The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 339 The Fox in Plumage Picking Red Flowers

Chapter 339 The Fox in Plumage Picking Red Flowers (Part [-])

What?The enemy didn't explode in situ?

It doesn't matter, after I seize the house, I will chop them all with one knife!

Then... the mandrill exploded on the spot.

I saw that the mandrill who had just entered Ling Huohuo's body was forced out of Ling Huohuo's body by a strong sword energy, and was instantly torn into pieces.


Mandrill's screams echoed in the sky over Heian-kyo for a long time, making people sigh.

The Heianjing Rebellion ended in such an anticlimactic manner, and Ling Huohuo seemed to hear the voice of "You can kill the enemy mandrill" while hanging up.

Huge thunder condensed in the sky over Ping An Jing, and everyone who looked bad hurriedly withdrew from Ping An Jing.

Toyotomi Hideya ran out of Heianjing with her body and Ling Huohuo on her back.

A huge thunder fell, and the baptism of Heian-kyo began.

After the thunderstorm passed, Ping'an capital had disappeared, but the capital that had disappeared had reappeared intact.

As for the handling of the funeral, it has nothing to do with Ling Huohuo. At this time, Ling Huohuo has entered a very strange state.

The red flames enveloped Ling Huohuo, and the aura of Ling Huohuo's body was constantly increasing.

Ling Huohuo's transformation is finally coming to an end.

After 1 minute, when the flames dissipated, Ling Huohuo appeared in front of Toyotomi Hideya intact. The broken left arm had returned to normal, and no abnormalities could be seen. At this time, Ling Huohuo's state was—— Six levels!
The demonized part of Ling Huohuo's body has disappeared, and he has regained his human appearance. The only difference is that Ling Huohuo's black hair has turned red, and a golden light flashed under his closed eyelids.

Ling Huohuo was still in a coma, and Toyotomi Xiuya in the armor shikigami stared blankly at Ling Huohuo's naked body, wondering what she was thinking, and the scene was very quiet for a while.

Sensing someone approaching at this moment, Toyotomi Hideya raised her head, and it was Toyotomi Hideyoshi who came, and behind her were Toyotomi Hideya's other eleven armor shikigami.

With the induction of the armor shikigami, Toyotomi Xiuling found her sister easily.

Toyotomi Hideya stepped forward without leaving a trace, blocking Toyotomi Hideyoshi's sight.

"Sister, are you alright?" Toyotomi Hidetoshi asked with concern.

"It's okay." Toyotomi Hideya said.

"Then..." Looking at Toyotomi Hideya's body, Toyotomi Hideyoshi hesitated.

"Drill is dead, as long as my soul returns to my body within seven days, I will be fine." Toyotomi Hideya said.

At this time, footsteps were heard in the distance.

Because of the induction in the dark, Ling Huohuo's Hundred Ghosts Night Walk chased after the feeling.

Toyotomi Hideya didn't know what state of mind she was in, she turned around, bent over, and picked up Ling Huohuo.

Toyotomi Xiuling looked at Ling Huohuo in Fengchen Xiuya's arms, her face was flushed, her mouth was long, and she pointed at Ling Huohuo speechless.


"Well, you are here, and then take them there, I will take Ling Huohuo first."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Hidetomi Toyotomi to react, he jumped and flew into the sky. At the same time, another armor shikigami hugged Hidetomi Hideya's body and followed closely behind.

Toyotomi Hideling raised a hand, trying to stop her sister, but felt that there was nothing wrong with her sister's arrangement, but she always felt that something was wrong.

In fact, it was mainly the first time I saw a man's naked body, the stimulation was too great, and my head couldn't react for a while.

Datengu rushed over aggressively with a group of monsters, Xiao Yunyun and Ye Jiro came with them.

Xiao Yunyun looked worried.

"Woman, where is my general?" Ootengu yelled at Toyotomi Hideling.

"Fly away..." Toyotomi Hidetaka said in a daze.

"flew away?"

The monsters looked at each other and looked at the sky.


On the other side, Gui, the third brother of the demon king, is also preparing to withdraw to his territory with his subordinates.

In fact, if there was no provocation from the funeral team at this stage, they would still be very law-abiding.

This near-death made them feel that this period of time might be unlucky, so let's wait for a while.

At the same time, because of fighting together, Kentucky male actually forged a deep friendship with Gui, the third brother of the demon king.

Although the three demon king brothers invited him to be a guest, he refused because he wanted to find his younger sister. At the same time, the three demon kings also patted their chests and promised to help KFC find his sister, as long as KFC male's sister appeared on their territory , tied it to her the next day... Oh, no, please go to my lair, and then notify the KFC man to sign for it.

Onmyoji sighed.

With such a big mess, I'm busy again.

As for everyone in the Extraordinary Academy, they left quietly.

In fact, they were just passing by today, and happened to find out about the soul sacrifice. They acted out of good intentions and wanted to save the world, but they were involved in it.

The plainly dressed man touched his chin and squinted his eyes.

He remembered that Ling Huohuo seemed to be Xiao Yunyun's partner. Based on today's battle, he believed Xiao Yunyun's sentence "I can hit you ten", and then he began to think about how to invite Xiao Yunyun's partner to join the Transcendent Academy up...

And the feather fox disappeared strangely after the battle.

In a small alley in Kyoto.

The feather fox appeared strangely.

Looking at the two little red flowers on the ground, Yuyihu showed a fox-like expression... Well, she was a fox in the first place, and Yuyihu showed a fox's smile.

Licking his lips.

"The essence of the demon."

Although Mandrill died, and although Ping'an capital was destroyed under the thunder, nothing was left behind.

The essence of the demon is the only thing that survives, and it is also the thing that the feather fox has been eyeing since early in the morning.

The so-called essence of the demon is that after the death of the monster, even if the corpse rots, the most essence will still remain. The essence of the demon can be directly consumed by the monster, and the monster can improve its strength without side effects after taking it!
If Ling Huohuo and the others failed in the end, Yuyihu would make a move, and in the end Ling Huohuo and the others won, and Yuyihu would not make a move.

In fact, there are two people who are plotted by Yuyihu this time, one is Ling Huohuo who wants to be his subordinate, and the other is Mandrill who wants to seize its original source of purification first!
In a certain reincarnation, Hu Yihu strayed into Heianjing by mistake. In the end, after a battle between Yuyi Fox and Mandrill, although they could not do anything to each other in the end, Yuyi Fox learned many secrets of Mandrill, and even set his eyes on him. Liao's demon essence.

After waking up this time and discovering Mandrill's trace, Yu Yihu found Mandrill and started his own calculation.

Although the demon essence that Mandrill has accumulated for hundreds of years has turned into two small red flowers, the power contained in them is extremely terrifying!
Yuyihu carefully picked off the two small red flowers, but did not use them directly.

Food needs to be savored, doesn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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