The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 334: The Secret Story of the Otengu!

Chapter 334: The Secret Story of the Otengu! (two more)
"How do I drive Mandrill's soul out of Toyotomi Hideya's body?"

"Use the power of love...ah bah." Yao threw away the comic book in his hand, "Only the soul can solve the matter of the soul. If it is you, there is no good way. Your sword will be controlled by your soul." The level limit cannot cause too much damage to Mandrill's soul, but... there is another method that is not a method."


"Kill Toyotomi Hideya's body!"

"Huh?" Ling Huohuo's eyes moved.

"Kill Toyotomi Hideya's body. If Mandrill is still in the body, he has already been connected with that body. If Toyotomi Hideya's body dies, Mandrill will die too. If he comes out, take him as before. It is a remnant soul with limited strength."

"But... what about Toyotomi Hideya?"

According to Yabai's meaning, if Toyotomi Hideya was killed and Mandrill came out, wouldn't Toyotomi Hideya not be able to go back?

"It's up to fate. If you force the mandrill out before you're completely dead, after Toyotomi Hideya returns to her body, you may still have a breath and you can save her." Yabai said indifferently, anyway, no matter what, It wasn't Ling Huohuo who died, but now it just watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal.

"It's difficult, is there any first aid?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Well... If it is a serious injury, you need to replenish a lot of vitality. I don't know about others, but if it is you, first of all, this species is different, so don't think too much. If you distribute your vitality to Toyotomi As for Xiuya, although your vitality is very strong and it is easy to save a human being, it will have unpredictable consequences for Toyotomi Xiuya."

In any case, it must be admitted that the vitality of human beings is indeed very tenacious, but there is not much needed. After all, human beings are short-lived species. Ordinary human beings generally live to a hundred years old. The limit, stepping into the realm of transformation, the limit is about [-] years old, and for long-lived species, such as monsters, they have just grown up at [-] years old, and many long-lived species have not yet come out of their eggs when they are [-] years old.

And Toyotomi Xiuya is only at the fifth level, still in the Transcendent Realm, has not stepped into the Transformation Realm, and is also very young, with strong vitality. The vitality needed to save her is a drop in the bucket for Ling Huohuo. After all, Ling Huohuo has already demonized. Although the bloodline is impure, according to Babai's observation, Ling Huohuo's bloodline is of a high level. If Ling Huohuo can survive, it will be easy to live for more than 1000 years.

However, the vitality of different races is different, because Ling Huohuo has become a demon, and his vitality also has the characteristics of a monster, while Toyotomi Xiuya is a human being, and she has no hidden monster blood. Huo Huo's vitality is injected into Toyotomi Hideya's body, and Toyotomi Hideya is likely to have an accident.

Don't ask how Babai knew it, this kind of knowledge is common sense in the starry sky where Babai has fought.


"And even if you want to make a move, you may not be able to defeat Mandrill. Although he has a fifth-level body, he is equipped with a sixth-level soul. You are at a disadvantage."

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Ling Huohuo thought for a while, no matter what, let's get rid of Mandrill first. As for Toyotomi Hideya, she is not related to her, so it is up to fate whether she can be saved.

After thinking about it, Ling Huohuo looked at Mandrill.

Because of Mandrill's threat, Supreme Onmyoji and Toyotomi Hideyoshi did not act rashly, Yu Yihu was watching the fun, and people from the Extraordinary Academy did not act easily. As for Little Lolita and her group... huh?What about people?
"Hi, your name is Mandrill, right?" Ling Huohuo said suddenly.

"That's right, what's the name of this demon king?" Mandrill asked.

"Do not want to tell you."


Mandrill twitched the corner of his mouth.

"I remember that I was the target of your reincarnation, why did you fall into that woman's body?" Ling Huohuo continued to ask.

"Although you make me very unhappy now, I think it's better to tell you." Mandrill said with a smile, and Yu Yihu's face was a little ugly.

"Actually, my original target was Toyotomi Hideya, but someone found me and asked me for an entry order. They wanted to use the imprint as a threat to lure you into the group, but it seems that they failed."

Ling Huohuo glanced at Yuyihu, the person in this dirty PY deal must be her.

Yuyihu withdrew his smile, and grabbed the knife on his waist with one hand.

With the growth of Yuyihu's strength, her current members of the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk are a little bit behind, not to mention they are all subdued after waking up. Both the quality and quantity are incomparable with the previous ones. Knowing some things, if you don't strengthen your strength, there is almost no possibility of surviving in the future. At this time, a good subordinate is very important.

Then, Yuyihu set his sights on Ling Huohuo.

Young, powerful, with potential, and very likely to have the blood of monsters.

Especially when Yuyihu saw Ling Huohuo demonized, he was quite satisfied.

Then... Mandrill revealed all of her schemes.

He thought he could subdue Ling Huohuo as a savior, but now he has become an enemy.

Yuyihu has the heart to kill people.

"But it looks like she didn't succeed, and it's a good thing for me." Mandrill continued, "Actually, I also left some behind in the order to enter the city. How about it? Do you want to surrender to me?"

"That means I can still be your reincarnation container, right?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"That's right, your potential really surprised me, but if I hadn't already arranged it, I might have used you as a reincarnation container, but now I have successfully reincarnated!" Mandrill said with a smile.

"Really? Then please..." Ling Huohuo's figure disappeared instantly, and reappeared behind Mandrill. "Die again!"

A sword was thrust out, cutting a wound on Toyotomi Hideya's back, but Mandrill avoided it for a while, and did not injure a fatal place.

Everyone obviously didn't expect Ling Huohuo's sudden attack, and they seemed a little surprised.

"Ling Huohuo, stop!" Toyotomi Xiuling shouted.

"Oh, it really... hurts!" Mandrill gritted his teeth and said, although his consciousness came to his senses, his body didn't keep up with it, and he still suffered some injuries, and now that he is back in his body, he can also feel the long-lost pain. , the blood made him look a bit hideous.

Ling Huohuo was not slow or hesitant, but quickly attacked Toyotomi Hideya's body again, piercing Toyotomi Hideya's heart with a sword.

"Hmph." Mandrill snorted coldly, and took precautions, dodging the long sword stabbed by Ling Huohuo.

But Ling Huohuo didn't show any disappointed expression, another dagger suddenly appeared in the other hand, and a sword pierced through the hand that was holding Toyotomi Hideya's soul.

Big Tengu Secret!
The big tengu's trick of beheading the fifth level of human beings appeared in Ling Huohuo's hands.

Mandrill let go of his hand in pain, while Ling Huohuo quickly retreated while grabbing Toyotomi Xiuya's soul.

 The third watch may have to wait until the evening, and I will go out for dinner with classmates later
(End of this chapter)

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