The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 326 These Are Not Local Demons

Chapter 326 These Are Not Local Demons (Part [-])

Looking at the enemies who fell in front of him, the monsters let out bloodthirsty roars, while Ling Huohuo was smiling. He was very satisfied with his current state, very good and very strong.

Although there were many monsters blocking the way, they encountered thousands of monsters in such a short period of time, and their strength was generally at the fourth level, and occasionally the fifth level appeared, but their strength was not strong, just like... an empty shelf.

As the team advanced, the desire in Ling Huohuo's heart became stronger at this time.

"What the hell is there?" Ling Huohuo looked forward, and in that direction was the daimyo's palace.

At this time, a commotion caused Ling Huohuo to look away.

"What's going on?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"General, it's people from other forces. They attacked us." Hongshuang appeared beside Ling Huohuo.

"Really, then kill it." Ling Huohuo said lightly.


More than 100 people stopped in front of Ling Huohuo. This group of people came from different organizations. There were actually five of the fifth rank, more than 20 of the fourth rank, and the rest were of the third rank.

"I didn't expect there to be so many monsters here."

"Hmph, it's time to slay demons and demons today!"

Although this group of people talked about killing demons and protecting human beings, they couldn't hide the greed in their eyes.

Monsters eat people, and humans also hunt and kill monsters. You must know that the parts of most monsters are good magic materials, and monsters can also be subdued!

Although there are countless fourth-orders now, compared to the fifth-order, the fourth-order is a dish.

Moreover, the Tier [-]s encountered in Ping'an capital were all empty-handed and easy to kill.

They didn't have any doubts about so many monsters kneeling together, because the density of the monsters they met before was also very high.

However, what they didn't know was that this was not a group of ordinary fourth-order monsters.

This group of monsters are all big monsters who dominated one side hundreds of years ago. They have experienced many battles and are extremely ferocious.

Although the current monsters are also very cruel, but after all, human beings are powerful, and they will be influenced by humans subtly, and they are naturally incomparable with the monsters who used to drink blood.

In Ling Huohuo's Hundred Ghosts at Night, although they are all big monsters, many of them are at the peak of the fourth level, and they are only short of breaking through to the fifth level with one kick, and now there is only one opportunity missing.

Moreover, you must know that this group of monsters formed the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, and the strength of each monster was amplified and superimposed together.

"Monsters, just suffer and die!"

Although I think it's weird to have so many big monsters together, but these people have also encountered many big monsters before, their strength is not very good, they are all empty-handed, this place is not as cruel as imagined, so the strength of these big monsters in front of them is also It won't be so strong.

Moreover, there are five fifth ranks on my side, and the opponent has only one big tengu who is the strength of the demon king. It should be the leader, and the rest are only fourth ranks. fear.

Looking at the enemies rushing over, Datengu snorted coldly, and got entangled with one of the fifth ranks, with the increase of Hyakki Yaxing, and his strength at this time was equivalent to the normal fifth rank.

And the other fourth-order big monsters were scattered, and they did not directly fight with the remaining four fifth-order humans, but scattered the four fifth-order humans, surrounded them, neither attacking nor letting them go. The opponent attacks himself.

The strength of the fifth level is not so easy to solve. Although these monsters are cruel, they are not mentally retarded.

As for the remaining more than 100 fourth-tier and third-tier enemies, more than 50 big monsters were separated to deal with them.

When these more than 50 big monsters and more than 100 fourth-order and third-order humans just fought against each other, there were huge casualties on the human side.

The difference in experience and strength made these more than 100 humans unable to last for more than 10 minutes, and they were wiped out in the hands of big monsters with only half of them.

"Not good." Hearing the scream, the expression of a fifth-order human changed.

When I saw the monsters attacking me and others in a way before, I felt a little bad, but I didn't expect this group of monsters to be so strong.

The remaining more than 100 human beings also have the existence of Tier [-], how could they die so easily?
These are not local monsters, bah, they are not monsters in Heian capital!
However, which faction actually has the combat power of so many monsters?Definitely not those five demon king forces!Otherwise, there is still room for other forces to brag?
The fifth-order human being entangled with Ootengu looked at Ootengu, and found that Ootengu had no communication with the monsters behind him, but the big ogres behind him were still attacking and dodging in an orderly manner.

Isn't this big tengu the leader of this group of monsters?
A thought flashed through the mind of this fifth-level human powerhouse, his eyes quickly swept to the middle of the monster, and a flash of red appeared in his eyes.

"that is……"

"Huh, you dare to clone yourself when you fight with me, you don't know how to live or die." The words of the big tengu rang in the ears of the fifth-order powerhouse.


When the fifth-tier powerhouse raised his head, he saw the big tengu appearing on top of his head at some point, and the round fan in his hand was attacking him with a frantic wind.

"not good!"

The fifth-tier powerhouse hastily raised the long knife in his hand. Thunder light flashed on the long knife, and it collided with the big tengu fan. The force collided, resulting in a violent explosion, which lifted the nearby floor tiles and destroyed two rows of people on both sides of the street. attic.

"Did you stop it?" Looking at the round fan that was resting on his long sword and unable to move forward any further, the fifth-level powerhouse was a little afraid. If he hadn't resisted just now, he would definitely be smashed to pieces now.

However, at this time, the big tengu who was facing each other face to face with the fifth-order powerhouse did not show any disappointed expression, but showed a strange smile.

Just when the fifth-level powerhouse felt something was wrong, he saw Ootengu's free other hand stretched out from the sleeve of the hunting clothes, holding a big sword in Ootengu's hand, and then Ootengu quickly inserted the Otoshi In the heart of the fifth-order powerhouse.

Human beings are not monsters. Even a fifth-order powerhouse will still die if his heart is punctured.


The body of the fifth-order powerhouse fell to the ground.

Daitengu pulled the sword from the heart of the fifth-order strong man, shook off the blood on it, put the sword back into the sleeve of the hunting clothes, and hid it.

"You can't take care of Faye when he suddenly fights with you? Didn't you feel something was wrong? Stupid!"

The big tengu shook his head, turned around and walked towards another fifth-order human powerhouse who was surrounded.

The wind of the big tengu is not a silent wind. Even if it is a sneak attack, it is difficult not to be discovered. If it misses a hit, the opponent will be prepared, and it is difficult to kill the opponent in a short time.

As the only fifth-rank monster king under Ling Huohuo, he naturally had to make some achievements, deal with his opponents early, and support other big monsters.

During this period of time, with these experienced big monsters as sparring partners, Ootengu's actual combat has also improved a lot. When he found a flaw in the opponent, he immediately thought of a way to solve the opponent.


"Although this knife is no longer used as a medium for the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts, it is still quite easy to use."

(End of this chapter)

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