The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 328 The feather fox was a melon-eating fox back then?

Chapter 328 The feather fox was a melon-eating fox back then? (one more)
Ling Huohuo looked at Yuyihu.

"Exactly, I also want to ask you something." Ling Huohuo's indifferent voice sounded.

"All ears." Yuyihu smiled, walked to Ling Huohuo's side, and sat in his next seat.

"Do you know the true identity of the order to enter the city?" Before Ling Huohuo could ask, Yu Yihu suddenly said with a smile.

Ling Huohuo looked at Yuyihu, and Toyotomi Hideya raised her head again.

"This starts with the reason why Ping'an capital was divided into two. The division of Ping'an capital into two is not an accident, but man-made."

"Who is it?" Toyotomi Hideya asked suddenly.

Yuyihu smiled slightly, and spit out a name, "Abe Seimei!"


Ling Huohuo didn't show any expression. His understanding of Abe Seimei was limited to legends, but Toyotomi Hideya was different. She was an onmyoji and knew Abe Seimei very well. However, there was never any record that it was Abe Seimei did it.

"Why did Lord Seimei do this?" Toyotomi Hideya asked.

"Because there is a reason why I have to do this." Yu Yihu still smiled.

Toyotomi Hideya thought quickly.

"The reason... Heian Jing was the place where demons and onmyojis fought decisively back then. The style of Heian Jing represented that there was nothing in Heian Jing that could not be destroyed at that time, and it would even endanger the world..."

"That's right, very smart, worthy of being my descendant." Yu Yihu suddenly smiled and clapped her hands, but what she said made Toyotomi Hideya's face change.

At that time, Yuyi Fox was attached to the mother of an ancestor of Toyotomi's family, and Toyotomi Hideya's lineage was the descendant of that ancestor. According to seniority, Toyotomi Hideya was indeed a descendant of Yuyi Fox, but , This is not an honor, in Toyotomi's family, this is considered the greatest shame, how can you be a son of man if you accept a demon as your mother?

Toyotomi Hideya's face was gloomy, but she didn't have an attack, but slowly took off the mask on her face.

Seeing Toyotomi Xiuya's face, neither Ling Huohuo nor Yu Yihu had any surprises.

Although Toyotomi Hideya is Toyotomi Hideling's older sister, the two are not twins. Toyotomi Hideya is two years older than Toyotomi Hideling. Therefore, although the two have similar looks, they are not the same.

"Ling Jun, long time no see. My full name is Toyotomi Hideya, and I'm Toyotomi Hideyoshi's older sister." Toyotomi Hideya greeted Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo nodded and didn't speak, but looked at Yuyihu, motioning for her to continue.

"Do you know who the strongest demon was?" Yuyihu continued.

Toyotomi Hideya thought for a while, "A group of demons danced wildly back then. Although there were many legends left behind, they were not called the strongest demons."

"No, it's just that no one dares to say it, or that everyone who knows is dead."

"Who is it?" Ling Huohuo asked,

Yuyihu showed a mocking expression, "The daimyo at that time, the most important person you Onmyoji protected."

Silence for a while, is the real identity of the person protected by Onmyoji the strongest demon?It hurts my heart, boss (big) name.

However, Ling Huohuo and Toyotomi Xiuling didn't fully believe it. After all, both of them knew the virtues of Yuyihu, and being biased was also her strong point.

But the two of them didn't question either, since they don't know anything, is it useful to question?Just be careful about what Yuyihu said.

"I have to say, if it's true, it's really interesting." Ling Huohuo curled his lips in a rare way. This matter has nothing to do with him, and I'm not an onmyoji, so I just smiled and said something by the way.

"I don't know when the daimyo was demonized at that time. I also forget the specific name of the daimyo, but he called himself Mandrill, and Mandrill also integrated himself into the entire Heian capital. During the decisive battle, it can be said that the entire Heian city Kyoto is the incarnation of mandrill."

Yu Yihu continued: "Abe Seimei discovered this a long time ago, so he secretly planned to divide Heian-kyo into two, separate the mandrill, and seal it in a different space."

"It seems that it succeeded in the end." Ling Huohuo said, and then took a sip of wine.

"It's a success, but Mandrill didn't sit still. It is said that Mandrill was fused with Heian-kyo, and his body couldn't move, so he couldn't personally stop Abe Seimei's actions, so he found some spokespersons and asked them to help deal with Abe Seimei. Those people are those who hold the order to enter the city of Ping'an capital."

"Nobleman." Ling Huohuo spit out two words. If I remember correctly, the entry order was only in the hands of the nobleman at that time, and it gradually evolved into a status symbol of the nobleman.

"That's right, despite the obstacles of almost all the nobles in a country, Abe Seimei still succeeded. I have to say that he is indeed very admirable." Yuyi Fox said with a sigh.

Is this what it means to "send a division of troops to Gank Seimei, but Seimei still develops"?Ling Huohuo thought about it, and then raised his head, "What is the order to enter the city?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"The order to enter the city contains Mandrill's pure demon origin, which can purify the blood of monsters, and will not affect humans. It will only lurk on human beings, and at the same time, it will be stamped with Mandrill's mark."

Another regret frowned, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

"What's the meaning."

"This is Mandrill's real backhand." Hu Yihu said with a smile.

"Drill knew that he couldn't escape, and these nobles were just tools to stop Abe Seimei, and he didn't expect them to succeed. When the nobles blocked Abe Seimei, and Abe Seimei couldn't escape, Mandrill quietly prepared a resurrection plan. , and the key is these city entry orders.”

"The order to enter the city will not respond normally, but if you encounter a person or monster with a special soul or a high-level monster blood in your blood, it will be activated, pulling the opponent to Mandrill's side, and let Mandrill devour and fuse it. Make it get a new body. Although Abe Seimei also discovered this at the end of the year, there were many orders to enter the city. Even if most of Le was destroyed, there were still a lot left. But then Heianjing was sealed in a different world, and these tokens were It has become the only means of communication with Mandrill, and it has also become an entry order that can only bring one person into Ping'an Capital! Ling Jun, in the last battle, I found that your blood is not simple, it may contain very interesting things, Just take the city entry order and try it out, I didn’t expect you to be able to bind the city entry order.”

Ling Huohuo's face changed, and he began to check his body and soul, and found that there was nothing wrong.

"It is true that a wave of energy entered your body and then disappeared, but I have no idea where that energy went." Babai's voice sounded.

"Give up, Mandrill's origin and imprint are not easy to find, and they will never be discovered or eradicated without special methods, but..." Yuyihu elongated his tone, seeming to be in a good mood.

"The concubine has a way to clear the mark, how about it, are you interested?"

"What's the price?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"You are very smart, and I like you even more. The price is very simple, that is, you join my ghost night tour, and I like you very much." Yu Yihu said, still smiling, unable to see her real thoughts.

"How can you prove that what you said is true! Besides, I remember that there was no record of a monster named Yuyihu in the decisive battle of Heianjing." Toyotomi Hideya said suddenly.

"Why? Because... I was still a little fox in the Ping'an War, and I didn't have the ability to participate in the war at all. Therefore, I can only watch all this development in the dark." Yuyihu said.

Well, that means you were a melon eater back then, right?

(End of this chapter)

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