However, if the two methods have the same root and origin, not only will they not conflict, but they may also merge with each other to generate benefits.

For example, Ling Huohuo's state at this time.

The appearance of the evil spirit did not cause the repulsion of the spiritual energy, but the spiritual energy began to operate automatically, and began to combine with the evil spirit to produce changes.

The transparent aura gradually turned into lavender, and then the color gradually deepened.

And Ling Huohuo's hair color also began to turn red, and silver lines began to appear on his face.

Was there a demonic energy in Ling Huohuo's body?If there is no accident, it must be related to the awakening of Ling Huohuo's blood again. Could it be that Ling Huohuo's ancestor is a monster?And Ling Huohuo is the so-called half-demon?

Babai couldn't help but thought with some evil humor, this is how thin the blood is. Before that, Ling Huohuo couldn't see that Ling Huohuo was a monster at all. Perhaps Ling Huohuo's ancestors would have lived as if they were alone.

At this time, Ling Huohuo's bloodline awakened again and suddenly something went wrong.

Ling Huohuo's complexion changed a little, and he looked very uncomfortable.

A milky white bead was wandering in Ling Huohuo's body, which was incompatible with the surrounding aura and caused a conflict.

"No, it's Yu Yi's power!"

Babai exclaimed.

The power of Yuyi restrains the evil spirit, and now Ling Huohuo is turning into a monster. Even though the aura has refined Yuyi before, the conflict of attributes cannot be solved simply. Moreover, although Yuyi is refined by the aura, Yuyi The power of Yuyi is inherent in Yuyi itself, not from Ling Huohuo's own cultivation, nor is it from the same root.

If this continues, Yuyi and Ling Huohuo will surely perish!
The portal of the small world has been refined by Ling Huohuo, so even if the feathers are broken, Ling Huohuo can still communicate with the small world, but all other abilities are gone.

Because the power of Yuyi itself has a restraining effect on the evil spirit, therefore, at this time, the evil spirit and aura in Ling Huohuo's body retreated steadily, causing a lot of damage to Ling Huohuo.

If this continues, Ling Huohuo will inevitably die.

However, at this moment, the dragon-shaped imprint on Ling Huohuo's forehead seemed to come alive, and the position of the eyes emitted golden light, and began to swing, and finally began to swim down Ling Huohuo's cheeks, heading straight for Yuyi's position, Then... Yuyi was swallowed by the dragon-shaped mark.

The dragon-shaped imprint returned to the position of Ling Huohuo's forehead, and stayed there quietly, as if nothing had happened.

"Suppression of power level." Yabai said.

Because the power level of Yuyi is higher than that of Yaoqi, Yuyi restrains Yaoqi, and the power level of Linghuohuo's bloodline is higher than that of Yuyi, so Yuyi's power is swallowed.

Babai can feel that the power of Ling Huohuo's blood is centered on the imprint on his forehead, and that imprint has already produced spiritual consciousness. If Ling Huohuo continues to practice, one day he may cultivate a The companion dragon soul loyal to Ling Huohuo!
Ling Huohuo, whose bloodline has been awakened again, no longer needs to consider the problem of excessive use of bloodline, because Ling Huohuo has been completely demonized at this time!
As for Yuyi, which was swallowed by the dragon-shaped imprint... Well, I'm afraid there is no scum left.

Babai took a deep look at Ling Huohuo. After this bloodline awakening, Ling Huohuo's strength should have a qualitative leap, and even take that step, stepping into the sixth level!

It didn't take long for Ling Huohuo's blood to awaken again.

By the time Ling Huohuo floated to the gate of Ping'an City, Ling Huohuo's blood had awakened again, and all the red light had entered Ling Huohuo's body.

Then, the clothes on Ling Huohuo's body turned into fly ash, and then, a red robe embroidered with dragons appeared on Ling Huohuo's body, looking extremely insolent.

The robe is condensed with evil energy and has a good protective ability.

The monsters were tumbling, and the monsters who chased Ling Huohuo to the gate of Ping'an capital surrounded Ling Huohuo, as if they had discovered Ling Huohuo's change, and did not step forward.

"It's so demonic, and... this coercion." Hongshuang frowned at Ling Huohuo, the empress of the big tengu who could get in, not knowing what was going on with Ling Huohuo's change.

Ling Huohuo opened his eyes, a pair of vertical golden pupils, noble and indifferent.


Regarding my state, I had already chatted with another monster Ling Huohuo above the clouds, and the other party said that my blood had awakened again and turned into a demon.

Well, although I don't understand it very well, at least I know... my ancestors were not human, at least not purely human, and now I am not purely human either.

And in the end, the other Ling Huohuo merged with himself, and he couldn't find him even if he wanted to find him.

This bloodline awakening not only broke the shackles on the bloodline, turned himself into a demon, and showed inhuman characteristics on his body, but also improved his strength a lot.

The physical fitness has been greatly improved, not only the strength, but also the defense has been greatly improved. Ling Huohuo has a feeling of invulnerability.

He drew out Yingyu casually, and under the surprised eyes of the surrounding monsters, he slashed himself with a sword and made a "ding" sound.

Do not break defense!
He took a picture of himself against the blade, and his appearance was exactly the same as that Ling Huohuo who said he was a monster.

The purple spiritual energy is surging in the body, Ling Huohuo feels that his strength is growing rapidly, he doesn't know where the end is, and it seems that the depths of the soul are undergoing transformation, Ling Huohuo can feel that when the transformation is over, his strength will be absolutely It will grow substantially and step into a higher level!
Not only strength, Ling Huohuo felt that his state of mind had also changed. There was always a desire to destroy and bloodthirsty. It could also be said that the sudden increase in strength made Ling Huohuo unable to adapt for a while, and his mentality was a little out of control and a little swollen. Once you get used to it, it should go back to normal.

Yingyu suddenly flew out of the sword, looked at Ling Huohuo, pointed at Ling Huohuo, opened her mouth wide, unable to react for a while.

I just fell asleep, why did my master become a monster?
Although Yingyu is reluctant to be used by monsters, Ling Huohuo has already subdued her. No matter what Ling Huohuo will become in the future, at least Ling Huohuo did not abandon herself when she was alive. She is Ling Huohuo's sword .

Looking at the depths of Ping An Jing, Ling Huohuo could feel something calling him, no, it should be said that it was calling all the monsters!
Seeing the monsters starting to commotion around, Ling Huohuo showed a ferocious smile and took a step forward.

Two figures in armor suddenly appeared in front of Ling Huohuo, with a strength of Tier [-], and the two figures attacked Ling Huohuo at the same time.

Ling Huohuo swung his sword, and the two armored figures instantly shattered into pieces.

Then more figures began to appear on both sides of the streets in Heian-kyo, which should have been empty.

Monsters, humans, walking corpses...

All the figures looked at Ling Huohuo unkindly, a bloodthirsty light flashed in their eyes.

Ling Huohuo twisted his neck and looked at the monsters behind him.

"Let's start, our Hyakki Night Walk!"

The monsters cheered excitedly...

(End of this chapter)

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