The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 332 Is Your Position A Little Crooked?

Chapter 332 Is Your Position A Little Crooked? (three more)

At this time, the entire Heian capital seemed to come alive.

The walls and the ground began to squirm.

The whole of Heian-kyo was brightly lit, its splendor was gone, and the buildings had turned into black carrion-like things covered with exposed blood vessels, which looked extremely disgusting.

The corpses and blood of monsters or humans who died in battle were all swallowed up by the flesh and blood after a while of wriggling, which looked extremely strange.

In the entire Heian-kyo, only the Daming Mansion remains the same.

And all the people outside the Daming Mansion were vigilant when they saw the changes in Heian-kyo, and those who could fly flew into the sky, staying away from Heian-kyo.

However, countless tentacles suddenly stretched out from the ground, and began to catch people or monsters in the air and on the ground.

The people who could still struggle and resist were thwarted by the red-eyed monsters. They missed the opportunity to hide and escape, and finally they could only be caught by the tentacles.

After all the people or monsters were captured, the red-eyed monsters stopped moving and were also pulled into the wall by the outstretched tentacles.

However, it may be because the captured monsters or people have not died yet, Heian-kyo did not swallow them, but gathered them together, sucked them into the wall, and exposed their heads, so as not to let them suffocate to death.

"What's the situation?" Xiao Yunyun and Datengu began to struggle violently, but found that they couldn't break free at all.

"My power is being absorbed!" Suddenly someone exclaimed.

The hearts of the people sank and the power was absorbed, which is not a good sign. It is like this now. If the power is completely absorbed, everyone will be meat on the chopping board.

"A flash!" A ray of light flashed, and a big hole was cut in a wall. Taking advantage of this opportunity, a piece of armor broke free and fell behind the person who made the shot.

Toyotomi Hideya held the long knife with a serious expression on her face. The blow just now was not easy, and she concentrated all her strength, but she only rescued one armor. You must know that she has twelve armors, while the others were trapped There are more people, and the power of so many people is absorbed by the other party. How terrifying will the power reserve of the entire Heian capital be?That doesn't bode well.

"Dead corpses can only provide blood power, and only living prey can provide continuous power." Mandrill's voice suddenly sounded.

"Drill needs a lot of strength to be resurrected, so he grabbed these people to provide him with strength." Yuyihu explained.

Looking at the companions who were arrested, everyone's expressions were very serious. If Mandrill was not defeated, these people would probably all be buried here.

At this time, the entire Heian capital was lit up with purple light.

If you look down from the sky, you will find that a huge formation has appeared in Heianjing.

"Mr. Zhu of the Taishan Mansion, adapted from a formation from China, which requires a lot of power to operate with twelve formation nodes, which can perfectly transform the soul. If the formation is successful, it can be marked by the mandrill Take out the soul of one person, and then inject another person's soul into this body, which can perfectly fit and inherit the whole body, Ling Jun, you are dangerous." Yu Yihu said.

Ling Huohuo looked at Yuyihu, are you explaining?Why do you know everything?

Mandrill, who was activating the formation, twisted his nose. Sure enough, he would definitely kill Yuyihu. This coquettish fox knows too much, and he still talks about everything. If this continues, all her hidden hands will be exposed by her. Face it!

"Can you resist?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Yuyihu smiled, "Yes, I can, but do you think you can defeat Mandrill? You know, before he died, he surpassed the existence of the Demon King, but now you just need to agree to join the concubine..."

"Stop! Gua melon!"

Ling Huohuo stuffed a piece of melon that he brought out casually into Yuyihu's mouth, interrupted her next words, and looked at his hands by the way, when did he have the habit of carrying things with him?
The feather fox spat out the melon in his mouth, and his face became a little gloomy.

How many years?It's the first time someone dares to insult him like this, but Ling Huohuo will give in, when the time comes...hehehe...

As if he didn't see the black air coming from Yuyihu, Ling Huohuo looked around and began to communicate with Babai.

"Eight hundred, what do you think?"

"If what Yuyihu said is true, there will definitely be a battle at the soul level, but Mandrill is an existence that surpasses the demon king, and, I just read, his soul is indeed not at the fifth level, but at the sixth level !At the sixth level, the level of life will evolve and enter the stage of transformation, and the first to start transformation is the soul. For the soul of the extraordinary state, the soul of the transformation state has absolute suppression, because the soul of the transformation state has already Not a mortal anymore!"

Ling Huohuo clicked his tongue. Although he felt that his soul was undergoing transformation, he didn't know when it would end. With his current self, he would definitely not be able to beat Mandrill at the soul level, and Mandrill is not mentally retarded, so he would never transform himself Chance of success!

Ling Huohuo suddenly felt that he was sitting on wax.

"Is there a way?" Ling Huohuo asked with the mentality of giving it a try.


"Huh?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback.

"You are stupid, you have the "Sword Code"!" Babai said, "Just for this kind of thing that happened to occupy the magpie's nest and let your inheritance fall into the hands of people with evil intentions, the "Sword Code" is with you Soul-bound, it can block malicious attacks on the soul, especially this kind of house-grabbing thing. If your soul is pulled out, there is a battle on the soul, and once the "Sword Code" breaks out, a mere sixth-level soul, Hacked to death in minutes."

Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows, then why did you say so seriously before?
"It's just to let you realize the gap in strength and make you feel better. You are protected by the "Sword Code". If you don't, you can cry." Babai said.

Ling Huohuo ignored Babai, but still pretended to look into the distance, as if he wasn't worried at all.

But it's over for me, and I can akimbo.

Come, come, mandrill, you can activate the formation at will, if you can't kill it, you will count as a loser!
Seeing Ling Huohuo's indifferent look, Yuyihu was taken aback, isn't Ling Huohuo really worried?

"Aren't you afraid?" Yuyi Fox asked.

"Not afraid."


"I'm awesome!"


Yu Yihu always felt that after the awakening of Ling Huo Yaoxue, great changes had taken place, especially in terms of chattering.

Soon, even though the three supreme onmyojis were struggling, the formation was successfully activated, and the people and demons who had been absorbed looked weak.

A purple phantom appeared in the sky of Heianjing, and there was a layer of purple light outside the phantom.

"This is Mandrill's soul." Yuyi Fox said.

"The soul of the sixth level has changed. The outer layer of light is what your current soul does not have, which means that the soul has been contaminated with the power of the law." Babai explained.

At this time, Mandrill's soul rushed straight down.

Seeing the soul of Mandrill rushing down, the corners of Ling Huohuo's mouth couldn't help but twitch, and it's time for him to fight back and save the world... Kamoang, Beibi!
And then... Mandrill's soul landed on the body of Toyotomi Hideya who was watching.

Everyone looked at Toyotomi Hideya, unable to turn their heads for a moment.

Is this point a bit crooked?
(End of this chapter)

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