The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 335 Technology Changes Life

Chapter 335 Technology Changes Life (Part [-])
Ling Huohuo's operation was extremely fast. Before everyone could react, Ling Huohuo had already retreated to Toyotomi Xiuling's side.

Seeing Ling Huohuo who suddenly appeared beside her, Toyotomi Hideyoshi reacted.

However, before she could say anything, Ling Huohuo stuffed Toyotomi Xiuya's soul into her hand.

"Help me hold it first." Ling Huohuo said.

Hold it for you first?It's not yours, is it?This is my sister's soul!

Ling Huohuo held a beautiful sword flower.

"Drill is about to completely fuse with the body, so, although it's a pity, the only thing we can do is destroy that body."

After finishing speaking, Ling Huohuo rushed up again, and the prepared mandrill quickly dodged and landed on the roof of the main hall. Ling Huohuo fell opposite him, also standing on the other side of the roof of the main hall.

Being attacked, not only suffered some minor injuries, but also had Toyotomi Hideya's soul taken away, Mandrill's face was very ugly.

It is true that as Ling Huohuo said, his soul has not yet fully integrated with his body, but not everyone can come and hurt himself.

Moreover, although Toyotomi Hideya's soul is no longer useful to him, it is a shame to be taken away like this!Shame on us?Although this face is not my own now.

Mandrill's face was a bit ferocious, but coupled with Toyotomi Hideya's charming and alluring face, it looked a little strangely alluring.

White smoke appeared from the wound on Toyotomi Hideya's body, as if it was scorched. With the appearance of white smoke, Toyotomi Hideya's body returned to normal. If it wasn't for the damaged clothes, no one would be able to see Toyotomi Hideya's body. The body has just been hurt.

Through the clothes, you can see Toyotomi Xiuya's white and tender skin.

Looking at the damaged kimono, he seemed to feel that it was affecting his activities, so he tore half of the kimono with a "click", exposing half of his body, and at the same time rolled up half of the hem to keep it from being caught in the belt around his waist.

Fortunately, although Feng Chenxiuya's upper body was not wearing clothes, it was wrapped around the chest several times. Although Ling Huohuo slashed with a sword, it did not cut on the chest wrap. The part behind Feng Chen Xiuya's chest wrap was only the bottom There was a cut with some blood on it.

And similarly, Toyotomi Hideya is also wearing underwear underneath, and even the rolled up hem covers the key parts.

Seeing the large area of ​​skin exposed on Toyotomi Xiuya's body, Ling Huohuo couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and took a few more glances.

Mandrill waved his hand, and drew Toyotomi Hideya's long knife.

"Come on, celebrate my new life with your blood!"

Ling Huohuo raised his long sword, pointed his toes, and attacked again.

And the two sisters Toyotomi Hideya below are a little enlightened.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi blushed, her elder sister never dressed up like this even at home, the two of them never took a bath together since they became adults, and I haven't seen my older sister's body for a long time, mandrill The sudden movement made her feel a little irritated.

On the other side, the expression of Toyotomi Hideya, who was floating beside Toyotomi Hideling, changed. She was not shy, but just looked unnatural. Her eyes were a little chilled when she looked at her body, and then she looked around, her eyes fell. When he reached the armor he had just rescued, he thought about it and floated over.

On the other side, the three supreme onmyoji looked at Yuyihu warily.

At this time, the man from the Extraordinary Academy thought for a while, then suddenly stepped forward, and said with a smile: "Yuyihu, you and that Mandrill should not be on the same side."

"Ala, of course the concubine is not united with him, but just helping each other."

"Then I wonder if you will take action if we go to rescue people outside?"

"Please!" Yuyihu squinted, looked at the man, and said with a smile.

Because of the previous consumption, these three supreme onmyojis were tied together to fight against him, but this man is different. Although he is also at the fifth level, it seems that there is no consumption, and it can be seen that the man's strength Yes, if he was besieged at this time, although he was not afraid, the gain would outweigh the loss, and it would even affect his other purpose.

"Thank you." The man clasped his fists at Yuyihu, and turned his head to look at the three supreme onmyojis.

"Everyone, I think we should rescue our men at this time. They are trapped in the wall. Their situation is very dangerous."

"But..." The three supreme onmyoji hesitated, and looked at the battlefield on the other side of Yuyihu and Ling Huohuo.

"Since Yuyihu and Mandrill are not together, she probably won't help Mandrill either," the man said.

Yuyihu smiled, with an ambiguous attitude, and did not speak.

"How about this, let Toyotomi Xiuling stay here and keep an eye on Yuyihu. If she has any abnormalities, we can rush over to support, but when the time comes, I will take action with you."

In the end, the three supreme onmyojis still agreed, leaving Toyotomi Xiuling to stare at Yuyihu.

When leaving Daming Mansion, the man frowned and looked around.

"Where did those people go?"

On the other side, Little Lolita and her group, who had disappeared as soon as they went out, had already left Ping'an Jing, standing on the roof of a distant building, looking in the direction of Ping An Jing's Daming Mansion.

As for why they sneaked out... There is no benefit for themselves, and they still stay in such a dangerous place, silly?
Their purpose was only to find clues about Little Lolita's coffin board. As for the others, although everyone was curious, they cherished their lives, especially Hua Xiaoyu.

"I think the coffin board must be on those two people." Little Lolita said, pointing to the position where Ling Huohuo and Mandrill were fighting.

"Why?" Hua Xiaoyu asked.

"Stand tall."


What the hell is this reason?

"By the way, have they all been photographed?" Little Lolita looked at Tohsaka Tokiomi.

Tohsaka Tokiomi opened his eyes, and handed out his cell phone.

"It's taken."

Thinking of me as a majestic young genius, the future crowned magician, the next head of the Tohsaka family, a man who is destined to reach the original source, I have become a paparazzi!
Not only the people from the Daming Mansion, but even the group of people hanging on the wall outside took photos when they came out, and now their fingers still hurt.

However, looking at the knife formed by the condensed sand on the neck... In fact, the paparazzi industry is also quite interesting, hehe~
Little Loli put away her phone in satisfaction and nodded.

"Even if I'm wrong, there are photos of those people here, just check them one by one when I go back, well, it's none of our business, withdraw!"

"Oh? Don't you want to watch it again?" Hua Xiaoyu was a little surprised, "He was talking fiercely, obviously."

"If you want to fight back, I will fight with you. If something happens and it affects us, we will be involved in it. Don't you understand the reason why you can't eat chicken when you stand up?" Little Loli fixed a camera on the On the top of the rooftop, the camera is facing Heian-kyo.

Then she pressed the phone twice, and the picture recorded by the camera appeared on the phone in her hand.

"It is enough for us to keep an eye on it. Technology changes life, and wisdom creates the future. Learn a little bit, and we will retreat!"

 computer update...

(End of this chapter)

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