The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 325 Entering Heian Capital

Chapter 325 Entering Heian Capital (Part [-])
Because of the appearance of Heianjing, countless people or forces who were nearby or hidden in the dark all showed up one after another and rushed to Heianjing.

Yuyihu was wearing a kimono, as if sensing something, he showed a satisfied smile.

"Ling Huohuo, I really didn't disappoint this concubine. It seems that your demon blood has really awakened. I hope you can grow to a level that satisfies this concubine. There is still a place for you in my concubine's Hundred Ghosts Night Walk."

The feather fox waved his hand.

"Let's go."

Numerous monsters slowly appeared behind Yuyihu.


"It turned out to be a soul sacrifice! And it also brought Ping'an-kyo into this world, damn it, it was put together!" Toyotomi Hideyoshi gritted her silver teeth and looked at Ping'an-kyo.

"You are here waiting for support, the Demon Slayer, all the great Onmyojis and me will enter." An old man said.

This time the Onmyoji came with a total of three Supreme Onmyoji, including Toyotomi Hideyoshi and five Demon Slayers. However, with these people alone, there is no absolute certainty that they can break through the mysterious Heian-kyo.

And it’s okay for them not to go. If they just let each other go, the future may be out of control. If one is not good, then the whole Japan will fall into chaos and fall into the era of demons dancing wildly again. This is something no one wants to see.

Now that countless forces are rushing to Heianjing, they must get involved, look for opportunities in the chaos, and find a solution.

"If we can't get out, let's start the Exterminating God Sacrifice." A supreme onmyoji who closed his eyes and meditated looked at the city gate not far away, and said, making the others startled and their expressions changed.

The Mie Shen Ji is not a joke. The status of the people present is not low, and they all know some inside information. The Mie Shen Ji is the last resort of the headquarters of Onmyoji.


"Heian-kyo is harmful to human beings and has no benefit. We don't know the opponent's purpose, and we don't even know who the enemy is. We have lost from the beginning. With the reappearance of Heian-kyo, the power of demons will inevitably expand. In order to prevent this land from falling into chaos again The turmoil, the best way is to take advantage of this opportunity to kill all the monsters here!"

"But, the people nearby..."

"Evacuate if you can, if you can't..." The old man didn't continue, but the meaning was very clear.

"Yes." Everyone agreed with difficulty.

"Now... 5 minutes, write a suicide note..."


Toyotomi Xiuya was wearing a kimono and stood in front of another gate opposite to the gate where Ling Huohuo was.

"Heianjing... What a big deal, then... Is the purpose of Yuyi Fox in this city?"

Toyotomi Hideya took a step forward, a grimace appeared behind her, twelve shikigami wearing armor, holding different weapons, and wearing ghost masks appeared on both sides of Toyotomi Hideka.

The weapons in the hands of these shikigami seem to be stained with blood, which is extremely terrifying, and the strength of these shikigami is all fifth rank!
"Take this city for me." Toyotomi Hideya said lightly, without any fluctuation in tone.

Without saying a word, the twelve figures rushed directly into Heianjing.


Three men appeared in front of a city gate in Ping'an Jing, their demonic aura unrelenting, behind them were countless demons.

The general of the eight-foot group - eight-foot eight Qi.

The general of Luo Sheng's group - Luo Sheng Shui'an.

The general of the mourning group - mourning no true soul.

"Let's go." Without a word of nonsense, Hachi Hachi stepped directly in.


"This time things are getting more and more interesting." A voice sounded.

"Although I didn't get the order to enter the city at the auction, but luckily I succeeded in the end." A voice sounded.

"How are you getting ready?"

"Except for Suzaku, the other twelve god generals have already prepared, and all the demons have successfully entered Heianjing. Suzaku is probably... more ominous than good."

"Well, if you didn't come back, you didn't come back. Just find a substitute with a fire attribute. What about the other forces?"

"The onmyoji entered three supreme onmyoji, five demon slayers, and more than 20 onmyoji. Except for the Nuliang group and Hakuo group, the leaders of the other three groups brought their men to say that they had combat power and entered Heianjing. The Nuliang group and the The Hakuo group did not participate in this incident. Yuyi Fox also entered Heian-kyo with her own people, and Toyotomi Hideya, who you want me to pay special attention to, also entered Heian-kyo with her Twelve Demon Masks. Apart from these people, there is one A strange demon king brought more than 700 monsters into Ping'an capital, which is a force that cannot be ignored. As for other forces, there are 23 fifth-level powers entering Ping'an capital."

"There are more than 700 monsters, which is really a big deal. If there is no accident, it seems that he got the door."

"Subordinates don't know."

"Exactly, even though the Nura group and Hakuo group did not enter Heian-kyo after hearing the rumors, these 700 monsters alone are enough to make up for it. Let's proceed as planned. By the way, find a fire attribute and send it to Suzaku's original location go up."

"Yes, General."

"General... After tonight, there will be no so-called funeral team, and I am not qualified to be called a general. Let's go down."


After a moment of silence, the owner of the voice sighed faintly.

"Qingming, without you, no one in this world can stop me anymore."



From the moment they entered Ping An Jing, Ling Huohuo's Hundred Ghosts of the Night were in a fight, from outside the gate to inside the gate, from one street to another.

The monsters followed Ling Huohuo, and by virtue of their numbers, Ling Huohuo and his party were not hindered too much.

Ling Huohuo's fighting style at this time was extremely brutal, exactly the same as the fighting style of the monsters behind him.

Compared with before, the power erupted by Ling Huohuo's Hundred Ghosts Night Walk at this time is even stronger.

Before Ling Huohuo was still human after all, Baigui Yaxing needed to use sword intent as a medium, but now, Ling Huohuo has been demonized, and the last obstacle to communication with Baigui Yaxing has disappeared, and, although the monsters before He was also subdued by Ling Huohuo, and he was able to successfully form the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk. However, Ling Huohuo at that time was still a human being after all. Although there was no problem with the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, it was always a bit awkward. Huohuo turned into a demon, and Hyakki Yaxing became a real Hyakki Yaxing!Ability to exert buffs and strength has grown a lot.

Moreover, because of Ling Huohuo's change, the current Hundred Ghosts Night Walk has become extremely ferocious.

On Ling Huohuo's body, blood energy, monster energy, and spiritual energy are entangled with each other, and a "momentum" is slowly condensing.

At this time, Ling Huohuo was even taller. His original figure of more than 1.8 meters had grown to two meters. between.

And all the obstacles in Heianjing were blocked by monsters, and the whole Hyakki Night Walk slowly moved forward...

 Driving in the afternoon, the update is late, and there are three more changes today
(End of this chapter)

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