The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 338 Your Heian capital has "cannot be revived"

Chapter 338 Your Heian capital has "can't be revived" (one more)
Chapter 354

A purple phantom flew out of Toyotomi Hideya's body and rose into the sky, attracting everyone's attention again.

And below, the bodies of Ling Huohuo and Toyotomi Xiuya are also in a strange posture.

Yingyu in Ling Huohuo's hand did not stab, but Ling Huohuo stopped abruptly. Toyotomi Xiuya's body leaned weakly on Ling Huohuo's shoulder, and her breathing had stopped.

While Toyotomi Hideya looked at this scene, a little unable to react.


Blood spurted from all parts of Ling Huohuo's body, and his already broken body became even more precarious.

The price of stopping suddenly after moving at high speed is that Ling Huohuo's body is already in chaos at this time. If it is an ordinary person, he is already dead and can't die anymore, but Ling Huohuo still has a breath, give him time, He can recover, but now Ling Huohuo feels a little dizzy.

Ling Huohuo knelt on the ground, his body was severely injured. At this time, Ling Huohuo could already be said to be in a near-death state.

Toyotomi Xiuya hurried forward, checked Ling Huohuo, and found that Ling Huohuo's body was very bad, but he was recovering quickly. What surprised Toyotomi Xiuya was that Ling Huohuo's left arm, which had disappeared at all, had grown After one section, is this about rebirth from a severed limb?What kind of blood is Ling Huohuo?
Looking at his body again, he found that his body had stopped breathing. Although he had many injuries on his body, he was not fatally injured. If he returned to his body within seven days, he would still have the possibility of resurrection. possible.

"I saved your life." Toyotomi Xiuya said with a sigh, seeing Ling Huohuo's coma, she suddenly felt a little complicated.

The only one who feels very broken now is Mandrill.

After so many years of hard work, he cultivated a container for reincarnation with his own hands, but in the end it fell short. Mandrill feels that his current mentality is a bit broken.

The reason why Mandrill chose the human body is because the human body is different from that of monsters. Although the life span is short, the growth cycle is relatively short and the threshold for breakthrough is also low. Although it is necessary to change the cultivation method, this is not a big problem , This is also the reason why Mandrill was reincarnated in human beings.

The container for reincarnation is not chosen randomly, the attributes of the soul and body must match, just like blood transfusion must match the blood type.

After combining potential, attributes and many elements, Mandrill finally found the one that suits him best for hundreds of years, that is, Toyotomi Hideya.

Although being a woman makes Mandrill feel a little uncomfortable, but as long as he can be resurrected, so what about transforming, what about being a big guy in women's clothing!
Then it is to secretly cultivate Toyotomi Hideya. After all, the stronger Toyotomi Hideya is, the starting point after her reincarnation in the future will definitely not be low.

Mandrill's reincarnation originally had two options, monsters and humans, but the monsters are uneven. It is really difficult to find a high-blooded one that satisfies Mandrill, and he has never seen a monster of the same family as Mandrill. the second one.

Layout for a hundred years, using my former body Heianjing as the foundation of the formation, cultivating twelve demon kings as nodes, a whole Heianjing and countless foreign forces, as well as my abandoned son as a source of power, and finally use the soul sacrifice that will be condemned by heaven to destroy Heianjing. In the present world, as long as he can be successfully resurrected and perfectly integrated with Toyotomi Hideya's body, he will not only be able to escape the punishment of God, but also gain stronger power and a brighter future.

Originally, I was only a little short of success, but...

With a gloomy expression on his face, Mandrill set his eyes on the unconscious Ling Huohuo.

If I really merged perfectly with Toyotomi Hideya, then I would lose the connection with Heian-kyo and become a complete human being. After being killed, although the soul would not be destroyed, it would be severely injured, and there would be no blessing from Heian-kyo , It is even more difficult to perform a resurrection again.

But now, although he came out first, the power of Heianjing was running out, and it was impossible to resurrect him again.

Now, there is only one way to go!
The reason why it is necessary to perfectly integrate the formation with the body is because only in this way can it be completely resurrected.

And besides resurrection, there is another way to get a body.

It's to seize the house!

But once the body is seized, the soul will be weaker, and it will take time to recuperate and recover. Similarly, because the body comes from the body, it cannot be completely controlled. Although the body can be controlled and the cultivation can continue, the road ahead will be more difficult. Even affect achievements.

The incompatibility between the soul and the body is always a huge hidden danger.

However, now Mandrill has no choice.

Heianjing's power is running out, and he is only a soul, and the power he can display is limited. When others react, he will be in danger!
Now there is only one way to win the house!
What's more, Ling Huohuo's soul has his own backhand, and he believes that he will be able to control Ling Huohuo's body soon. At the same time, with Ling Huohuo's potential, he is still a demon body, and the mismatch between soul and body will be infinitely eliminated. Zoom out!
At this time, Mandrill looked up at the sky, and thunder flashed in the clouds.

Mandrill squinted his eyes. He disturbed the whole of Japan before. On the one hand, it was to contain various forces. On the surface, he launched a funeral team to prevent them from noticing his real purpose; Scourge buys time, and now it seems that the consequences of the soul sacrifice are already coming.

"time is limited."

Without talking nonsense, Mandrill fell straight down and rushed towards Ling Huohuo.

Toyotomi Hideya hurriedly got up, trying to stop him, but Heianjing squirmed again, and when Toyotomi Hideya reacted, Ling Huohuo had already been brought in front of Mandrill.

Without success in reincarnation, Mandrill still maintains contact with Heian-kyo, but Heian-kyo's current power is limited.

Looking at Toyotomi Hideya, a chill flashed across Mandrill's eyes.

With a wave of his hand, the entire Heian capital began to tremble.

"After the seizure, my connection with Heian-kyo will no longer exist, so let's use the residual heat of Heian-kyo, and you can be buried here with Heian-kyo!"

Heianjing seemed to have turned into a huge mouth, and the two sides began to shrink, as if trying to eat everyone.

Although the huge Heian-kyo didn't have much power, it was extremely terrifying when it became crazy. Coupled with a group of people and monsters who had completely consumed their power, it was simply an extravagant hope to escape from death.

However, just when everyone was desperate, the whole Heian capital suddenly stopped strangely.

The door of the hall was pushed open.

Gui, the third brother of the demon king, and Kentucky man came out with injuries all over their bodies, but there was a big burnt hole on the floor of the main hall behind them.

Ling Huohuo's four fires not only rescued the third brother Gui and KFC man who were controlled by the ghost veins, but also burned through the larger floor.

So the three monsters walked down curiously to have a look...then they were attacked by Heian-kyo.

And Mandrill was fighting Ling Huohuo at that time, and he didn't care about the situation of Ping'an Jing, just blindly absorbing the little remaining power of Ping'an Jing.

Although Heianjing is a part of his body that he can control, he has no feeling for Heianjing's situation.

Heian-kyo's power was extracted by Mandrill, and he didn't have much power left, so he could only fight by instinct. In the end, after a hard fight, the core-destroyed Heian-kyo was "unable to recover"!
(End of this chapter)

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