The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 333 Seems to have awakened a special habit

Chapter 333 Seems to have awakened a special hobby (one more)

Toyotomi Hideya screamed while hugging her hair. She didn't know whether she was frightened or hit, but listening to the sound, she could feel that she was definitely in pain right now.

No longer as elegant as before, Toyotomi Hideya's coiled hair was scattered, and her black hair was scattered.

"Sister." Toyotomi Xiuling's complexion changed, she exclaimed, and she was about to step forward, but was held back by a supreme onmyoji. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the current Toyotomi Xiuya is very wrong. Stay away.

Toyotomi Hidetomi screamed for a short time.

"Toyotomi Hideya has absolutely no power to resist the difference in soul level," Yabai said.

Then, a white phantom floated out of Toyotomi Hideya's body.

Yuyihu's eyes lit up, the soul is a tonic for monsters, let alone a fifth-order soul that has no resistance. However, when Yuyi just made a move, two of the three supreme onmyojis hit Yuyi Fox, the last one captured Toyotomi Hideya's soul.

Although Toyotomi Hideya is not on the same side as the Supreme Onmyojis, but he was also an Onmyoji before, and he can be regarded as the descendant of these Supreme Onmyojis, but later left the system of Onmyojis and served the family, but there is no relationship between the two parties. There is no festival, and they are still human beings. Due to reason and reason, these supreme onmyojis have to take action to save Toyotomi Hideya's soul. It is impossible to watch her being devoured by monsters.

However, it may be that it was a bit expensive to prevent the activation of the formation before, or that Yuyi Fox was more powerful, and the joint efforts of the two supreme onmyojis did not stop Yuyi Fox, and the hand of the last Onmyoji was also bent by Yuyi Fox. Fortunately, Yuyi Fox's offensive was also blocked.

When the three people and one demon were preparing for the next round of snatching, Toyotomi Hideya's soul floated in front of Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo looked at the soul in front of him. The soul only had the approximate shape of Toyotomi Hideya, but she could see her expression. Ling Huohuo was surprised that Toyotomi Hideya didn't seem to be feeling desperate.

Then, at this time, Ling Huohuo opened his mouth subconsciously, and Ling Huohuo could swear that he definitely didn't do it on purpose, as if it was a numbered program in the blood.

Condition: Encounter a wild soul?

Action: Open your mouth.

Then... Fengchen Xiuya's soul was eaten by Ling Huohuo. Ling Huohuo saw that when he opened his mouth, Fengchen Xiuya's expression was not so calm.

The scene was quiet for a while.

"Ah, I almost forgot, Ling Jun has already demonized, and the soul is also the scope of food for Ling Jun." Yu Yihu said with a smile, as if Ling Huohuo had nothing to do with Toyotomi Xiuya's soul dissatisfied.

The three supreme onmyoji looked at Ling Huohuo unkindly, and almost forgot that there was a strange demon king here, and he ate the soul of one of his juniors with his mouth open, what a disaster!

"Ahh! Ling Huohuo, return my sister, take your life!" Toyotomi Xiuling drew out her weapon and rushed towards Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo rolled his eyes and glanced at Toyotomi Xiuling. Now his strength has improved a lot.

With two hits, Toyotomi Hideyoshi's weapon was knocked into the air, and then Toyotomi Hideyoshi's head was supported with one hand.

Suffering a blow, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who was a little crazy, only remembered to attack Ling Huohuo with both hands, but with her strength and arm length, she couldn't touch Ling Huohuo at all, so she could only wave it indiscriminately, which seemed a little funny for a while.

And the three supreme onmyojis took out their weapons, and they looked like they were about to make a move. Yu Yihu took a step forward, saying that she would not watch the fun either.

Looking at the tense atmosphere, Ling Huohuo opened his mouth, and Toyotomi Hideya's soul was spat out by him and held in the other hand.

The scene became quiet again, even Hidetomi Toyotomi was quiet.

Ling Huohuo curled his lips. Although I opened my mouth, I didn't swallow it. Why are you nervous?
Toyotomi Xiuya's soul complexion is not good, and anyone who has experienced the experience of being almost eaten in the stomach will not have a very good complexion. At this time, Feng Chen Xiuya's soul is angry and said something to Ling Huohuo, although I can't hear it, but I can guess that it's not a good word.

Then, Ling Huohuo stuffed Feng Chenxiuya back into her mouth, Feng Chen Xiuling was stunned again, the hearts of the three supreme onmyojis raised their throats again, staring at Ling Huohuo's neck, afraid that one would swallow Actions.

Then, Ling Huohuo spit out Toyotomi Xiuya, stuffed it back, spit it out again, stuffed it back again...

Thinking of Toyotomi Xiuya's exquisite figure and elegant temperament, Ling Huohuo suddenly felt inexplicably refreshed, as if awakening some special hobby.

After a few times, Toyotomi Xiuya was honestly caught by Ling Huohuo.

"Your Excellency, is it interesting to play with the soul?" A supreme onmyoji said angrily.

Ling Huohuo nodded, "Yes."


Yuyihu laughed, and felt it, Ling Huohuo no longer chattered.

"What the hell do you mean?" Toyotomi Xiuling calmed down, took a step back, picked up her weapon, and stared at Ling Huohuo unkindly.


What's the meaning?It's fun!
Suddenly, at the moment when Ling Huohuo was stunned, a figure suddenly appeared beside Ling Huohuo, and slashed at Ling Huohuo's arm. Toyotomi Hideya's soul was taken away by the other party.

Everyone hurriedly looked and found that Toyotomi Hideya's body was sneering and grabbing Toyotomi Hideya's soul, no, the mandrill in Toyotomi Hideya's body should be!
"It's really interesting." Mandrill said, but the voice he made was that of Toyotomi Hideya.

Everyone's faces were very serious, and the killing intent of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and the three Supreme Onmyojis was transferred to Mandrill.

"What's the matter, do you want to fight? Come on, I won't fight back." Mandrill said with a smile, but everyone hesitated, because Mandrill's current body is Toyotomi Hideya's body!
"Can you save her?" Ling Huohuo asked Xiang Babai.

"Why, you want to drink Toyotomi Hideya?" Yabai said.

"No matter what, the mandrill cannot be revived." Ling Huohuo said.

"Well, it can be saved. Although it is said that the soul and body can be perfectly fused, the fusion takes time after all. Mandrill's soul is at the sixth level, while Toyotomi Hideya's body is at the fifth level. There is a difference between the two. The gap has not yet fully merged, but with the buff of Mandrill's soul, Toyotomi Hideya's body can easily break through the limit. It is only a matter of time to break through to the sixth level, and this time will not be too long. Before the body reaches the sixth level, as long as Mandrill's soul is driven out of Toyotomi Hideya's body, and Toyotomi Hideya's soul is sent back, she can be saved."

"How long?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Eight hundred observed for a while, and now Toyotomi Hideya's physical strength is slowly improving.

"According to this speed... it will take half an hour!"

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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