Chapter 329 The Staff Are Arrived (Part [-])
Because there is the origin of mandrill in the entry order, which can purify the demon blood in the blood. Ling Huohuo has a high-level monster blood in his body. It was only then that the bloodline was awakened again, but it was also marked and became a container for Mandrill's reincarnation.

And Yuyihu also used the fact that he could eliminate Mandrill's mark to prepare to recruit Ling Huohuo into his group.

"I'm not the only one who can establish contact with the order to enter the city." Ling Huohuo asked suddenly.

Yuyihu froze for a moment, thought of Ling Huohuo's meaning, nodded, and said, "Yes, you are not the first to enter Ping An Jing, but...not everyone is qualified to become the reincarnation body of Mandrill Mandrill will never allow the limited potential of the body after reincarnation, and those who are unqualified..."

"It's already dead, isn't it?" Toyotomi Hideya continued.

The terrifying existence hundreds of years ago is definitely not easy to deal with. One of the strength standards of monsters is that the longer they live, the stronger their strength, even if there is only a wisp of soul left. After all, monsters have no body after cultivation. And the soul demands!
"How about it, anyway, now your demon blood has awakened, you can't return to the human side, and you are being targeted by the mandrill, there is no other choice, do you want to join the concubine's Hundred Ghosts Night Walk?" Yu Yihu said again .

"No, there is another choice." Ling Huohuo looked at Yuyihu, and touched Yingyu's sword hilt with one hand, "If you beat me down, you are willing to help me."

"Ala, Ala, you are really naughty." Yuyihu covered her mouth and squinted her eyes. As a monster that has lived for a long time, she is not so easy to talk to.

Feng Chenxiuya hesitated, wondering if she should help Ling Huohuo, if Ling Huohuo was still a human being, she would definitely help Ling Huohuo, but now Ling Huohuo is a monster!
Moreover, Ling Huohuo's personality has changed a lot now, and he can't figure out whether he still adheres to the bottom line of human beings or has fallen.

When Ling Huohuo was about to make a move, footsteps sounded again, and the noise of a group of people laughing and joking broke the silence.

"Is this the Daimyo Mansion in Heianjing? It looks pretty good, but these are antiques. Take two of them back and sell them and send them away! Look at this vase, how exquisite it is."

"Don't be stupid, there is 'Made in China' printed on the bottom of the bottle, which is clearly a modern craftsmanship."

"Wow, has my Dahuaxia business traveled through time and space?"

"Are you mentally retarded? This was obviously put up later. I guess most of the things here are modern, so these floor tiles may be the floor tiles of Heianjing in those days. Are you sure you want it?"

"Yes, of course, I will dig two pieces back now."


Hearing the voices of several people, the three of Ling Huohuo subconsciously looked at the small drinking plate in their hands and nodded. There was no word "Made in China" on it, which may be an antique.

Then Ling Huohuo picked up the bottle containing the wine, looked at it, and twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Huaxia Lao Baigan."

Yuyihu, who was about to pour the wine, froze, the smile on his face became a little stiff, and then withdrew his hand without leaving a trace.

Toyotomi Hideling ate two bites of the dish, um, it was delicious.

A banquet that was originally thought to be quite romantic suddenly changed, making the three of them feel a little uncomfortable.

"Oh? There are people here!" Hua Xiaoyu looked into the hall, then turned around and shouted: "Come on! There are people here!"

The three of Ling Huohuo twitched their mouths. Why did they feel like when they went to the zoo when they were young, they suddenly found a monkey and asked their friends to come and watch?
Five people came in, two children and three adults.

Xiaozhengtai has some strength, and she looks like a first-order girl. She is the weakest girl, an ordinary person, not tall, and looks like a loli. Her characteristic is a pair of short, fleshy legs, which are good-looking and want to be licked.

A three-none man has the strength of the fifth level, and the last little loli and the long-haired man are also the fifth level of strength!

However, the three of them could see that the little loli and the long-haired man were not human beings, but an existence mixed with energy, soul, and faith, existing in human bodies.

"What is this, a banquet? You city people really know how to play." Hua Xiaoyu said with a smile, and then sat at a table in the row of Toyotomi Hideya, a seat away from Toyotomi Hideya, and then He motioned for the little loli to sit between the two of them.

Little Lolita looked at Hua Xiaoyu, this short leg also had some brains, and she knew to use herself as a shield to rely on that strange woman.

When the few people came in, they saw the seats of Ling Huohuo and the others, and understood the current situation, so they didn't say much.

But little Lolita didn't say much, and sat between Hua Xiaoyu and Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

When they came to the weird Ping'an capital, they came here after a fight. In order to help little Lori find a coffin board, everyone had to follow the situation here.

Hua Xiaoyu put aside the two floor tiles that were still stained with mud, rolled up her sleeves and was about to eat. At this time, Yuyihu suddenly spoke.

"A group of people can only have one table, are you sure you want to separate?"

Hua Xiaoyu stopped her hands, hesitating a little, the long-haired man needn't worry if they parted, but there was no one to protect him, he was about to hit the street!

The little Lolita sighed and gave up her body, "You can eat mine."

Hua Xiaoyu chuckled, and ran to Little Lolita's table with the long-haired man.

"Thank you, old woman."

"My lord, leave the wine to me!" the long-haired man shouted.

Sanwunan and Tosaka Tokiomi sat at the end and looked at each other.

"Do you think so too?" Tokiomi Tohsaka said suddenly, as if the two of them had exchanged some opinions when they looked at each other just now.

After a while, three figures came in, they were the three demon kings from the Bachi group and other three demon king forces. They did not sit together, but separated, sitting on a table.

The row headed by Ling Huohuo happened to be full, and it happened to be five demon kings.

After a while, a strange man with a KFC bucket on his head came in and attracted everyone's attention.

Physically, he looks like a man.

When the man saw Hua Xiaoyu, he was a little excited, but he didn't say anything, but chose the table near her to sit down.

Although I don't know what these people are doing and can't act rashly, I just pretend to know.

The whole family barrel had two holes dug in the position of the eyes, but looking at the food on the table, the man thought for a while and dug another hole in the position of the mouth.

After a while, a group of onmyojis rushed over, looked at the scene in the hall, recognized Toyotomi Hideya, communicated with Toyotomi Hideya for a while, and the three supreme onmyojis stayed behind, occupying a table.

At the same time, Toyotomi Hidetaka was also staying behind. She sat behind Toyotomi Hideya, looking a little reserved.

Finally, a plainly dressed man walked in, looked around, and took the last seat.

This man is exactly the fifth-rank powerhouse who fought against Xiao Yunyun, and he came this time to investigate the matter here.

He was also at a loss about the situation at this time, and could only follow the others step by step. As for the staff of the Extraordinary Academy who kept him outside the Daming Mansion, he always felt that things were not that simple this time, and the Daming Mansion It also looks dangerous.

Otherwise, there is no guarantee that Xiao Yunyun who followed here would not recognize Ling Huohuo.

Toyotomi Hideya's row is also full, which happens to be from the five human forces.

At this time, the door of the main hall was suddenly closed...

 There are only two updates today, and I have to get up early tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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